a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Silly Rain.

Knit Dress, Black Oxfords: Forever21.
Purple Scarf: Target.
Patterned Tights: JcPenny's.

I like rain as much as the next person. Nothing is better on a dreary day than snuggling up in your favorite blanket, drinking hot chocolate, and watching re-runs of America's Next Top Model. Nothing is better than falling asleep at night to the steady drip-drip-drop of rain pattering on your roof top. Nothing is better than stepping outside, even for just a moment, to look up into the sky and catch rain drops on your tongue...

But when the rain downpours all day, with 40 mile winds, freezing cold weather, and forces me to take outfit pictures on my front porch...? Then rain and I aren't the best of friends.

Silly rain.

With much love, Lauren.


Bree said...

I love your outfit!
And I have the same agrees/disagrees about the rain.


Sara said...

adorable outfit! i have the same feelings for rain too! haha


Ashley said...

I never have those nice, want-to-snuggle-with-a-good-book-and-hot-chocolate moments on rainy days. I wish I did. I have a hard time relaxing. It sounds wonderful, though.

Looking good, as always. Your eyeshadow is very fun!

Marie said...

You look lovely on the porch though, and just think how cute you'd look with a new umbrella. Right?

Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
I'm having a giveaway...

em.kerr said...

I'm crazy about that dress!!! Lovely. The tights go really well with the pattern, and the black shoes set off the other colors as well.

Wild Flower said...

I would totally wear this whole ensemble! I love the colors, patterns, textures, and amazing brogues. :)
And you have made me terribly miss my old room where I could hear the rain as I fell asleep. Sometimes it's hard to live in a basement!

Wild Flower

P.S. I think you and I would totally have a blast shopping at Forever21!

Midwest Muse said...

I love this dress and tights on you so much! I love your outfits!

Em [The Writer] said...

Such beautiful colors!

April said...

Looooooove those colors! Go dance in the rain! ;)

Stacey Kay said...

LOVELOVELOVE this color combination!

Goodwill Huntingg

Anonymous said...

Try living in North Wales atm :P Not fun...we even had hail the other day!! Love your dress by the way....it's really lovely :)

Anonymous said...

Psh! Forget the hot chocolate: it's tea that is needed when it comes to rain. And a good book accompanied by the soundtrack ot Amelie. Or just watching (the edited clean version of) Amelie itself. *Sigh*
Also, if your wardrobe disappears overnight, it may or may not be because I stole it. >.>

Ms. Falcon said...

love the colours of your dress...


Gladys said...

this outfit is so lovely that i just had to leave a comment! the scarf is perfect with the (awesome) dress, and i like how you did your eye makeup to match. so, so pretty!

Natalie said...

totally know what you mean, love rain but not when it gets in my way especially when i'm walking home from class and it starts raining cats and dogs out of nowhere and i'm completely unprepared! lol. Also, I love your outfit! too cute!


EmilyCinnamon said...

Agreed! Today was much nicer though, I hope it was for you guys in Ohio too! And WATCH OUT FOR ANY LOOSE TIGERS/LIONS!:) Love the outfit by the way, the scarf is like a finishing touch!<3

Jamie Rose said...

It's been pretty crappy outside here too. So rainy.
I really love the colors in your dress, though. The print is very nice and looks great with those tights.

Laura said...

I love the colours in this dress and all of the accessories you have put with it make a gorgeous outfit!


Kezzie said...

This dress doesn't seem like your usual style, have no idea why as it encompasses all your favourites0 dresses, flowers, vibrant shades- but I love it!!! So vibrant and pretty!
I love rain too except when I have loads to carry and a long way to walk with no hand to hold an umbrella!

Cindi said...

You look so beautiful wearing these colours! :)



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