a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Saturday, February 25, 2012


So I may have been hiding a little something from you all the past few weeks. I didn't want to say anything because frankly, I was too scared of jinxing the whole thing. I usually have quite the tendency to do that when I become excited about something! I wanted to wait until things were official to tell you all, and today made things, well...official! ....I have a roommate!

Eeeps, eeps, eeps! I cannot tell you all how excited/relieved/thankful I am. She is seriously such a gem. I couldn't have dreamed for anyone more perfect. She likes vintage fashion. And coffee shops. And photography. And pretty dresses. And Ryan Gosling. And and and the list goes on and on... Not to mention I was totally taken aback by the fact that she reads my blog. Like, how small of a world is this?!

I was so afraid that she wouldn't like me. That she would see all of the flaws in me that everyone else sees. That when she started to get to know me, she would find out I'm not all I'm cracked up to be. But all of my worries were just worries. We've been talking back and forth through emails for the past few weeks and today I went up to Kent to meet her for the first time. She is lovely and put me on cloud nine. Something I haven't felt in a really long time.

So since things went well, we went ahead and decided to be roommates. Me, Lauren Pfieffer has a roommate. Someone who is actually like me and someone who actually shares my common interests. I never thought this girl existed, but God proved me wrong. I can't thank you all for having faith in me and supporting me all along this way. You all kept my hope alive and helped me to keep going. You all had more faith than I did, and you taught me that I need to have more faith in myself. So thank you, thank you, thank you for all of what you guys do for me. I can't wait to take you all on my journey to college this coming fall, and I can't wait for you all to meet my new roommate either

Oh, and I am so sorry I've been so absent and have been slacking on outfit pictures. These two above are just a few quick snapshots of my outfit that I wore today. It was so (I mean SO) arctic and frigid today that I could hardly stand being outside for a minute...and the wind was so fierce that my hair kept flying in my face! I'll make sure to get some better outfit pictures tomorrow...sorry about that!

With much love, Lauren WITH a roommate.


Shady Del Knight said...

Great news! I'm thrilled to know that you found a roommate, Lauren!

Sara said...

congrats on your new roomate lauren! i'm glad you found someone like you :) haha


Maria said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! So excited for you right now and relived you found the perfect someone to spend your college years with. SHE LIKES RYAN GOSLING??!!?? Ohmygosh, can I meet her too? :)
Lovely outfit and really happy for you!

Unknown said...

Lauren, I am so pleased to hear that you got a roommate, for they are lovely things indeed. My roommate is actually the one who takes all the lovely pictures on my blog and I just adore her! Best wishes on college life; enjoy it because it is hard, but fantastic!


Elanor said...

what a relief, i'm sure! :) i'm so glad that you found the perfect girl. i haven't decided on where i'm going next fall LET ALONE who my roommate will be, so i need to kind of get on that! ;)

CaptMO/ DJ ABO said...

Great to hear Miss Lauren!!! I knew there had to be at least ONE other you in this world!!! Let the good times roll!!! Congrats hun!!! :-)

Unknown said...

What a blessing Lauren! I really hope that it will work out for you, it is amazing how things can turn out so lovely in the end, isn't it? :-)

S Bee said...

Congratulations Lauren!! I am so very happy for you <3


Zane said...

great news :) and I really like this outfit too.

Kirsten said...

Oh congratulations, that's awesome news! How crazy that she reads your blog as well! That's so cool! Unsurprising though as your blog is awesome and everybody should be reading it :)

Emily said...

Ahhhh! Thats awesome Lauren! I'm so glad you found someone, who reads your blog and sounds so much like you! I'm so happy for you:) And just the pictures that you have gave me chills! Brrrrr.... We've got warm weather today, so hopefully in the next few days you'll get it to:)

Katherine said...

i started to cry taking my photos yesterday because of the wind!

congrats on the roommate - she sounds wonderful. i'm frightened to get a roommate because i have really only ever lived with my husband - but i also have a 2 bedroom apartment with just me in it :/ ha!

your dress is adorable - i just love the polka dots!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!!!!! I'M JUST SO HAPPY FOR YOU GURL !!! wujujuiii God is awesome and you know that more than anybody!! great days are coming Lauren...just enjoy them the most you can <3!! Congrats you lucky gurl!! C:

Kezzie said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x

Charmaine said...

Love the juxtaposition of your summerish outfit and the snow! Very lovely. Congrats on the roommate!

Did you know there's a famous song about Kent State by Neil Young? It's called Ohio and about the shooting there in 1970. Fun fact.

claire said...

yay for finding a roommate! what a small world that it is that she reads your blog! what a awesome thing how god always works things out! p.s. the fact that you wore that outfit outside in the snow to take pictures just makes you even more awesome, I just get so slack in the winter about taking outfit pictures..

Natasha Atkerson said...

God is so amazing! I'm so happy for you! That is awesome that she reads your blog too!
A Modest Fashion Blog:

Midwest Muse said...

I am so happy for you! She seems amazing! Can't wait to read about your adventures together.

Teddi said...

best wishes on your new roommate adventure. you & your outfit are looking fantastic. the hat, the dots, the shoes...

Katie Burry said...

Congrats! I'm so happy for you! She sounds awesome, and I'm sure you two will be best friends! <3

Jamie Rose said...

Yay! I'm glad you found such a compatible roommate! That's very exciting. I hope you have a fantastic time at college next fall.

Also, that polka dot dress is fantastic!

katie said...

I isanely love these photos, they are so strong with all that snow blowing about. (And kudos for getting photos, it's really hard to shoot in the wind and snow!) The first photos is so fantastic, it looks like a painting.
And congradulations on finding a roomate! That's wonderful and I know you'll have a great year. ^_^

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