a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Then & Now.

This week seniors had to turn in a baby picture for the yearbook... Looking through the pictures of my childhood made me realize what a magical, fulfilling childhood I really did have. I'll admit, I teared up a bit looking through the pictures and this picture above especially caught my attention. I was in awe of the beautiful innocence I could see in my eyes and face. The innocence that all of us have as a child because the world is an interesting, beautiful playground with endless possibilities. We believe our dreams can and will come true, and hope is the greatest thing we have. Then somewhere between those days of dreaming and adulthood we lose that innocence as much as we try not to. We grow up too fast and then don't have anything to believe...
I just wanted to compile a little 'then and now' list for nostalgia's sake. Because you all know nostalgia's my middle name... ;)

Then: I wrote letters to Santa.
Now: I write letters to colleges.

Then: I saw the world through innocent eyes.
Now: I see the world through jaded eyes.

Then: I played with Barbie dolls.
Now: I play with a camera.

Then: I danced in the rain.
Now: I don't dance at all.

Then: I wrote with crayons.
Now: I write with mechanical pencils.

Then: Toy stores excited me.
Now: Thrift stores excite me.

Then: I collected rocks.
Now: I collect memories.

Then: I worried about spankings.
Now: I worry about ending up alone.

Then: I never wanted to brush my teeth.
Now: I never want to do my homework.

Then: I drove a tricycle.
Now: I drive and VW Beetle.

Then: I talked to stuffed animals.
Now: I talk to myself.

Then: Everyone was my best friend.
Now: No body is my best friend.

Then: My parents were my heroes.
Now: My parents are my heroes.

Hope you all are doing lovely... I might be back later with another post even though its rained all day and I didn't get to take outfit pictures. For some reason the rain always makes me want to write and reflect!

With much love, Lauren.


Anonymous said...

This is a really lovely post...made me compare my thens and nows. It does make me sad to see you say no-one is your best friend though :/ Even when I felt an outsider at school, there was always someone I could turn to. And actually, I am still really close to them now. I think the last one is sweet though :)

claire said...

Ahh! You were such an adorable child!

EmilyCinnamon said...

That was lovely! I find myself a lot like you, I loved Santa, he was like my idol, I danced and played in the rain-I still actually do sometimes!, I went through a box of crayons per month I loved them so much, I was always on a trike or being pulled in a wagon or on a bike, I had a collection of stuffed animals that lived at the end of my bed, I would actually "feed them" at night:). But honestly, don't feel that you need to have a best friend. Sometimes I believe that having many good friends is better than having just a best friend. Much more variety, like a box of crayons! <3

Shady Del Knight said...

Bless your heart, you were such a cute child and have grown into such a beautiful woman. I am joining the long list of people who already consider themselves your friend and if you need a best friend then I will step up and be that, too. You really do need to dance again, Lauren.

Wild Flower said...

Absolutely freaking adorable! Oh my goodness, what a darling child you were. I love the last then and now, so cute! Oh by the way, I'll be your best friend, I seem to missing one of those as well!


Em [The Writer] said...

The last now and then is so cute <3 But I think you should change one now to: having a lot of awesome blogger friends :) We are always here for you!

Jamie Rose said...

You were an adorable little kid! You're still adorable, though! I really enjoyed your then and nows. Childhood was great. But remember there's a ton of adventures ahead of you still!

gee said...

i love seeing baby pictures!! :)
you were absolulty adorable.

i also agree..my parents are and always will be my heros.

Jul said...

You were so cute, now you're a beautiful lady! I loved this post and the whole list :)
Life is a romantic poem

The Beatniq said...

I love looking back at my old childhood photos, it really does make you think about the innocence, and wonder that we use to have.

Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

You drive a VW beetle!? Thats like my dream car! :D those cars are so cute ^^ As is this post. I was thinking about a way to share some pictures from the old box an this is a really great idea! Is it ok if I take it over and link back? just let me now ;) x

Anonymous said...

This is such a sweet entry. I hope you don't see the world through jaded eyes forever. You still have lots of life to live.

Also, in reply to your comment on my blog, I will totally make you an ear warmer and send it your way. I would love to. E-mail me and we can work something out.

Kezzie said...

AHhhhhhhhhhhhhh you drive a Beetle!!!!!!!!! So envious! My favourite car!

Kezzie said...

...Oh and I agree with Shady (whose comments I always love to read by the way- he's so sincere!) you must dance. You need to learn to lindy-hop- seriously- it is the most wonderful form of dance -1930's swing- I just adore it!!!!!!!!!!
And I'd consider you a friend- you light up my evenings when I read your posts with your beauty of heart

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