There recently was a bit of a squabble from an anonymous commenter about the number of pictures I post on my blog. The individual thought I post too many pictures and although they enjoy reading my blog, they were starting to like it less because of the amount of pictures I post. On the next outfit post I did, the individual commented again saying that I really should have taken their advice and used less pictures. A bit of an argument broke out between some readers and the individual saying how the person was wrong, and the anonymous commenter proceeded to say that if I created this blog to attract readers, I should take the constructive criticism and post less pictures because it's an unenjoyable part of my blog.
Some parts of this anonymous commter's statements I can agree with. I do post a ton of pictures. Never under ten and usually at an upwards of twenty or so. Sometimes even more. Whenever I'm going through and editing pictures I always try and cut down on the number of pictures I want to post because I realize that I don't want to seem narcissistic by posting so much. I'm not like that and never want to appear to be. I try and encorperate various elements into my pictures such as a full body shot, a half body shot, a close up, and various detail shots. I always look at my posts and realize that I post too many pictures. It's a fact that my blog is highly based on visual images, so I agree with anonymous with the fact that I post too many pictures. The thing I don't agree about? That I should change that.
If you look into the older archives of my blog I would usually never post over five pictures. I had a crappy camera, took three full length shots and two face shots and was done. I wasn't inspired by what I did and was never content with how my outfit posts turned out. About six months ago or so I got a new camera and it was like a whole new world was presented to me. One where I could capture a beautiful moment in time and tell a story with images. I was fascinated and that's when the amount of photos on my blog really started to go up.
I would never in a million years call myself a photographer, but I will say that I love photography and it's such a passion for me. One of the only times I truly feel happy with my life and in a good place is when I'm out taking outfit pictures. I get transported to a place where everything else in my life is blocked out and it's just me, nature, and my camera. I've fallen in love with taking pictures for my blog and as a result I get a bit snap happy. I love capturing every little detail of my outfit. Capturing little snippets of nature around me. Capturing the outfit as a whole and sharing it with you all so you can feel my passion.
I will not and refuse to cut down on the amount of pictures I post on this blog. It is what makes my blog mine and what makes it unique. This is a place to show who I am freely and it should be a place where I can show myself without negativity. The anonymous commenter's first comment was constructive criticism and I appreciate that. The next two comments, however, were out of line and filled with rudeness and attitude. Anonymous, I will not change my blog for you. I will not ever do that for anyone.
I'll admit, I'm probably one of the worst people in the world when it comes to taking constructive criticism. First I get upset and hurt, then I get angry and defensive and deny the fact that I could do anything wrong. In my head I just simply conclude that he or she doesn't know what they're talking about and I then ignore the criticism given to me. I know I shouldn't do that and it's incredibly immature, but it's something I've been trying to work on. All of those feelings I get aside I'm trying to look at anonymous constructive criticism with clear and unbiased eyes to give he or she a fair input.
And I think they're wrong. If someone doesn't like the amount of photos I post on my blog, fine. So be it. I might lose a follower, I might lose two, I might lose twenty. It doesn't matter. One thing you misunderstand, anonymous, is the fact that I did not start this blog to attract followers. You are dead wrong. I started this blog as a place away from the sometimes lonely and uninspiring life I live. A place where I could let loose, be myself, and share my passions with others who have the same common interests. If I choose to let anyone and everyone tell me how to change my blog and what I should do to make them like it anymore, how is it mine? How is there anything that represents me in it...? I don't care if I lose all my followers due to the fact of how many pictures I post. This is my blog and I will be carrying it out as I please. Whether it contains 1 picture or 100 pictures. I'm not going to let someone like you change someone like me.
With much love, Lauren.
you go, girl! don't let anyone tell you how to manage your own blog or live your own life. it's YOURS, so do what you please.
You are bold and inspiring! And wise beyond your years. I wish I had had your poise and confidence when I was your age.
Way to show your backbone, Lauren. I have noticed how clearly in love with photogrhy you have been becoming. Have you looked into a way of collaging pictures in your posts? That would be a way to still include lots of pictures but to break up the format and make it more visually interesting.
You do post way too many pictures. But I don't see it as that big of a problem. I usually end up looking at maybe the top 3 or 4 and then scroll waaaay down to read your comment. Unless its an outfit I really like then I'll stop and look at each photo. But I don't see what the big deal is, you may have a lot of photos but atleast they're all a bit different and well taken.
And yes I agree don't change this, if you like it. Keep doing it. It does make your blog different from the others. :]
I love your blog. You're beautiful and your style is inspirational. I always look at all of your photos.
Amen to that! It's YOUR blog, you can post even a hundred or a thousand pictures per post, if you like it! And readers are free to follow you if they enjoy your posts and pictures, if not, bye bye... You don't owe anything to anyone. Go girl, and do whatever please yourself as THIS is YOUR place. I won't come over your house and tell you need to change your furniture, so anyone can come to your blog and tell you how many pictures you should post or whatever. I really enjoy your blog! You are so young but still so strong and resolute, something I really admire for a girl at your age. You can go wherever you want, don't let anyone stomp on your feet.
I 100% agree with you, it's your blog and you are completely entitled to do what you wish with it, and I resent the comment that you started the blog to 'attract followers', as that really isn't what most people's blog is for! XO.
hey =) you're a great person, and it's your choice to put how many photos you want, who cares what anybody else thinks!
and you could define you photographer, in any case =)
sometimes i want to disable anonymous comments because of the spammers. then once in awhile, a best friend of mine, will comment under anonymous, so i don't. lauren, post as many photos as you want. i do NOT think you post too many photos. i agree with you wholeheartedly, not that my opinion matters, because in the end the only opinion that matters, is YOUR own. i LOVE your blog just as it is. if you ever decide to change it, that's entirely up to YOU. it's YOUR blog. big hugs.
One can NEVER post too many pictures. FACT. People are absurd. They sit at home and complain about how other people run their own personal sites. Get a life, folks. If you don't like scrolling through 15 photos then don't read that blog. IT'S THAT EASY, I SWEAR! Don't let all of these bitch ass anons bring you down. They harp on you because they've nothing better to do, clearly. Keep on keepin' on, lady!! <3
Having too many photos is like having too many shoes: not possible! :) In all seriousness though, good for you! Don't let someone change who you are and how you run your blog! Obviously it must me working, because your blog is fantastic. Don't worry about people bringing you down because you are amazing just how you are...didn't mean for that to sound like a Bruno Mars song, but there you go. :)
YAY Lauren!!! Good for you for standing up for yourself! I told my mam about this and her reply 'people are jerks'. I'm quite pleased with the amount of photos you post because it gives me ideas for poses and types of backgrounds and overall inspiration.
Hey dear, that's right- don't back down! This is your domain and you run it as you please. The pictures are lovely and it's fun to watch your photography getting more beautiful day-by-day. ♥
Nicely taken care of Miss Lauren!!! I don't know what I'd do if you suddenly started neglecting us all with the amount of pictures you show us!! The more the merrier, right? Every one of your pictures id different so there's nothing to be trifled over. If someone doesn't have to gonads to criticize you up front then boo to them! And if anyone doesn't like to look at your pictures (they're nuts!) Then they can just read your words and skip your pictures. I personally would love to see more! Every scene says so much about the outfits you wear and the facial expressions are all different as well, it's so much artistry, how could anyone not want more of it??? There should be a setting on your camera that takes a series of photos, try doing that and you can catch the same scene with minute facial expression changes which can also make the picture even more diverse and also give you more to choose from for a "perfect" shot! I really love you blog though! :-)
I saw that comment the other day and it bugged me. I love that you post a lot of pictures on your gorgeous blog. Glad you aren't giving in! Some people can be so rude. Sheesh.
I'm so happy you made this post :) I was a bit annoyed with that commented because its *your* blog. I'm happy you stood up and said what you did. Thats awesome!
I obviously missed that whole argument! You do post lots of pictures but as you say, it's your blog you shouldn't have to do what your readers think- I like the different shots, they are like an artist doing several character shots before they have one they are totally happy with. My sister, who is training to be an architect has to include all these studies with her final portfolio of a building or something, so I see it like that! It's all part of the process! And you are pretty so celebrate it!
It's your blog and no one else's, don't let someone else tell you how to manage your slice of cyberspace.
"I started this blog as a place away from the sometimes lonely and uninspiring life I live."
Kudos for your honesty but that made me really sad. I hope you don't really feel that way.
As far as someone posting something negative- don't take it to heart! Criticizing people online is really stupid and petty and unless it's productive it's not worth thinking about! I think you've come to this conclusion already- but I just wanted to encourage that mindset.
There may be a lot of photos, but the fact that they are different shots makes it okay. It is your blog and you can do whatever the heck you want with it. May I make a suggestion for a happy medium? What you could do is break up the photos with some text. I know a lot of blogs do that and it makes the photos seem less overwhelming. But of course that's just a suggestion. Some people put all their photos at the beginning and text at the end, some do it the other way around. Really it doesn't matter too much. The only thing that really matters is content. And you have great photos and interesting text, and that's what will make people stay.
I love that you were so upset by my comments that you dedicated an entire blog post to me. Keep on posting 20+ identical pictures of yourself, girlfriend. Narcissism- it's what the internet is all about. Xoxo
I always love all your pictures. You are a beautiful photographer and I always love your detail pictures.
You go Girl! I just started following and I really like the number of pictures. Its almost like you're telling a story, as you scroll down it seamlessly molds together, almost to tell a story. I'm glad that you're sticking to your beliefs :)
You go Girl! I just started following and I really like the number of pictures. Its almost like you're telling a story, as you scroll down it seamlessly molds together, almost to tell a story. I'm glad that you're sticking to your beliefs :)
I can't believe Anonymous had the guts to comment on even this post so rudely!! 'Narcissism- it's what the internet is all about' - actually it appears that hiding yourself behind a screen and attacking innocent people is what the internet is all about. So what if you want to post 20 or more pictures of yourself, where are the rules that say you can't?! You made this little space on the internet for yourself to do with it what *you* pleased, not what pleases everyone else. Continue to do what you like, Lauren, because I for one love all your pictures - I feel like I get a comprehensive feel of your whole outfit from your photos - I wish I got enough good pictures of myself to post that many!! Usually half of mine end up as me falling over, talking (to myself!!) or just looking plain weird =D
I hope it doesn't affect you too badly, remember that for that one anonymous who feels that way, there are at least 500 other people who don't =)
I feel a bit silly, I'm late to the party on this comment. Miss Lauren, one of the reasons I enjoy your bog so much is because of your many photos! As an artist, they are always so inspiring and you have a fantastic eye for photography and such creativity at playing out stories in your photos. At the end of the day, this is your blog, so do what you enjoy. There aways will be people who offer comments and while they may mean them as a helpful hint, let negeativy just roll off your back. You are such and dear and I wish you only the best! ^_^
I wonder if some readers follow you on their mobile device; this could be what makes it difficult. I know if I try to follow from my phone, I have challenges with the size of the photos, but not the amount. The photography is wonderful! Maybe if the photos were just a bit smaller or "collaged" that would make them easier to scroll through? Just a suggestion as a web-designer:)I wish I had your courage to post photos of me at ALL!
...maybe if they were smaller or grouped, then the could be clicked on to be enlarged, too!
Good for you! I always wonder if I'd have the guts to do a post like this after some negativity comes my way. So glad you did. I loved reading every word of this post, and I think you are indeed blogging for the right reasons. And it is your blog! Post a million pictures, post none, do what you feel. That's exactly what you're doing and I think it is so great!
As someone trained as a journalist, I'm an advocate of the "less is more" approach - I prefer to keep things short and succinct so people are more likely to take time over words or images, rather than rushing through and tuning out halfway or not finishing. When I was younger and people used to scribble all over my text, cutting out words, I'd be devastated... until I made the changes, read it through, and realised that it was actually much more readable and, amazingly, got the point across more clearly with less words! Now I'm better at editing myself, both words and images, and it's something you'll probably develop more over time as well. It can be agonising cutting out content but it is just as much of an art as creating the work in the first place. (Watch 'The September Issue' and Anna Wintour at work!) I wouldn't be surprised if, after your enthusiasm for your new camera sinks in, you begin honing and editing more. It's actually quite a satisfying thing to be able to say "hmm, I like both of these, which should I put in?" and then to study your photos carefully before realising that one is subtly better, rather than just popping them both in. Good luck!
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