a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Hello everyone!
So ever since I started Someone Like You it has been a total dream of mine to perhaps someday be drawn by a reader. I am always completely amazed at artists and their abilities because I myself am rather terrible when it comes to drawing! And even more terrible than you can imagine when it comes to drawing faces... But when one lovely reader, Natasha Atkerson, asked if she could draw me for practice I absolutely leaped for joy! I just got these two pictures back that she drew of me less than an hour ago and had to post them right away because they are so beautiful and lovely... Incredible how good of an artist Natasha is to draw me so accurately!

Thank you seriously so much Natasha for this lovely opportunity. You have absolutely made one of my dreams come true, and I am so appreciative to you ❤ Oh, and don't forget to check out Natasha's other work on her art blog, and her adorable style on her fashion blog. She's such a sweet gal!

Hope you all are doing lovely! Only one more day of horrid mid-terms, then I shall be a bit more active on here with reading all of your blogs and commenting.

With much love, Lauren.


Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful drawings! ❤ I can't draw either so I'm also amazed by artists and how they're able to capture beauty on paper, canvas, etc.
-Amanda xo

Sarah Hartley said...

These are so fantastic!! She did a great job.

Shady Del Knight said...

OMG, they are excellent, Lauren! These poses show you at your best and Natasha did a superb job of drawing you! They're keepers!

Sara said...

You look beautiful lauren! amazing drawings! i also wish someone would draw me haha


Nirmala D Mohan said...

Wow.. Lauren you look cute on the lovely drawings. Natasha had done a beautiful work.. she is a great artist..:) Wishes..:)xx

Unknown said...

I've been her follower for a long time now, she is a really good artist! :) Love those drawings of you, they are lovely! :)

Dee Paulino said...

so pretty, you look like a now-days version of Audrey Hepburn.


Emily said...

Oh my goodness! Those are absolutely AMAZING! Natasha draws so well, its crazy! <3

Kezzie said...

Wow! They're brilliant!

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