Gold Chain w/ Pearl (similar): Thrifted.
I first started blogging in 2009 at its height: bloggers in the front row instead of editors, huge campaigns featuring bloggers, and just a general world-wide fascination with the blogosphere. My blog obviously started out small but grew a lot those first years when blogging was still ardently popular. However, it was also the beginning of blogging's decrease as things became over-saturated and inauthentic.
I noticed a definite shift in my page views and comments around 2013 or so when Instagram really became an integral part in the social media world. As my Instagram following and likes increased, my blog traffic and engagement decreased.
I started my Instagram in 2012 and I loved it because it was an easy, convenient way to share my own photos, as well as, view others'. We are an incredibly visual species, and we react best to photos. It's a no brainer Instagram became such a success.
Instagram makes it easier to curate a brand than traditional blogging does. Anyone can be an Instagram blogger. You snap a photo on the iphone, do some quick editing in an app, post, and BOOM. You can get 100+ likes in a few hours. But actual blogging is different, and a lot more time consuming. It takes time photograph using a tripod or photographer, look through them at home, edit them, resize them, upload, write a post, proof read it, link outfit details, and then promote it via social media. Why do all that when you could do a simple one, two, three step?
Instagram is more gratifying, as well. It may take a few hours, days, or even a few weeks to get all your readers to look at and react to a post. Followers on instagram can view your photos 10 seconds after you post it and let you know what they like about it: giving you useful, real time analytics. Achieving "insta-famous" status takes a fraction of the time versus the years it takes to establish a well-followed blog. Smart hashtags and optimal tagging get you there in no time.
I've found readers react better to my Instagram posts rather than blog posts, too. In a busy world, people rarely have time to actually sit down and read blogs anymore. I know when I was younger and had less responsibilities I would dedicate a few hours weekly to reading my favorite blogs. Now, I'm lucky if I can even keep up with my few favorites. I find it so much more convenient to check between classes what a blogger is doing on Instagram.
Also, I feel like once I've seen the outfit on Instagram, I no longer need to go to the blog to see the whole post. It's sad, but true. How many of you have seen a preview of my outfit on Instagram, with the outfit details tagged, and thought "why would I go through the trouble to go to her blog just to look at a bunch of photos of something I've essentially just seen the jist of?"
The one advantage traditional blogging has over Instagram blogging is the power of words. It is impossible to write a post of this length and substance in a tiny Instagram caption. With the recent Instagram update to 'view more' it's even a sign that the company is telling us "write less, this isn't the place for a novel." And it isn't. Instagram is meant for snappy, witty captions that catch attention, complimenting the visuals.
I love Instagram. I love blogging. But it makes me sad to see blogs becoming less relevant as our society demands more convenience, speed, and instant gratification. Blogs are a defining element in our generation and represent a pivotal point in media's history we can't take back. I know technology changes and that excites me. I just hope that blogging remains an important medium for self expression, connection, and inspiration for years to come.
With much love, Lauren.
P.S. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic!