a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Senior Homecoming ❤

Hello there everyone!
Last night was my senior homecoming dance and it was absolutely everything I could have hoped, dreamed, and wished for... I tried relinquishing control for one night and tried relaxing instead... It worked out pretty well I must say!

I spent all day getting ready because I did my own hair, makeup, and nails. I wanted to do somewhat sophisticatedly sexy (what,me sexy?!), 1940's, Marilyn Monroe esque theme this year and I feel as though everything came together exactly how I wanted it to! I thrifted my dress back in July for $65 dollars, created a subtle smokey grey eye, curled my hair with foam rollers to get retro waves, and painted my nails sparkly silver. I also had to wear some incredibly high 5 and a half inch heels so my dress didn't drag on the ground! I can say with all honesty though I didn't fall,ha.

Matt looked seriously SO handsome last night... It was probably the cutest I've ever seen him look! What can I say? I'm one lucky lady to have him :) We went and took pictures at the local nature center and then went to Applebee's like we do for every school dance. After having a delicious meal we drove to the dance and seriously I couldn't have asked for a more perfect night... Matt and I aren't really big dancers, but we did dance quite a bit and of course swayed to a few slow songs, heh.

As a freshman I could have never imagined my senior homecoming being as lovely as it was... When I came home last night I laid in my bed and just thanked God so incredibly much for blessing me with a wonderful date and a wonderful time. I know years from now I can proudly tell everyone that my senior homecoming couldn't have been any more magical ❤

With much love, Lauren.


The Semi Sweet said...

You two look great together. I love how you two coordinated the outfits. And you dress is amazing!!! Great job at the hair and makeup too.

None said...

You look great! I did think of Marilyn Monroe. Your hair is beautiful, love the curls. I'm glad you had a good time.

Shady Del Knight said...

You're a dazzler, Lauren! You look like a movie star. You and Matt look like a celebrity couple arriving at the Red Carpet to attend the Academy Awards.

Anonymous said...

My favorite couple! My favorite Lauren. You are stunning!

Jenna said...

Yay!! I'm glad homecoming was awesome!! :D
You guys are seriously the cutest couple ever!!

April said...

Glad you had a good time! You look beautiful!

Jo - Lost in the Haze said...

Wow wow wow! Your dress is so dreamy! <3 I love the colour so much! And your eye makeup looks incredible!

Lost in the Haze

t said...

You look great! Nice bright colour!


Unknown said...

You look so beautiful, the dress is a dream!

Wild Flower said...

You two look great together. Your dress really flatters your womanly figure and your boy looks adorable. :)
I couldn't help but thinking how much fun it would have been to double date to the movie 50/50 hehe.

I'm glad you had an amazing time at your senior homecoming, you deserve it!


Unknown said...

Lauren, you look absolutely wonderfully beautiful and yes, sexy! Glad to hear you had a great time! xxx

Kendra Alexandra said...

This post is perfect and so is your blog!
I've been a fan for a while now, keep it up :)

I'm your newest follower

Maybe you could check out mine and follow if you get time?



Charlotte Cantillon (Crowley) said...

you look so gorgeous Lauren! I'm so glad you had a great time.
also, your makeup is absolutely lovely. tutorial please :]]]

Charlotte x

Anonymous said...

You look truly beautiful for your homecoming :) That dress is lovely, and really suits you!! And of course, you two look lovely together!! Glad you had a wonderful evening!! :D

Alice, Pretty Confused said...

You look beautiful! I love your make-up and hair, and that dress is such a steal - I cannot believe you thrifted it. Matt looks great too, you are such a lovely couple. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful night xo

Midwest Muse said...

You are absolutely stunning.

Kira said...

thank you very much for your comment, I'm glad to hear it worked out at least a bit:) but I'll need to continue practising if I want to improve.
The outfits and the photos in your blog are really great, by the way! looks all so dreamy:) glad you had a nice homecoming, mine wasn't so cool :D
Kira X

Jul said...

Wow, Lauren! The first thought I had when I saw these photos was "bombshell!". You seriously look wonderful :) and how sweet is that Matt's tie is matching your fabulous dress? I'm glad to hear you had great time at homecoming :)
Oh and about my giveaway, of course is open internationally! The only thing is that in order to enter you have to be a follower of my blog <3 hope you can compensate it so you too can have a chance to win :)


Kezzie said...

Ah that's so nice! So glad you had a great time!! The two of you look wonderful! Excellent coordination. Matt managed to carry off that shade of pink in a brilliant way- subtle but eye-catching but not girly- masculine! Not easy for a guy in that shade!
You look beaaaaautiful!

Stacey Kay said...

I absolutely love this dress on you! You looked perfect.

Goodwill Huntingg

Unknown said...

Oh lauren!
You are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bonnie said...

Gorgeous!!!! Your dress is just stunning. I love the pink on you, and your hair is perfect.

Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Anonymous said...

I guess I didn't realize you were so young. I wish I would have had your confidence/sense of style at your age. You looked so good here. Great job putting it all together.

<3 Rachel

EmilyCinnamon said...

Oh Lauren, you are so beautiful. That second picture really caught my eye and made me look at it for a long time. You and Matt are perfect together. I have to say that pink is probably one of the best colors for you, you look stunning! <3

Mila said...

Oh my goodness Lauren, if you ever wanted to model, you would be absolutely perfect for it--you're completely gorgeous. These pictures made me so happy for you, and you looked beautiful. That dress was made for you, even if it's not your usual style. The whole look is just so entirely perfect! <3 I hope you had an absolutely amazing homecoming night, and by the sounds of it, you did. I felt like your parents or something looking through these photos--it made me feel happy and proud inside :)


Bree said...

You are so pretty! I love that dress.
You two are adorable together! Perfect couple.
Glad your homecoming was good!
Also,I did that bandanna headband tutorial for you! It is so easy!

Unknown said...

I love the sweet comments you leave me Lauren, You certainly know the right things to say! You look absolutely stunning in this dress. Pink really compliments your skin :)

- I also wanna add that hearing words from you encouraging me to talk to god and pray help me so much, I come from a small town where you're either a partier or a church gal and very few go to church.. I love reading your comments its nice to have someone here for me with similar views. :)

-xoxo TaylorMarie

Ellie said...

That dress looks AMAZING on you! I wore a vintage dress to my prom and reading about your fabulous night made me remember it! Glad you enjoyed yourself, you certainly looked fabulous!

claire said...

your dress is amazing, and the fact that it was thrifted makes it even more special, you just added to it's history :) And you look such a cute couple!

Jamie Rose said...

Aw you look so so pretty in your pink dress! Very glamorous! You did a great job on your hair and the boyfriend looks nice too!

Anonymous said...

You look like you're covered in diamonds! That dress is stunning, I absolutely love the pink sparkly look! And your hair does look very 1940's glam, so great job on that. I'm glad you guys had a fun time!

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