a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Velvet Dress, Silver Locket: Thrifted.
Pink Beret: Target.
Floral Tights: JcPenny's.
Black Oxfords: Forever21.
Key Necklace: Gift from Matt.

Hello everyone!
Today I had a lovely day touring the University of Akron, and even managed to have my dad snap a some outfit shots while we were there! Best dad in the world for shooting outfit photos for his daughter in 20 degree weather on the side of a busy city street? I believe so!

This makes the second time that I've visited this university, and I'm currently in the predicament over choosing going to Akron or another university called Kent State. Although both are incredibly different (and actually rivals!), I find myself loving both dearly. It's so odd to be in this position of choosing where I will study and live for the next four years. To be honest, it scares me to death. What if I make the wrong decision on where I want to go to college? What if what I think is the college for me, actually turns out to be the exact opposite?

Although the academic aspect of college is surely something I weigh greatly in my decision, what I value more so is if I can see myself being happy at the college. Flourishing and developing into my own person. Meeting people and making friends. Getting out of my shy shell and trying all the things life has to offer me. I want the college I attend to feel like home, a place I never want to leave.

That's why I've decided to attend Kent State University this coming fall and be the graduating class of 2016. Even though Akron is a beautiful, promising college full of life, I just have this special connection with Kent that I don't have with Akron. Kent State makes me feel like myself. Like I can be myself among the students and not have to hide who I am. Kent State makes me excited for my future and what is in store for me. It's a scary decision I'm making and who knows if it's right. I don't know. My parents don't know. Maybe even God doesn't know. All I do know, however, if that I want to take a risk in my life- something I never do. I want to take the risk of following my dreams and becoming the girl I've always dreamed of being. And I can't wait to start my journey at Kent State.

With much love, Lauren.


claire said...

congratulations on deciding what college you're going to! I'm sure you'll have a great time!

Mila said...

Ahhh, congratulations!! You are so deserving of this amazing college, and judging by how you described it, it will be perfect for you! You took a risk, and it will pay off, especially once you're surrounded by people a little more of your style and interests. I love the photos/outfit as well. Congratulations again, you totally deserve to go to an amazing college.


Sampada said...

Congratulations! I know how hard the decision can be, but I think you'll have lots of fun at Kent State, Lauren...you have the will power, determination and motivation to take your life and make it work for you!



Shady Del Knight said...

Way to go, Lauren! Kent State's a great school and if you already feel at home there then you made the right choice!

Emily said...

Ohmygoodness! Congratulations! I think you'll have an absolute wonderful time at Kent State.:) I just started reason your blog this past year, but one of the very first posts I read was about how scary it was for you to even imagine that you were going to be a senior, and now, half a year later, you've made your decision for college! That's mind-blowing to me! It seems like in just a handful of days I'll have to be making that decision, because the years are flying by so quickly! Congrats again, and I love the new outfit setting! <3

Midwest Muse said...

These are taken on my stomping grounds! I love Akron!

I think you'll love Kent. You've got the Kent personality. Me, I tried Kent and hated it and transferred to Akron. Congrats!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you! I'm going through some of the same decisions right now...finding a college that fits who you are is a tough job. I hope you have a great time at college and still get to keep up with regular posting!

James 4:8

Jamie Rose said...

Congratulations on picking a college! That's so exciting!
Also, these pictures are great and so is your outfit. I love how the pink beret plays off the print in your tights.

Unknown said...

Deciding things like collage is SO hard. I had a difficult time too. But in the end I decided not to go. That was a hard decision in itself! :) Good luck though, I'm happy you were able to have peace about it! Oh and I adore this outfit! I am such a lover of black (no, I'm not emo!) and this outfit is really classy and fun! :)

S Bee said...

Congratulations Lauren and all the very best for your new adventure in life!

I love the velvet dress and the pop of the pink beret:)

Read my latest blog post having a special mention of you :)


Sara said...

I want that beret! such a chic outfit! and don't listen to that anonymous commenter. How rude. congrats on your college choice! i just spent two hours researching colleges myself!


Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

When I had to pick my college two years ago I felt the same way! I was SO scared to choose the wrong place. In my head I had already decided that I was going to a college in Antwerp like a lot of my fellow students in high school. But then I visited the three main colleges there and I did not like them at all! The vibe that was in there didn't warm my heart and so I went to visit the one college I said I'd never attend. I came in and immediatly felt at home. The professors were a lot nicers, the classrooms were smaller, the buildings were older, the people seemed more like my kind of crowd, ... and so I've been there for 1.5 years now, and I am sad that i am already half way through my study! It's closer to home than Antwerp and I didn't actually have to move to a dorm because I can just take the bus up there everyday. In 1.5 years I'll have to make the same decision again for my mastersdegree. I can't get that in my current college. I said I would NEVER go to the uni in Leuven, but who knows how I'll feel about it when I actually go there... . Life is full of suprises. I am so happy you have made your choice too! I wish you all the best with the preparations and stuff. And I hope you'll be a happy colleger!

Have a great Sunday!

XO Nikki

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making your decision - good luck with everything :)

Your look is gorgeous, I love that it's all-black with some pink accents!

xx, Susann

OrigamiGirl said...

Congratulations and I hope you have a wonderful time. I look forward to seeing your photos in lots of new and interesting places. When I chose my unversity in Britain I chose it mostly based on the atmosphere and the look of the place. It was by the sea and had a castle and generally gorgeous. I knew that I would feel at home there and that mattered more than anything else -unis with better reputations just weren't as friendly. I had a great time so it turns out that it was a pretty solid basis for a life choice. I also don't think that there is a wrong choice at this point. Anywhere you go can be great, it's all about getting involved and just throwing yourself into it. In my opinion. :)

Nadine said...

I don't think there is a right or a wrong decision. Whatever you choose, you have to make it work, and I'm sure you will! In the end I don't think it matters where you are or what you do. It's who you are that's important.
I (like another reader) am where I always said I would never study, but I love it here, and I'm so proud of the person I've become!
I hope college makes you become the person you want to be! xx.

Gina said...

Congratulations! This is such an exciting time! I had to chose my college a year ago, and what it all boiled down to was where I would be happy. I chose my college and I knew after a few weeks that I wouldn't be happier anywhere else. I'm so happy for you in this decision! Just a heads up, you will think from time to time about the other schools and what your life could have been like there. But soon that goes away! If you pick a school that makes you happy, then it's the right decision! Good luck with everything college-related :)

Also, I'm loving the pops of pink in your outfit! And I'm a new follower, loving your blog!

xo, gina


Zane said...

adore the floral tights and cute pink beret

Hannah N. said...

Yay for Lauren! So proud of you <3

Kezzie said...

Yay, well done you! I know what you mean about the academic thing- I went to a university purely because I loved the feel of it, not that I thought about the course at all or whether it was the better university. All my other friends who applied to do music in London went to the other place! And I totally made the right decision! My boyfriend actually went to my second choice uni and he really didn't like it despite it supposedly being the better place!! So anyway, to cut a long story short- go girl!

Elanor said...

how exciting that you've decided! i still haven't yet... it's a scary decision but God has a plan!

those tights are so cute. :) and what a nice dad for taking these photos!

Anonymous said...

Picking a college is always exciting! :) I'm so glad you've decided on one that suits you. By the way you're outfit is perfection as always!

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Unknown said...

You are so gorgeous! I love that pink beret and those floral tights! So cute.

Jul said...

Congratulations for your decision! I wish you all the best for your future :)
This look is just PERFECT, do you know, Lauren? I love that darling velvet dress and those tights and the pink hat that matches the little flowers on your tights so much!
Life is a romantic poem

Maria Elyse said...

I am so excited that you've made your college decision, Lauren! ♥ I can't describe how excited I am for you, seriously. It's such a big decision in your life and I know that God has huge plans and is directing your path always. It's true we don't know if it's the right decision, but it's comforting to know that the creator of the universe *does* know and is guiding us all the way. ♥

Again, I am SO EXCITED for you, dear! Congrats!

Maria Elyse

Lauren said...

Hi Lauren,

My name is Lauren too, I love vintage and have a blog. I live in Australia. I was just wondering what your studying?

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