Laser Cut Blouse, Earrings: Thrifted.
Red Peplum Skirt: c/o Lulu*s.
Bracelet: JcPenny's.
Hair Bow: AA.
Red Heels: Inherited.
Lipstick in MAC's 'Lady Danger.'
Hello ♥
I haven't take that long of a blog break in years. I just had to take some time to myself, not because things are stressful in life or anything, more so they got stressful around this blog. Sometimes it just gets too much for me and I get burnt out with posting every day and doing all of the 'duties' my blog entails. I never want to seem or sound ungrateful because that's the last thing I want to be; I cherish this blog with all my heart and all of you who read it. Sometimes I just get so caught up in it that I need to take a step back, breath, and learn to post with ease again. I tend to be hard on myself, making it a goal to do 18 outfit posts this month, get my email inbox caught up, comment on 20 other blogs, and update every single social media I have with every 'interesting' thing I'm doing. I forget that in a way, this blog isn't real life. I mean, well, it is real. I'm real, you all are real, but at the end of the day this computer doesn't talk back to me. Having 1 follower or 1,000 doesn't matter because it's not tangible. I don't have anything physical to show for it; it's all here on the internet.
But I can stay up late reading a really good book. Feel content hanging out with friends and chatting. Spending time with my grandmother and playing Webkinz with my little sister. All of these things are real in a sense that this blog is not. Someone Like You brings me insurmountable joy that a lot of other things in my life couldn't come close to. I just think that making it my everything and forgetting about living my life was certainty getting to me.
Anywho, I am excited and happy to be back! I'm going to ease back into things I hope and not push myself as much. I've still been taking outfit photos (my favorite part of the blogging process) so I have a bunch piled up. It's been disappointing because none are really great quality/ones I'm satisfied with since it has been a constant downpour here in my town. The past three days I've attempted photos and got caught in nasty thunder storms each time! The blogging Gods must really want me to take that break ;)
Thank you as always for everything you do for me! I love each and everything single one of you.
With much love, Lauren.
P.S. If you follow this blog with Google Reader, make the switch over to my Bloglovin' before it closes tomorrow! x