Polka Dot Blouse: c/o OASAP.
Black High Waisted Shorts, Flats, Bracelet: Thrifted.
Camera Necklace: Forever21.
White Bustier, Purse (c/o): Aeropostale.
Lipstick in MAC's Lady Danger.
So if you follow me on instagram or twitter you've probably heard the big news already but for those of you who aren't quite as connected to the world via social media (wish I could be like you) I have news!
Yesterday was surely my lucky day. Although I don't think luck has anything to do with it, but I'll get to that point later. Anywho. Last night I was given three enormous trash bags filled to the brim with late 1960's and 1970's clothing. They were given to me completely by surprise from my aunt who got them from a friend who was cleaning out the house of an elderly woman. And they thought I might want them.
It was like I was five years old again and it was Christmas morning, pulling piece after piece out of the garbage bags, each one more of a delightful surprise than the last. Skirts and sweaters and dresses and blouses and in all sorts of colors and patterns from candy hued pastels to vibrant primaries. I couldn't believe my luck.
But there I go using that work again. 'Luck.' Because I don't believe it has anything to do with luck or the stars aligning in my favor. I believe it has to do with God. Nothing else can explain it. The perfection, the coincidence, the astoundment. It has God's handiwork all over it. Remember when at the beginning of the summer I was unsure what to do with this time away from college and He gifted me that beautiful, red, 50's dress to show me I am to sell clothing online this summer? Well I think this is another push towards that.
God shows us our path in the smallest ways, but also in the largest. The smallest in a dress for $2. The largest in 200 pieces of vintage clothing mostly in my size. Before I came home from Kent I was scared about nurturing my relationship with Him and just, honestly, what I was even going to do with my summer because I hadn't a clue. One thing is for certain; I have been shown that He will NOT let me down. Through all of these blessings this summer He has shown me to always have faith, to pray with all my heart, and to "lean not on my own understanding." He will provide, He will show the way, He will love me forever.
I plan on selling most of these beautiful items in the shop because, of course, it's what I feel I've been called to do. I am keeping a few for myself though because come on; how could I resist? ;)
God, you are so great I cannot even fathom. Thank you ♥
With much love, Lauren.
P.S! I fixed the button at the top of my blog page for the link to my facebook! If you're interested in 'liking' it there's more personal posts from me and updates on all things blog related that I don't always post on here.
Love the black and white (and polka dot!) simplicity of this outfit. Especially the loafers! And oh my gosh, how amazing is that?? Seems like you are definitely being pulled in the right direction, my dear! Cannot WAIT to see all of the items... and of COURSE you need to keep some for yourself! :)
xox Sammi
Wow I would be over the moon if that happened to me. What a dream!
I wouldn't give all the credit to God when it comes to the beautiful summer you've been having; you are responsible for all of the amazing things that have happened to you.He didn't make your storenvy. He didn't do a good job at Aero and get your a permanent position on the floor set team. He didn't make you the Aero Social Ambassador. He didn't make you your friends. You did that, all on your own. As much as God deserves some praise and love, you are here today because you wanted to be, not because God wanted you to be.
This isn't an attack on your faith or your love and praise for Him, but it is simply a reminder that you are responsible for your life, not God. And, you deserve recognition too.
So cute!
WOw, obviously God-given! Oooh, excited about the prospect of vintge items to buy! NOOOO, must not be excited, must not buy (but want to!)x
LOVE the polka dots! And that is so freaking awesome about all those vintage clothes you just got! That's amazing!
Hi love! I just found your blog today and it is great. I graduated in 2012 and go to Penn State... we aren't too far from each other! I love polka dots and this look is lovely.
Hey Lauren, have you seen that I've sent you an email ? :)
Love this outfit! I really like how you styled the bustier...I recently found one that I've never worn in my closet, and I've been trying to come up with ways to wear it!(:
That is the neatest thing ever. How amazing! I can't wait to see the pieces you got! :D
I often say that I don't believe in luck, I believe in God. He is just so unfathomably great.(:
Decked Out in Ruffles
love the polka dots and red lips - cute! can't wait to see the items you were able to grab :)
That polka dotted top - just so perfect!
And how awesome, that has happened to me already - it is so wonderful when people give you things like that - just so awesome!
OMIGOSH LAUREN! This is totally so exciting! I can not wait to see what these bursting bags uncover! There is no feeling in the world like being given a bag of vintage goodies (sounds silly, but so true!). I can def. see God's hand in it, too. So awesome!!! You look lovely in this outfit too, I am such a fan of polka dots and you rock them so well!
xo, Alyssa
I love monochrome! This looks great x
What a great blessing! I love the polka dot shirt and those cute high-waisted shorts. I want some black ones.
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