a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, January 9, 2012


Vintage Lace Sweetheart Necklace Dress: Gift from reader Shelby Tugwell.
Rose Floral Crown: Handmade by me.
Patterned Tights: JcPenny's.
T-Strap Heels: Thrifted.

Hello everyone!
I am so excited to share these photos with you all; they're probably some of my favorite I've ever taken! I've been exchanging emails back and forth with one of my readers who is a good friend of mine, and was so blown away that she sent me this beautiful vintage dress for a Christmas present! Her kindness absolutely floors me and leaves me breathless...To think of me and be so kind to as see a dress she thought I would like and purchase it as a gift is something I am forever in gratitude for. I possibly could never thank her enough for her kindness!

I absolutely love this dress to pieces and it comprises of everything I absolutely love in a dress...Lace, a sweetheart necklace, and ruffles. Ah, it's perfect ❤ Since the dress was so special on it's own, I wanted something else special to whimsically pair it up with. So yesterday I finally checked off something on my 'bucket list' and crafted a floral crown! Roses are my favorite flower, so it was like heaven wearing this halo of them... It just made me feel so much like a forest nymph!

Ever so brave was I feeling to even wear this whole ensemble to school today! I knew I would receive many blatant stares and get rude comments today about my attire, but I in my heart that I didn't care. Perhaps a few years ago I would have been embarrassed to wear something so outrageous, but today I was...proud. This outfit is a depiction of who I am as a person and who I've developed myself to be. It perfectly shows without using words my femininity, my shy disposition, my innocence, and my love for pieces of olden days. If I had to pick one outfit to represent my style, this would be it!

Hope you all are doing lovely & I am terribly sorry or the overload of pictures on this post...I just felt so inspired by the images and wanted to share my affinity for them with you all! Hope that you like them as much as I do :)

With much love, Lauren.


Sara said...

Such BEAUTIFUL photos! you look so pretty! the dress is gorgeous, everything is just perfect! one of my favorite posts of yours!


The Semi Sweet said...

If anyone said anything rude to you over this outfit is was just out of jealously. You look wonderful.

By the way, I was watching Jane By Design the other day and it kind of reminded me of you :) The way the character wears whatever makes her feel good in highschool and is so stylish...totally you.

claire said...

your floral crown + your dress + your makeup = BEAUTIFUL

Shady Del Knight said...

Absolutely beautiful, Lauren: the dress, the floral crown, the patterned tights, your hair and makeup, the poses, the natural setting, the composition - everything!

Jana K said...

Ahhh, Lauren you look SO BEAUTIFUL in this outfit. Seriously, I can see why it's your favorite. I know it's my favorite!!!

Marie said...

Love those stockings and all of the texture in the outfit.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

Maria Elyse said...

I am so proud of you for wearing this to school! ♥ (And proud of you for making the flower crown yourself! It's beautiful!) You know how I struggle with being myself, especially at school, and you always inspire me and help me to be a little braver. Thank you so much for that, Lauren.

Maria Elyse
First Impressions
Flying Ships Vintage

Cee said...

That dress is so beautiful - I can't imagine a more perfect gift for you! Good for you for wearing it to school with pride; life is short, you should wear every outfit you love multiple times ;) Your floral crown is really stunning, too, I must say. So romantic!

Charlotte Cantillon (Crowley) said...

Lauren, I just wanted to say that these photos are absolutely gorgeous. You have a real eye for photography!

Charlotte x

Unknown said...

I love your dress! I have SUCH a soft spot for black lace. :)

Nirmala D Mohan said...

Terrific Beauty..:) Loved your dress.. Floral Crown & dress simply chic... Lovely photos..:)Great

Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

Don't let these mean people get to you Lauren. It's does me good to read that you don't! I love this look. You make the prettiest floral crowns :) x

Midwest Muse said...

That crown is beautiful and you look stunning.

Unknown said...

you look amazing, I love the crown & the dress very cool & nice!

Zane said...

wonderful dress, it goes perfectly with the tights. adore the perfect floral crown here too and your make-up is simply gorgeous.

Kezzie said...

Beautiful Lauren! A lovely ensemble and what a sweet gift for her to send you! Delightful!

Maria said...

You really do look so ethereal and beautiful! I love everything about this shoot, your romantic and feminine style is portrayed through this outfit perfectly! And, I'm so proud of you for wearing it to school despite the stares! Just think, you will always be remembered as 'the girl who wore beautiful clothes and flaunted her own style'. Quite the admirable status, you know. :)

Living_in_aShoe said...

gorgeous outfit and great pictures!

Emily said...

Your dress is gorgeous! When I first saw it I was actually like "Oh my gosh, I hope Lauren realized that her dress perfectly depicts her style". Then I read the description:) And haha, I like all the pictures! They are all so beautiful, you pose so nicely! And the floral crown is amazing!

Kenziefaith said...

Wow, these photos are gorgeous! seriously.... that lighting! And this dress! Beautiful, beautiful.

Marisa Noelle said...

My heart is skipping a beat here for sure as this is one of the prettiest photos shoots and outfits I have ever seen!!! You are such old school classic hollywood beauty dear Lauren! The dress is perfection to the umpteenth power...how sweet of that reader to send it your way. The floral crown =drop dead beautiful...right up my alley!! And can I tell...your makeup is the prettiest thing as well. I don't think it gets anymore perfect than this. Wear it proudly for sure:)

Stacey Kay said...

I'm glad you were BRAVE enough to wear this to school. All the other kids can take a fashion lesson or two from you - fabulous! Love the floral crown.

Goodwill Huntingg

S Bee said...

wow Lauren! This is just sooo YOU...!! Everything is just so pretty and ofcourse you look gorgeous <3

And great work on the floral crown :)

Jackie said...

I love your tights!!

A said...

Anyone making rude comments has no taste at all! You look beautiful, and you too must be a kind person for someone to give such a kind gift, just found your blog :)

Jul said...

:) aw, you have such a wonderful reader/friend! This dress is just perfect for you, you look gorgeous in it! I also like your flower crown <3
And good for you that you had the courage to wear this dress at school!
Life is a romantic poem

Wild Flower said...

Pretty pretty pretty! What a wonderful vintage dress and that was so nice of your friend to send it over! Love how you paired it with the floral crown too, so romantic :)


Jamie Rose said...

You look beautiful! That dress was such a perfect gift for you. I love it! The floral crown and red lips pair perfectly with it. You're definitely brave for wearing it to high school. When I was in high school I would've never worn anything like this to school. I'm in love with it though!

Anonymous said...

Speechless. Everything about this outfit is perfect: the t-strap heels, the dress (*faint*), the flowers in your hair...ah, lovely. You look amazing!

Jess said...

Soooo gorgeous! Love the floral crown, now I really want one too :)
Hey, did you notice that #13 looks a little like the show poster for Wicked? One of my favorites (show....and picture!)

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