I think something I forget all too often is that bloggers are real people. Real people with real lives outside of the internet realm. I just get so caught up in seeing their internet persona of perfection that I lose sight of the fact that no, that blogger isn't an imaginary character off of Gossip Girl but a girl who is actually out there.
As readers, all we see is the perfection and the parts of a blogger's life that he or she chooses to share with us. We don't get to see the insecurities and the bad outfit days. They're covered up with flawless outfits and a confident smile. We don't get to see the pimples or the dark circles under their eyes. All of those are edited and photoshopped out so that nothing but a smooth exterior exists. We don't get to see the break-ups, the family strains, the down-in-the-dumps kind of days, or even the stress of work or school. We just get to see the pictures of a glorious day at a quaint coffee shop with macaroons or the rows and rows of dainty dresses hanging from inside the vintage store.
What I'm trying to say I guess is that no blogger is perfect and no blogger is flawless. Some may appear that way, yes, but all of us are real human beings. I never want to come across as the flawless blogger though. I never want any of you to think I have the perfect life or the perfect wardrobe. The perfect boyfriend or the perfect blog. None of my life is perfect nor do I ever want it to appear that way.
Being real is so much more important for me to come across to you all than being perfect is. I want you all to know that yeah, I do sometimes trip in the school hallways when I'm walking in my heels and everyone snickers. I do get pimples. Lots and lots of them. I do have days where I don't want to wear a pretty dress, but just want to stay (and I do) in my pajamas all day. I do get down, depressed, hurt, and every other emotion that all of you get. I am a real person. I am not just a picture on the internet, but someone who is real.
So if I ever stop, even for one second, being real to you gals and guys, just let me know☺
With much love, Lauren.
P.S. Happy Leap Day! Goodness, what a seriously special day! I won't get to wish you all another one until four more years ❤