a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Empower Yourself.

Pink Trench Coat w/ Black Piping: Kohl's.
Floral Dress: Forever21.
Teal Beret: Target.
Black Sweater Tights: JcPenny's.
Black Boots: H&M.

It's been quite sometime since I've written something meaningful and heartfelt here on my blog. Life gets away from me, and I'm lucky just to whip up an outfit post let alone write something in depth. But at my school, as well as, teenagers all over the country there seems to be quite a growing issue that saddens me to the core. Sexual promiscuity.

These days it's easy to find a girl to put out. Just go to any high school or college party and she's the leggy one who smiles at you coyly across the room. By the end of the night, you have her in a dark bedroom, taking her clothes off, making love to her. And you don't even know her name. You aren't her first, or her second, or even her third. Heck, you probably aren't even her forth. To her, you are just another guy to make her feel powerful and gain control in her life. To her, having sex isn't about love or even lust. It's about gaining a feeling of confidence in herself and using sex as a way to make herself feel beautiful.

Girls at my school and all over the world these days don't have enough self confidence in themselves to realize that they're beautiful. They don't feel confident enough about their body or their looks without having the approval of a man to sexually desire and want them. They can't gain self-confidence through natural and unharmful ways, but gain it artificially through selling their body time after time again to men, only after to be left at the exact same place they were before;empty and insecure.

Girls and women need to be empowered not by a man, but by themselves. They need to realize that they're beautiful without showing off all of their skin, without putting out to every guy who asks for it, and without always having a man by their side. Sex is not the anwser to feeling good about yourself. You are the answer to feeling good about yourself.

With much love, Lauren.


Sara said...

Gosh i just love that pink coat of yours! and the color blocking you did with it is gorgeous! And i totally understand what you mean, there are so many insecure girls out there. I just hope they find the right path.


Natasha Atkerson said...

Very cute outfit! (Again!)
While I agreed with you on what you said, as a Christian I believe God is the answer to self-worth issues. I think they turn to guys to fulfill that need instead of the God who can fill that hole.
Anyway! I'm not disagreeing with you, but that's what I believe.
A Modest Fashion Blog:

Natasha Atkerson said...

Oh, I also wanted to see if I could draw your portrait for you? I would just need you to email me a photo reference: Atkersonfamily@aol.com
If you do, include my name (Natasha) in the subject title. Photos with face slightly turned are easier for me to draw-other than that it's up to you! Just make sure the photo is high quality.
A Modest Fashion Blog:

Unknown said...

I very much agree with this Lauren, you hit the nail on the head. I too am disappointed with today's 'teen culture' and how girls do this to themselves.

On a lighter note, this outfit is gorgeous! You definitely are one of the most beautiful girls because of your charming smile, self worth and kindness. A true role model.

xx Carina

Wild Flower said...

You look really adorable and the lovely wintry background only enhances that! Being insecure is very hard to fight off I am learning, but those few moments when I can look in the mirror and smile at my body keep me reaching for full acceptance. Hopefully one day soon...


Jana K said...

Oh, I just love this pink coat. SO darling :) As always, Lauren!

And as for your topic here, I must agree with Natasha :) So glad that you are post about deep things on your blog! Things that no one really wants to talk about, but you aren't afraid to :) That's awesome, and something I really admire about you!

RochellekeCloset said...

great outfit! and love that pretty pink jacket

Jamie Rose said...

That pink coat is so fantastic! I love how the color contrasts so nicely with your blue beret.

Really interesting post topic too. I agree that promiscuity sometimes grows out of insecurity, but remember that's not always the case. Usually that's the case when a girl is younger, but not always. Different people hold sex in different regards and it's important to acknowledge that many people have had multiple partners and are perfectly well adjusted. :)

P.S. You're awesome! I enjoy that you include issues like this in your blog.

Mila said...

All I can possibly say about your perfectly stated opinion on empowerment is thank you. Thank you for being one of the few genuine, strong, stylish in every way, role models left in our commercialized society. Your whole argument is so true.

I love your outfit, it is so adorable and the color of the beret is beautiful. It compliments the colors in your outfit perfectly. Also, in regards to your last post, I am so jealous you got a snow day yesterday! Lucky! :)


S Bee said...

What you said is so true Lauren. Empowerment comes from within:)

I love the dress and the coat XX


Anonymous said...

First of all, your outfit is gorgeous! The coat is so cute :)

And what you wrote seems so true to me! It's really about feeling great from within and not looking for someone to make one feel good, loved and beautiful.

Zane said...

I absolutely adore this look, great color combination and perfect pieces and detail. And I love your post too, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Sian Thomas said...

You look so stunning in this pretty outfit! And I totally agree with you - it really saddens me to see girls dressing themselves up like that just to attract boys, and it seems to be happening at younger and younger ages. Just yesterday my boyfriend and I were discussing this and he said he can no longer tell the difference between 12 year old girls and 18 year olds - that has got to be dangerous. You so frequently see them in heels and so much make up just so they'll feel better about themselves.
Thank you for bringing up this issue =)

Emily said...

Amen to that! People here do that as well, an it annoys me so much! Thank you do much for writing this post, it means a lot! I only hope that others see it as well who need to realize the message. And I love your outfit! Your coat is so bright, it'll be perfect for Spring! <3

Midwest Muse said...

You are so beautiful. That coat is a gem and I think you have a powerful voice. Are you still writing for your paper? You should write an article about that. It could change some girls.

Sarah said...

Such a cute outfit! I especially love that coat. (:

And I absolutely agree with you!


bethy said...

Amazing post. Very incouraging.
You look beautiful as always.
Beth xx

Maria said...

This post is wonderful and so true! You are such an inspiration :)
xo Maria
P.S: I gave you an award on my blog :)

claire said...

you have snow! I want snow....
I used to look at those girls in school and fear them, they were the popular ones, that all the girls wanted to be seen with and the boys wanted to bed. If only i knew then what i know now. Those same girls now have a life i would never be envious of, mulitple children by various men, several marriages in, life is hard for them and they look like it too.
Makes me glad i was different x

Ulia Ali said...

You seriously should send this for the contest! I will definitely publish your pretty and bright looks.
Following u now :)

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you! It's nice to see someone who shares the same views as me about confidence :)
Oh and by the way you're outfit is beautiful <3

Unknown said...

Wow, this post is total truth Lauren. And thank you so much for sharing this today! It is a message that needs to be proclaimed often. I am saddened by how our world portrays sex, and even beauty. This post was really refreshing to read, and thank you again for sharing it! :)

Life's a shoe said...

your coat is so cute!

Marisa Noelle said...

You are so wise beyond your years Lauren! My hubby and I worked with teens for years and it's amazing how much of this goes on, even at an age younger than high school. It's sad to see girls who have no confidence make poor decisions that they think will make them feel better about themselves when all it does is cause further harm to their delicate hearts. Very well said. It's awesome that you can be a positive role model in your school and even beyond.

Of course you look gorgeous as always! I'm such a sucker for candy colors right now and your ensemble is making me swoon:)

Marisa Noelle said...

You are so wise beyond your years Lauren! My hubby and I worked with teens for years and it's amazing how much of this goes on, even at an age younger than high school. It's sad to see girls who have no confidence make poor decisions that they think will make them feel better about themselves when all it does is cause further harm to their delicate hearts. Very well said. It's awesome that you can be a positive role model in your school and even beyond.

Of course you look gorgeous as always! I'm such a sucker for candy colors right now and your ensemble is making me swoon:)

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