a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, March 12, 2012

Remix #7.

Remixed Item: Muted Floral Dress, Forever21.

Hello everyone!
As promised, here is a remix post featuring the floral dress from yesterday's post! Like I said, this dress has been one of my absolute favorites throughout the years. I've had many more times where I've worn this dress and not gotten to capture outfit pictures. Hot summer days where it's the perfect piece to throw on and look put together. Frustrating style ruts where I hate everything in my closet, yet this is the one piece I always love. The first time I wore this dress is so crystal clear to me even though it was two whole years ago. When I wore this dress, I felt invincible and for the first time like the girl I had always wanted to be. I was only fifteen years old at the time and life was confusing and I was still trying to figure out who I was. I know it sounds silly, but this dress helped me figure those things out. It truly was one of those turning points for me in life and a realization on a lot of things. Here's the original post if you'd like to read what I wrote!

Anywho, enough of the mushy stuff I always overwhelm you all with. As said, this is an incredibly versatile piece and one I'm just not ready to let go of yet...I'm definitely one of those hoarders who keeps their clothes for emotional attachment! Although it's way too short (ahem, see that last picture), I still plan on taking this dress to college with me this fall. If I can't wear it as a dress, why not as a shirt or skirt?

Hope you all are doing well!
With much love, Lauren.

P.S. Other Remix posts;


Amy said...

Ohhh Golly, this makes me want summer! You rock every outfit!

Unknown said...

I love your remix posts, it so inspiring to see the same piece look great and different every time you wear it!



Charmaine said...

You look so much like Selena Gomez... have you ever got that before?

Marisa Noelle said...

Oh my yes, I'm such an emotional clothes hoarder myself. It makes total sense though. Pieces like that are like comfort food in a sense. I genuinely love every way you remixed that gorgeous piece...you definitely know how to give it new life each time. You are both wise and stylish beyond your years Lauren:) xx Marisa

Teddi said...

i'm so glad you showed us all the ways you wore this dress. now i get to check out all your other remixes. :)

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful and so elegant in every one of these pictures. Love your style.
xx Jane

Jamie Rose said...

I love it! Every way you styled that dress is so cute. That blue color is really pretty on you.

Zane said...

beautiful set of looks, love that dress

Anonymous said...

i love your shorts! following you

Katie Burry said...

I know what you mean about this dress. I have one like it mysel. That dress that just is *always* perfect. Mine is even blue with a floral print, too! Lol!

Midwest Muse said...

Holy crap! This is impressive. How in the world did you wear this dress with a pair of shorts? Are you magical?

Tania said...

Wow, you look so so so beautiful with your shorter straight hair, how AMAZING IS YOUR SKIN. so jealous!! xx


katie said...

It's really fun to see how many ways you've worn this dress and I can see why you love it so much, it's so pretty. (And you have had such cute hair cuts over the past couple years!)

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