a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pumpkin Patch.

Polka Dot Blouse, Floral Skirt, Satin Shoes, Pearl Earrings: Thrifted.
Cameo Necklace: Gift from my grandmother.

Hello my dears!
Today I was feeling in the mood for some fall fun, so I ventured to one of the local farmer markets in my town! This particular one was always my absolute favorite to go to as a little girl... I would go on scavenger hunt hayrides with my grandmother, pick out the perfect pumpkin to take home, and run through the complicated paths of the corn maze. It was seriously the best and I cherish so many memories from this place. Years and years later I still love this market, and today made me realize how much I'll miss it next year. I took a ton of cute fall pictures of the market and I plan on doing a post on all of it tomorrow including some incriminating pictures of myself as a child ;)

Anyways, here's the outfit pictures from today at the market. I actually quite like how they turned out even though I wasn't too thrilled about this outfit today. Somehow the outfit looks better in pictures than in person. Odd, eh?

Oh, and you might have also noticed that I got my bangs re-cut again! How I missed them... I grew them out the past couple of weeks so that I could do a Marcel wave bang for homecoming, but I knew as soon as homecoming was over with I wanted to go back to blunt bangs. I just feel so much more myself now that I have them back.

Hope you all are doing lovely!
With much love, Lauren.

P.S. Today was my sister's and grandmother's birthday! Hopefully I'll have pictures up from today in the next few days, as well :) Happy Birthday to my two lovely family members!


Mila said...

I love how these pictures turned out! Now I really want to go to a pumpkin patch...they are so much fun. I love the outfit your wearing as well, and your bangs are gorgeous both ways, but switching things up is always good. Happy birthday to your sister and grandmother! :)


Heather, 29 Skirts said...

This outfit is so pretty! Polka dots and floral prints can look great together, and I love how you've mixed these two prints. Yay, pumpkins! I'm going to a pumpkin patch on Sunday =)

Julia Topaz said...

those earrings are so elegant!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are fabulous & that outfit is too!!! I LOVE that cameo, it's gorgeous. Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures of the market.

Wild Flower said...

Oh, I'm glad we both wore cameo's today, great minds think alike! I know what you mean about an outfit photographing better than it actually looks, happens to me too.
I can't wait to see your market pictures <3


Jana K said...

Theses photos are darling. I like your outfit. I know what you mean about bangs...mine desperately need trimmed, they are hanging in my eyes. haha XD

Your hair is really pretty, by the way :)

Anonymous said...

I know I say this every time I note, but you are just SO pretty. I think you could honestly be a model. I like this outfit. You're crazy for not loving it ;)

<3 Rachel

Unknown said...

cute necklace!!!


Nikki said...

Your outfit is so adorable!! and your hair is really pretty:)

Stacey Kay said...

I SO adore this combination! LOVE THAT POLKA DOT TOP!

Goodwill Huntingg

Elyse (Give Me Bows) said...

So so lovely, your blouse is adorable! And what a cute setting for outfit pics :)

Charlotte Cantillon (Crowley) said...

I swear we don't have pumpkins patches in the UK!! I regret not going to one when I lived in the States.
I seriously love this outfit, Lauren. You look lovely.

Charlotte x

Anonymous said...

I love everything about this outfit....so so pretty!!

Jul said...

Waah, these photos are adorable :) such a wonderful location and gorgeous outfit!! I love everything about it, from the cute blouse to the belt and skirt and your lovely shoes.
Happy birthday to your sister and grandma!
Life is a romantic poem
My first giveaway

Alice, Pretty Confused said...

This outfit is adorable! Polka dots and florals - too cute! I hope your sister and gran have amazing days xo

Amber Schmidt said...

Your outlook on life inspires me.

Happy birthday to both lovely ladies! x

Anonymous said...

That's cool that your sister and grandmother share a birthday together. I really like this outfit and the bangs look very nice..

Diana said...

Beautiful outfit!

Teaka said...

Oh my goodness you're outfit is awesome! I love taking thrift dresses and turning them into skirts. I'm like living in skirts these days.
Love your blog!
You've got a new follower. :)

Kezzie said...

I ADORE this outfit! Seriously it includes many of my favourite things- red, polka dots, red flowers, big circle skirt, cameo and pumpkins!
By the way, I read a really cool vintage blog called Penny Dreadful vintage (type of Victorian novel in case you're wondering what the first bit means!) and she has a wonderful weekly post with links to the best vintage items and outfits each week so I recommended she have a look at your blog and she's included your photo this week- I hoped you might like this! It's at http://pennydreadfulvintage.blogspot.com/2011/10/vintage-tips-tutorials-and-links-round_14.html

Kezzie said...

I sincerely hope there will be corn maze shots! I recently did a post on one and I love seeing other ones!!!

Bramblewood Fashion said...

I simply adore your outfit, Lauren. Flowers + polka dots + a cameo necklace = be still my beating heart. *grins*


I would like to invite you to join my Fall Fashion Challenge I'm going to be hosting in November. http://bramblewoodfashion.blogspot.com/2011/10/fall-fashion-challenge-2011.html

Jamie Rose said...

Aw I love these pictures. The colors in your skirt are so perfect for fall. And that cameo necklace is awesome!

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