Polka Dot Dress: Target.
Grey Vest: Steve and Barry's.
Cream Peter Pan Collar Dress: Forever21.
Grey Knee Socks: Delia's.
T-Strap Shoes: Target.
Key Necklace: Gift from Matt.
Sometimes a simple thank you never seems like enough to me. Often people get angry at me because when someone does something kind for me, I can't stop thanking them over and over again. Because I can really
never stop being so appreciative for everything I have in my life: especially all of you.
I read all of the comments you posted on my last blog post with tears in my eyes. You all are my inspiration, the people that keep me going and keep me doing what I love. The support and incredible kindness from you all makes me want to give each and every single one of you a hug... a real one.
All of the advice, comments, helpful hints, and suggestions you all gave me was beyond what I expected. You're right, my font was awful to read. You're right, my blog did need a little bit of color. You're right: my pictures do need to be larger. And you're right: I certainly do need to smile more. My blog is far from perfect, but it's much improved and I am much more satisfied with it!
I have the sort of life where I have no one to rely on or have for support. No one to cheer me on, nor pick me up when I fall. But with all of you wonderful followers, I finally have that <3
Thanks ever so much again.
With much love, Lauren.
P.S. Sorry I'm such a hot mess in these photos... It was SO windy today and I haven't had a car for days so I had to take the pictures at my house. BOO.