a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, October 31, 2011


Hello there everyone and Happy Halloween!
Well... the black cat is out of the bag now: I was a smurf this year for Halloween(or a smurfette if you want to be politically correct!)

I needed to think of a cheap, homemade costume this year since I am in fact a broke high school student. I thought a smurf(ette) would be the perfect costume because I already had the white dress, blonde wig, and shoes. All I had to buy was some face paint for my body/face ($.97) and blue leggings ($5). I actually made my hat by sewing together two pieces of white felt and stuffing it with paper towels. I was quite proud of my first sewing project!

I will say though I am thankful it's all over with and done. I think I had good intentions for my smuf(ette) costume, however, I didn't execute it well enough and think many aspects through. My white dress is covered in blue paint now, and all day I had to keep retouching my blue because it kept coming off everywhere. Not to mention the paint was super itchy and kept cracking every time I moved my face... Not the most conventional costume, eh?

Anywhoo, it was still super fun to dress up and enjoy one of my favorite holidays. I received a free lunch line cut for one of the best costumes and even got my picture taken for the year book! Which a true feat for a nobody like myself ;) I hope you all had a lovely and 'not so blue' Halloween, hehe!

With much love, Lauren.

P.S. Here's a look at last year's costume if you care to see!


Sampada said...

Oh my god, this is soooo cute! I love it. I've never seen a smurf before, so I am pretty impressed! You're last years costume is great too! How do you come up with these ideas? They are really good.


Shady Del Knight said...

Why so blue, Lauren? (LOL) Wow! That's a fantastic costume. Happy Halloween, dear friend!

Kathryn from Schoolmarm Style said...

I was Lisa Simpson one year and definitely decided to never paint myself again. It was sooooo itchy. You do look adorable though.

Hannah said...

That is such an incredible Halloween costume! That is super creative!
Too bad the paint kept coming off, but it's still really cute. I'm glad that you got a picture in the year-book, that's exciting! :)

EmilyCinnamon said...

You come up with the most creative Halloween costumes! I really liked the Barbie, but this one is even better! I'm sorry the paint kept cracking, thats no fun. But its the thought that counts, right?:)

Happy Halloween!

The Semi Sweet said...

That is one cute costume!! Yeah, I guess the paint was little cumbersome, but it really made the look.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha ... awesome! Love it!
Kelly xo

April said...

What a cute idea!!! Wearing body paint sucks, so bravo!

Imaginary Confetti Club said...

This is the cutest costume, EVAR. I love it.

Stacey Kay said...

Cute idea but you must have been soooo itchy! Love the whole concept though.

Goodwill Huntingg

Lalli Carvalho said...

HAHAHAHA i loooooove it!
You're so cute, my darling. Lovely fantasy

Unknown said...

cute! love the dress


Ashley @ Downsizing said...

This might be the best Halloween costume I've seen in a long time, and plus it is really refreshing to see a modest costume! Cute idea!

Kezzie said...

Ha ha that's soooo funny!!!! You are INGENIOUS!!!! Please will you help me think of ideas for my costume for World Book day (March)- last year I won with Helena of Troy and I MUST keep my place!!!

Jackie @ EatLove&Style said...

Awesome, costume!!! I made costume this year.


Jamie Rose said...

This is awesome! The fact that you wore it to school is so great.

Unknown said...

This is amazing.. I think you pulled off the surf look wonderfully. I always loved Smurfs myself! :) I like your shoes... where did you get them?

Wild Flower said...

Haha, so wonderful Lauren! Totally love the blue body paint and your adorable little white dress. How creative!


Rachel said...

omg love it!!

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

That stinks about your dress getting blue on it!!! awwww. Poor thing. You look so cool though and I think this was very good!!!!!

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