a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, February 27, 2012

Dream in Color.

Floral Blouse, Denim Skirt, Purple Heels: Thrifted.
Pink Beret: Target.
Lipstick in Revlon Matte 'Sky Pink.'

Hello everyone!
It was such a glorious day out today and I knew I wanted to wear something that reflected the beautiful, spring like weather. What's better than a pretty floral blouse...? Nothing in my opinion, hehe! I'm totally swimming in schoolwork, blog work, and stress right now so I'm afraid I can't talk long; ever so sorry!

Before I go though I just want to say how deeply saddened I am for the shooting that happened this morning at an Ohio school. It is so surreal to me that it happened. I mean, I'm in high school. I live in Ohio. It could have happened to me. Definitely puts things in perspective and my heart and prayers go out to all who were affected!

With much love, Lauren.

P.S. I was so flattered to be interviewed by the ever so sweet Amanda of Lovely, Charming Delightful. Pop on over to her beautiful blog if you'd like to read the interview!


Unknown said...

I am loving the heels that you are wearing!


Gina said...

Gorgeous outfit! I love all the colors in your blouse! This is definitely getting me in the mood for spring. :)

xo, gina


The Beatniq said...

I love all your outfits!!

And I'm glad the shooting didn't happen to you, although it shouldn't have even happened in the first place!!!

Jessica Celebre said...

Hehe, I had to leave comments here and on your interview because, obviously, you're the best! Inspiring a girl like you is seriously the greatest reward I could ever receive from blogging. You are a real gem, pretty lady!<3

Ashlyn said...

Love your sweet blouse and kind words about the shooting. It's always hard to incorporate more "realistic" things onto a fashion blog, but you always amaze me with how well you pull it off. Hope all is well this week!

Triple Thread

Anonymous said...

Thank-you so much for your sweet comment on my blog! It was a pleasure interviewing someone as kind and lovely as you so thank-you for that too!<3

xo Amanda

Unknown said...

This outfit is so whimsical Lauren. I adore it

xx Carina

CaptMO/ DJ ABO said...

Those shoes are an AMAZING color!!!! Yes, it's very unfortunate to hear about the shooting this morning :'( I'm glad you weren't there, but it was SO close to you... COunt blessings that you're still with us here and with an outfit that can outshine anything in this world!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Love this outfit, it definitely does look beautiful and spring-like. You look so gorgeous.
xx Jane

Zane said...

that blouse is stunning and the skirt is gorgeous too, and i absolutely love the color of your shoes.
and I'm happy that you weren't there and everything is well with you.

decimal shoes said...

super cute!
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Very pretty and dreamy love! ♥♥♥

claire said...

lovely outfit! and I know, the shooting at chardon was so sad, and it's weird to think that a small country town in ohio would have a shooting that would make national or even international news. It is so strange to think that it could have happened to anyone, it does really put things into perspective, its so sad that two people were killed

Rachel Mae said...

just stumbled across your blog. i love your style - all your outfits are so pretty :) x


Caroline said...

I love, love, LOVE this outfit, Lauren!! It is sooo lovely. really. :) You are just too sweet.

Girls jumpers said...

so cute..this outfit. love it.

Jamie Rose said...

This outfit is so perfect. I'm in love with your pretty floral skirt and your adorable beret.

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