a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, October 31, 2011


Hello there everyone and Happy Halloween!
Well... the black cat is out of the bag now: I was a smurf this year for Halloween(or a smurfette if you want to be politically correct!)

I needed to think of a cheap, homemade costume this year since I am in fact a broke high school student. I thought a smurf(ette) would be the perfect costume because I already had the white dress, blonde wig, and shoes. All I had to buy was some face paint for my body/face ($.97) and blue leggings ($5). I actually made my hat by sewing together two pieces of white felt and stuffing it with paper towels. I was quite proud of my first sewing project!

I will say though I am thankful it's all over with and done. I think I had good intentions for my smuf(ette) costume, however, I didn't execute it well enough and think many aspects through. My white dress is covered in blue paint now, and all day I had to keep retouching my blue because it kept coming off everywhere. Not to mention the paint was super itchy and kept cracking every time I moved my face... Not the most conventional costume, eh?

Anywhoo, it was still super fun to dress up and enjoy one of my favorite holidays. I received a free lunch line cut for one of the best costumes and even got my picture taken for the year book! Which a true feat for a nobody like myself ;) I hope you all had a lovely and 'not so blue' Halloween, hehe!

With much love, Lauren.

P.S. Here's a look at last year's costume if you care to see!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Heart On My Sleeve.

Pink Heart Print Dress: Modcloth.
Black Boots: H&M.
Gold Ring: Thrifted.
Black Beret: Target.

Hello everyone!
I hope you all had a lovely Halloween weekend... I sat around the house eating my sister's trick or treat candy, looking at my classmates' skanky halloween costume pictures on facebook, being the only one not at the huge Halloween dance party, and not studying for the ginormous Anatomy test I have on Thursday. Good weekend? I think so ;)

I can't wait to see all of your Halloween costumes tomorrow and show you mine!
With much love, Lauren.

P.S. In the last picture can you find my blog name somewhere in the text...?

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Hello my sweet loves!
I hope you all are having a lovely weekend so far... I've been busy placing the finishing touches on my Halloween costume today and I must say I'm quite proud of what I've come up with this year! I even sewed part of it which is extraordinary for a person like myself who lacks creative skills ;) I'm super excited to show you all what I am on Monday, but for now it must be a surprise!

Anywhoo, I received a little package in the mail on Friday that I'm dying to share with you all... For now I must keep it a secret, but I'll be sharing soon what it is! Do you all have any guesses...?

With much love, Lauren.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Floral Blouse, Black Booties, Coral Skirt (actually a dress): Forever21.
Gold Necklace: Thrifted.

This year I decided to join my school's newspaper staff as something fun to get me out of my shell. The editor kindly asked me to be the 'style & fashion' writer this year and I was super flattered/excited! A few weeks back though one of the editors asked me for some pictures to include with the newspaper article, so I just gave her my blog address so she could pick some out. I was so embarrassed though when I received my copy of the article yesterday though to find that she put my blog address with the article!

It's not that I'm embarrassed of my blog, not in the least bit. I am so, so proud of everything I do here. I just wasn't quite ready for my classmates to have the address because my blog is very personal and dear to me. I write about many deep feelings that I didn't really want my classmates to know about... However, It's too late now to change anything and what's done is done. I'm highly embarrassed and hope that no one actually comes and looks at my blog. It's better kept a secret!

Hope you all are doing lovely though and see you tomorrow :)
With much love, Lauren.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Life's Snapshots #6.

Lately my life has consisted of the most pleasant things including: frosting & decorating Halloween cookies, munching on candy sweets, watching the leaves turn colors, devouring delicious Italian food, cherishing time with my grandmother, celebrating my sister's birthday, enjoying nature's beauty, and receiving my first college acceptance letter.
Life is lovely.

With much love, Lauren❤
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