a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Beware! Picture Heavy Post..

Denim Romper: JcPenny's.
Pink Satin Bow Headband: Forever21.
Tan Sandals: Thirfted, VOA.
I had an absolute blast today with this photo shoot. Please don't think I am highly self-centered and narcissistic for taking all these photos...lol. I was just in a beautiful location and couldn't help but take a million photos of all the beauty! The place is called Fox Glen, and it's a little bike trail about five minutes away from my house. For the longest time I have been wanting to take pictures at Fox Glen, but I had to wait until it warmed up a little. Also, I have been waiting the longest time to wear this romper I bought a few months ago... I had been searching and searching for a romper, and was so ecstatic when I found this one that was cheap! Also, I'm wearing the new flats I thrifted yesterday; I'm in love!
Since I have so many pictures, I'll keep the writing short for today ;)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Coat: I Feel Like Jackie O?

Purple Coat: Jcpenny's mark down rack! $25.
Floral Dress: Forever21.
Purple Satin Shoes: Target.

I have no clue why, but I feel like Jackie Kennedy in this coat! Who knows why I have made this insane connection... I'm extremely happy with the coat though. Currently a family friend is fixing my regular winter coat (that has actually never appeared on my blog strange enough). I thought that I wouldn't be needing my winter coat anytime soon; little did I know of the big snow storm that came last week! Also, it has not been too warm and sunny (although it is supposed to be almost eighty on Thursday) ,so I have been needing something to get me through this in between weather. This coat has been my savior and is perfect! Not too heavy, not too light, in my favorite color, adorable peter pan collar, quirky sleeves, and my favorite part; the bow in the back!
Too bad that the weather is really starting to warm up! I want to wear this coat everyday... :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sorry,My Parents Don't Let Me Date Anyone Over 17...

1940's Hat: Vintage store.
Cream Lace Tank: Thrifted.
Grey Pleated Skirt: Thrifted.
1940's Grey Cropped Jacket: Vintage Store
Cameo Clip On Earrings: Thrifted.
Pearl Necklace: Kohl's.
Black T-Shoes: Target.
Today is something I can check off on my list of "weird things that happened in my lifetime." lol. *Drum roll please...*I WAS HIT ON BY A MAN FIVE TIMES MY AGE! (Hysterical laughing placed here, followed by a grossed out face.) Here's how the story goes...
My grandmother, sister, and I ventured out to our local Volunteers of America today to do a little thrifting. I found some shoes I liked and sat down on a couch to try them on. A little old man came up to me while I was sitting down and was holding a glass bowl.
"I'm looking for someone to tell me how much this is." he says to me.
"Oh, I wouldn't know," I said. " I have only been here twice."
"Those are some pretty shoes you're trying on there."
I replied back,"It doesn't seem like anyone of them are really fitting me."
Anyways, the conversation goes on like this for awhile, and then somehow he gets on the topic that he isn't married.
" Yeah, all the good ones are taken," he says.
Me trying to be nice: " Oh, I'm sure you'll find someone."
"Are you taken?" he asks me.
I wish I could have seen my face when he asked me this.
" Yes...I am taken..."
I got up to leave, but then he says to me;
" You're beautiful. Very Beautiful."
That was my cue to walk away!!!
I've had plenty of people, old and young, tell me I look nice in my vintage clothes; however, no one has ever taken it that far! Today I swore that some other old guy whistled at me, and the guy working at McDonald's wouldn't stop staring! Jeez, you would think I had on booty-shorts, and a top that showed just about everything. There were some people who were nice though; a few women really liked my outfit, and even recognized it as vintage!
Believe it or not, today is the first time I have ever worn one of my vintage hats out into the public besides church. I am always so afraid that people will think I'm weird,but it was actually the opposite. People were really nice! If feel if I can effect just one person with my clothes, it's enough for me :)
Anyways, at the Volunteers of America I actually ended up getting a cute little pair of tan basket weave flats. They will be absolutely perfect for summer. They are just what I have been looking for; small heel, neutral shade, and quirky. While at JcPenny's I was flipping through the clearance rack when I stumbled upon the most darling purple coat. Against my protests, my grandmother bought the coat, saying "it was too good to pass up." I am terrible at describing things, so a picture will do the coat better justice. I'm hoping I can get pictures up ASAP!

Grace Kelly.

Definition of Flawless: Free from flaws or blemishes;supremely excellent in quality or nature.
AKA: Grace Kelly!

If there was ever an old Hollywood Celebrity that I would have to say was naturally stunning and flawless, it would have to be Grace Kelly. I don't know too much about her actually, but doing this post helped me learn a lot of tidbits of information about her that I didn't know! Grace truly was a style icon that is positively inspiring! Here is some information about Grace's life and style that I found out...

Grace's Life

  • She was born on November 12, 1929 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania into a very wealthy family.
  • When she was young, Grace knew that she wanted to become an actress,and throughout high school she modeled and acted.
  • After graduating, Grace was rejected from Bennington College,for she had low math scores. Consequently, Grace went on to pursue acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York. (Lauren Bacall and Katherine Hepburn also went there!)
  • In order to pay for her studies, Grace modeled and was even on the cover for big magazines like Redbook and Cosmopolitan.
  • The big break Grace was waiting for happened in 1951, where she starred in 14 Hours. Her performance in 14 hours got Grace noticed for other movies, and stared her successful acting career.
  • In 1956 though, Grace became more than just a well-known American Actress; she became a Princess. Grace married Price Rainier III of Monaco. The wedding was elaborate and beautiful. People called it " the wedding of the century."
  • Grace had three children with the Prince; Princess Caroline, Prince Albert, Princess Stephanie.
  • On September 14, 1982 Grace had a stroke while driving her car, then she drove the car off the road and down a mountain side. She was not dead immediately following the crash, but died the next day from serious injuries.
Grace Kelly Fashion
  • Simplicity was key when it came Grace's style. She would wear classic pieces like a plain blouse with trousers or a pencil skirt, but would have bold accessories like big sunglasses, scarves, or stylish hats.
  • Grace liked to wear soft pastel shades and monochromatic colors.
  • White Gloves, or a silk scarf tied around her neck, hair, or purse were her favorite items.
  • Although she had plenty on money, Grace always kept her jewelry simple like her clothing, often opting to wear just a simple strand of pearls.
  • Since she had slender arms and fine shoulders, Grace knew the kind of neckline cuts that looked best on her. Often, she wore off the shoulder or thin strap dresses.
  • When she was pregnant, Grace used her Hermes Birkin bag to hide her baby bump from photographers. Everyone started to want the bag Grace carried, so Hermes made a bag in name of her called " The Kelly Bag." "The Kelly Bag," is still in very high demand today and can go from $ 7,000-$25,000.
  • Very rarely was Grace ever seen with a fur stole, unlike most Hollywood starlets at the time. Grace usually instead had some type of wrap or a scarf.
  • Her favorite designers were Edith Head and Helen Rose. Helen Rose actually made Grace's wedding gown, which was the most expensive dresses she ever made.
  • The lace for the wedding gown Grace wore was over a century old and
    embroidered with seed pearls.
  • Often, Grace wore her medium length blunt cut hair in a low bun.
  • Grace enjoyed wearing all sorts of turbans, hats, and headscarves whenever she had a bad hair day.
  • Natural makeup was important to Grace, she did not want to look over done. (Of course, she was naturally beautiful; she did not need much makeup!)

"I don't want to dress up a picture with just my face."

-Grace Kelly-


Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Surprise Snow Storm;and Indian Princess Returns!

Maxi Dress: JcPenny's.
Brown T-Shirt: Vanity.
Gold Gladiator Sandals: Forever21.
Golf Headband: Gabriel Brother's.

So out of the blue tonight it just starts snowing, and not little flurries either! It starts snowing huge snowflakes,coming down so fast it look like Ohio had turned into Alaska. Weather truly is phenomenal...last week it was gorgeous out; sunny and warm. Tonight it's like it is the middle of Winter, not the beginning of Spring! It is snowing so much out that we might even get a snow day tomorrow... Ha, the ironic thing is that tomorrow is my last day before I start my spring break.. Jeez, a blizzard on spring break!

This photo was taken quite awhile back actually. I was just experimenting with some different outfits, and I came across making this one. This outfit is sort of Native American Indian inspired. I am actually 1/16 Cherokee Indian, even though I do not look it the slightest bit. The only time my Indian heritage appears is in the summer time; I never burn, I only get extremely tan! I am proud of my heritage though, it makes me into who I am today. However, I always did wish I was something really interesting...like Latina, Oriental, or African American.

My dad always jokes and says that I get the Indian from mom's side, and his side... I get Kentucky Hillbilly! Lol! Oh father, you crack me up sometimes... :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My First Blogger Award!

I am so very honored! I cannot believe that the lovely blogger from
THELOOKING_GLASS has given me the " I heart your blog award." I never thought I would honestly get one of these awards, and I'm extremely flattered. I look up to this blogger, and appreciate her thinking of me. My night was going not too swell; I have been studying for two big tests in Chemistry and Enriched Algebra I, my worst subjects! This award brighten my night and made it much, much better!
The rule is that one must pass on the blog award to someone else..Since I do not have too many followers, and I'll admit I am a "lurker" of most other blogs, I am going to give the blog award to just one special blogger I have in mind. And the blog award goes to...
The Other Girl!
Although she is young, this girl has style that challenges anyone I know! Her posts are always so enthusistic and upbeat, it's impossible not to love her blog!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rain, Rain, Come and Stay..

Blue Sheath Dress: Thrifted ( for $1!).
Black Turtleneck: Kohl's.
Black Belt: Kohl's.
Polka Dot Tights: Forever21.
Black T-Strap Shoes: Target.
Black Silk Bow Headband: Forever21.
Circle Pendant Necklace: Thrifted.

Although it is not raining in the pictures, today and yesterday have sure been wet days! The rain has been almost constant, and whereas rain usually depresses people, it makes me actually contemplative and content! For some strange reason I have always loved rain and thunderstorms...
There is something so soothing about the soft pitter-patter sound the rain makes on my roof at night when I am laying in bed, trying to fall asleep. The rain is like a mother's lullaby to me, it rocks me to bed as soon as my eyes close.
A few years ago my little sister and I had the most magical experience with a rain storm. I went outside to just sit and admire the rain when my little sister ended up following me outside. Soon, we were standing in the pouring rain ,dancing together and spinning around gaily. It was such a fenomenal experience... I felt like I was flying and untouchable, unstoppable. It is one of my favorite memories of with me sister. The funny part is that when my dad found out we were dancing in the freezing cold rain, drenched to the bone he was so angry. To tell you the truth, however, it was worth it.

Even when I was a small girl I remember loving the rain. I had a best friend named Traci, and whenever it rained and I was at her house we played out in the rain. We would put on our vibrantly colored swim suits and splash in puddles, run around the her house, and swing as high as we could on the swing set while we sang "Rain, Rain, Go Away." The last thing we really wanted though was for the rain to go away.
It's funny that in the first picture I am holding an umbrella because never in my life have I used one. I'd rather my hair get frizzy than hold one of those darn things. They don't help at all, but I think they are rather even more of a nuissance! Whomever created umbrellas should have made it so that didn't fold up in the wind lol.
Recently I have been noticing changes in myself. Not large ones, but small ones. It's exciting to think that everyday I learn something new about myself that helps shape me to who I am going to be in the future! I like this feeling alot. :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sparkling Princess Jewels..

(Drum roll please!) This would be the necklace I thrifted the other day! Isn't it gorgeous? I feel like a proud mama showing off her new child lol. The necklace isn't very old. I think it's actually some type of modern costume jewelry. That doesn't matter to me ,however, since it's exactly what I was looking for to put with my prom dress!
Since my dress is sort of simple, I wanted a stunning necklace to be a main focus. The necklace was perfect when I laid my eyes on it! It is amazing that all the little "diamonds" were still intact in the necklace;something that doesn't usually happen when I thrift jewelry. In the picture above are the earrings I believe that I'm going to wear with the necklace. At What Goes 'Round there were matching earrings to the necklace, but they were for pierced ears. :( I think that the pair I already have will go excellent with it though!
It's taking all of my power not to wear this necklace to school...I have the horrible habit of always wearing my new things as soon as I can, lol. Oh, and not for just one day... or not just two days...but usually three days in a row! I just can't help myself when I add something new to my wardrobe, but this must be hidden away in my room until May 1st.
I did cheat a bit though I must admit... I wore it to church yesterday.. ;)
P.S. I'm wearing my new blue sheath dress tomorrow!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pictures From My Stomping Grounds..

Isn't this chandelier just breathtaking...?


I saw this jewelery box last week and still can't stop thinking about it... I can't get enough of the vibrant colored flowers!

I have a white vintage purse very similar to this! I think perhaps both might be from the 1950's?

Something I would love to hang in my room!

Ahh..clip on earrings. Perhaps my best friends! There must be 40 pairs of clip on earrings on this twirling stand. At $2.00 a pair it's hard to resist!

I think these little napkins that What Goes 'Round has laid out by the coffee and cookies are just hilarious and darling at the same time!

Some stunning dining table attire that would just be lovely to have tea and brunch on a patio in the summer with..

A hat box! Now that's what I call fabulous and practical! This is what I need to put some of my vintage hats in.

For the last few months I have seen this purse at the store and everytime I wish I could buy it! It seems to be in mint condidtion, and would be the perfect pieceto add to my wardrobe. :)

And what do you know...today I found a dress that matches the purse exactly! This item is actually the only one in the pictures I bought today. For $1, I couldn't pass it up! The fit is amazing, a size 4 petite, which is a size I do not find too often in thrift stores. Usually everything is ginormous!

Sorry that some of the pictures are a bit blurry.. It's a good thing I always take outfit pictures with a tripod! My little thrifting expedition was a blast today again. The ladies who work in the store are starting to recognize me as a regular now! I went back to the store today to get a necklace that caught my eye a few weeks back. I thought long and hard about getting it, and decided it would look marvelous with my prom dress! While I was at the store, of course I couldn't help looking around hehe. I was glad that I stumbled upon the blue dress, and SUPER DUPER glad I asked what the price was. Originally the tag said $5, but all winter clothing was on sale for a $1. Cool!

I will have to get some pictures up soon of the necklace I bought! :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Oh Dear...

Forever21 "Whispy Flower Silk Dress": $29.80
This. Dress. Is. To. Die. For.
Hey mom ,if you are reading this right now...
This is what I want for Easter :)

A Small Adventure in My Front Yard...

Pink Ruffle Shirt (actually a dress): Forever21.
Floral Skirt (also actually a dress!): Forever21.
Purple "knock off Keds" Wal-Mart.
White Socks: Stolen from mom!
Light Pink Sunglasses: Gabriel Brother's.

Sorry for so many pictures! I went a little "camera crazy" when taking pictures of my outfit, but I just couldn't help it! It was warm and sunny out, and I loved my outfit. Oh, please don't think I'm conceited and narcissistic for all these photos...
Just the weather has itself has been so inspiring lately. It puts me in such a good mood when I take pictures, and taking blog pictures has now become a fun thing! It wasn't quite so fun before because I started my blog back in November, so the only experiences I have had taking blog photos have been in the cold! It's nice to not have to be freezing and standing in the snow for once!
On a different note, you must know that when I was younger, I was the biggest bookworm you would have ever seen. Every book I got my hands on was finished in no time flat, and I was even the winner of the most Accelerated Reader points my 4th grade year. (This summer I actually went back to my elementary school and saw my picture was still displayed in the classroom! Ha, no one has beat me yet;take that little kids!) Anyways, as I started to enter my preteen and teen years I was reading less and less. There just was no time anymore! Recently, however,I have taken up my favorite pass time of reading books again and it has been marvelous! I've forgotten how great it is to get lost in a book, and be somewhere besides your everyday life for awhile.

Tomorrow I'm going on another little thrifting expedition;I'm pretty excited! I'm going back to What Goes 'Round to get the pearl and gold necklace I've been dreaming about for the past few weeks. All I can think about is wearing it with my lace and tulle 1940's inspired prom dress. It's going to fit perfectly! I think if I remember correctly there might have even been matching earrings to the necklace. Hmm.... ;)

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