a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Almost Here.

Meeps! Hello, hello everyone!
So today was a pretty huge milestone in my senior year; I received my cap, gown, tassel, and graduation announcements... Even though I'm counting down the days and can hardly wait until graduation, a part of me still can't believe it's happening. It doesn't seem real.

I had the giddiest feeling in my stomach before receiving my cap and gown this morning. I just felt...excited. Excited because the future was in that little package. A gold cap and gown with a silky tassel and the year I've been waiting for; 2012.

As soon as I got home from school I took the cap and gown out of the package with careful ease. I placed the traditional gold cap onto my head and pushed my flattened bangs to the side. I slipped on the graduation gown and turned around to look at myself in the mirror and I started crying. Yes, that's right; crying. To see myself in this monumental garment was so overwhelming and made everything all the much more real. I could picture everything about that day at that moment; being united with my classmates one final time, walking to get my diploma in front of hundreds of people, turning my purple gold and white tassel, throwing my cap into the air, and looking into my crying parent's faces when I see them for the first time. It's all so surreal.
And receiving my graduation announcements. Seeing the embossed emblem of my school. Opening it up to reveal our class motto that I love. And seeing that date. June the 3rd where I embark on the journey of life. Again, so so surreal.

I only have 69 days until graduation. Even less days of school left to actually attend. The moment is getting closer. It's almost here.

With much love, Lauren.

P.S. Don't for get to enter my giveaway to win a pair of tickets to a fashion show and meet me!


Sara said...

omg i'm also going to be graduating high school! so i completely know how you feel! its all SOO exciting!


Unknown said...

So excited for you! It is a moment that you will NEVER forget. I can't believe mine was almost 2 years ago; so crazy!


Unknown said...

That's so great! Congrats to being so close. It must feel amazing, and those are my highschool's colors too!

Mandy said...

Ahh how exciting! I'm expecting mine to come in the next few weeks.

Unknown said...

We get our caps and gowns right after spring break. (=

Anonymous said...

That's so awesome Lauren! I think its great how positive you are and how much you cherish these great things in your life.

Charlotte Cantillon (Crowley) said...

This makes me a bit sad, just because graduation is a much bigger thing in the States than it is here. We don't "graduate" from high school, we just leave, and it makes me jealous. I went to my ex boyfriend's graduation from the university I went to on my year abroad last year and it just seemed massive!
Saying that, I have my graduation this year. I was thinking, isn't it funny the year you're graduating from high school is the year I'm graduating from uni? The sad thing is that because I took a 4 year course, all my friends graduated last year. I'm actually deferring my graduation so I can work in America this summer so I probably won't know anyone when I graduate in December! But I wish I could have had this big ceremony when I left high school!
I wish you lots of luck Lauren, I can't wait for the next chapter of your life. But again, ahhh, I'm jealous. I'm 22. I didn't realise I wanted to go into fashion until I was 20. I don't regret my degree, but I think you are so lucky to know what you want to do at 18. I definitely didn't 4 years ago!

Charlotte x

Rosalina S. said...

Congrats for your graduation announcement! Recalling those blissful moments will never disappoint you..

Ashlyn said...

Graduation was such a fun (and yes, surreal) experience that sometimes I barely even remember much about it. It's good that you are so excited, I think most of my classmates were just kind of burnt out and a little bit jaded. But it really is the last time that you will see or even think about most of your classmates, for better or for worse. I'm so excited for you and I'm sure you'll be wearing a killer outfit underneath your gown!

Triple Thread

Midwest Muse said...

CONGRATS little lady! Your life is totally going to change!

Two Happy Hearts said...

Wohoo!! Congrats!
Man...what a teaser though to be sent everything so early!

Teddi said...

i'm sure it's bittersweet, a combination of mixed emotions.

Unknown said...

Graduating is the most amazing thing in the world. At least for me... I was so happy High School was OVER! :-) Hehe. Love the tassel colors btw! Pretty. :-)

Jamie Rose said...

Woo graduation! I was so excited when I graduated high school just because I was so over high school. Now there's certain things I miss, but that's because I'm old now. (just kidding)
I should be getting my college cap and gown any day now! Woo for being old!

katie said...

Congradulations, I remeber how excited I was when I got my tassel and went through graduation. ^_^ (I still have it in my scrapbook!) Good luck and congrats again!

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