a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Can't Help Myself.

Striped Shirt, Houndstooth Skirt, Black Loafers: Thrifted.
Red Coat, Pearl Necklace, White Hair Bow: Forever21.
Lipstick in MAC's Russian Red.

I know you all probably get sick of it, but I just can't stop wearing red.

I don't know where my obsession with the color really started. I want to say sometime around when we adopted my little sister from China and it seemed that everything over there/everything important was the color red, so I found significance in the color, too. When I wear red I feel invincible, unstoppable, and confident. It's my soul color and being a Leo, I feel like it fits pretty well. I don't often feel 'pretty' and have struggled in the past with feeling very ordinary based on my brown hair and brown eyes. But when I wear red, ordinary is the last thing in the world I feel. It brings life to my face, a glisten to my smile, and fire into my eyes. It makes me feel lovely, like a girl from decades ago that maybe I once was in a previous life. No matter if it's a dress, a coat, a pair of shoes, lipstick, or even a red bow in my hair... Red makes me feel alive and it will always be my favorite color
With much love, Lauren. 

P.S. I promise I wasn't too cold in these pictures, even though it looks like I am. It has warmed up, but there's still lots of snow on the ground! x


Kezzie said...

You are one of the prettiest people I know and surely from the millions if reader comments telling you that, you might believe it? After all you said you look a bit like Audrey Hepburn and you wouldn't say she's not pretty! Anyway, I am glad that red DOES make you believe it!!! I love wearing red too! I was wearing a red sweetheart dress the first time I ever danced with my husband! Pretty outfit- are they tights or socks?

Kezzie said...

...and you are too kind and lovely to be just ordinary. X

OrigamiGirl said...

You totally suit red too! I think that reds and browns really work well on you. I love how well you got that lipstick share and coat to match. Also, your eyebrows are looking amazing girl! I don't know how you do it, but they look so perfect. I say this after kind of stabbing myself in the eye with tweezers this morning, so I'm hyper-aware of the problems of plucking. lol. :)

Anonymous said...

Love your outfit like always. So fabolous. I like the pattern!:)

Irene Wibowo

Anonymous said...

Wow! I hope you have a great night, you look incredible!

Anonymous said...

You look SO confident and SO attractive in all of your photos this week. Give those poor boys at school a break sometime, I'm sure they have to be lining up at your door!!!

Elliementary, My Dear said...

Very appropriate color for you to wear seeing as this weekend is Chinese New Year :) You look gorgeous in red and the way it makes you feel is similar to how my red hair makes me feel (I'm a natural brunette).

Unknown said...

Red as a color of confidence; very interesting take on it. Whatever helps you tap into that strength so visible in your gorgeous eyes I say do it as much as you like. And the face it compliments your lovely skin is just a bonus. Sometimes red is used to draw attention, but a beauty like yours is so radiant it needs no such props.

Very cool skirt, it has one of those patterns where if you stare at it long enough it appears to move. An optical illusion. Maybe its just me and I am too tired :) And of course adore those socks on you. Look how they flatter those gorgeous legs so well. Oh for a closer shot but not at all complaining about those provided. Does one complain about a sunrise and not seem foolish?

nanawintour said...

Lauren you look so gorgeous in these photos. I love this outfit!

S xo

Anonymous said...

Hey, Lauren :) I really like your blog, I check it every day and I'm glad when I find new lovely outfits. You are very pretty and the color red fits you great. I never commented here before, but after reading this post I really feel ilke asking you something, I hope you will find the time to answer and I hope my question won't bother you, because it's not meant with bad intentions.

I'm just curious how come you believe in previous lives, since, of what I know, they are not part of the christian belief. I might be wrong, so I'm not looking to acuse you in any way, I'd just like to now what's the truth.

I hope you won't mind I asked you this and keep up the good work with the blog, the outfits that you post are just delightful and I like your openness towards your readers. Have a great day! :)

Emma said...

I have just found your blog and I'm so glad I did! Your photos are lovely and you not only have great style but also something interesting to say :) x


Sasha said...

You look perfectly beautiful and far from ordinary to me! :) And red suits you with no doubt.
P.S. I also have brown hair and brown eyes. You just have to remember, some people would actually prefer having brown eyes or hair. It's only the matter of self-perception. :)

Emmy said...

I love that red coat! So cheery! Lovely outfit, though I agree with the anonymous commenter above that you believe there are previous lives you have had. That's not part of the Christian belief, and I know that for sure.

Anonymous said...

With your hair colour, style, skin tone and gorgeous features, never so wearing red! It looks just wonderful on you!
Red is sexy. Simple as that and if it makes you feel it, rock it!!

Camille said...

I totally get what you mean when you say red is your soul color!Pink is mine! I always feel confidant and like my best self when I'm wearing pink.

Also, I think your red coat is so pretty and your white bow is adorable!


Jamie Rose said...

Red is the best color so wear it all you want! I have a huge love of red too. It just makes any outfit pop and make a statement. I love your red jacket with the houndstooth skirt. It's such a great combination.

SomeoneLikeYou said...

SomeoneLikeYouFebruary 2, 2014 at 1:15 PM
Hey anonymous!

No, I am not offended at all by the question and you pointing out that it's not a Christian belief. I am a relatively new Christian and I don't have down pact all of the beliefs of the faith. I haven't asked enough questions about it to really come to a conclusion about whether I believe in reincarnation or not. I am a really progressive Christian though and so I believe in a lot of things perhaps that more traditional Christians might not. Reincarnation isn't really something I strongly belive in and have a die hard opinion on: it's more so it might be real it might not. I haven't taken the time to truly think about it and I just somewhat put that line in my blog post without thinking!

friedenlinde said...

I feel the same about red! I just throw in anything red and... instant happiness :)
You look beautiful in it, I think it really compliments a brunette's natural colors - and you prove it here!

overthinker said...

gorgeous as always :)

Unknown said...

Yup, yup, yup. I agree with all of it! Red is such a fun bold color and it suits you so well. Being a redhead, I shied away from it for a while until I realized, I'm totally missing out. Love the idea of incorporating red into an outfit by outerwear. Gorgeous look, as always!

Britney @ Scout and Company said...

I really adore this outfit! And you can never wear too much red! Red is the best colour to wear in my opinion :)

Romina Santana said...

Lovely outfit! Besides the pop of red, I love the pearls and the mix of patterns! I look forward to your posts, because though I hardly comment here, I find your writings to be really lovely and relatable , which it is what keeps me coming back here and sets this blog apart from other fashion blogs who concentrate only in fashion.

Anonymous said...

I am just like you when it comes to the matter of reincarnation, Lauren! I am not very well informed, I suppose it's not part of the Christian belief but I sometimes find myself believing in it without putting much thought into it, if that even makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Lauren, I can *so* relate to this! Being Native American on one side, I have brown hair, brown eyes, and a skin tone that is tricky to pair with certain colors sometimes. Red perks up my complexion and makes me feel confident. Just like pastels feel soft and feminine, red feels daring and courageous, but not in an unladylike way. It's amazing how colors can affect you.

xoxo, Alesha

Anonymous said...

Your makeup in these pictures is absolutely breathtaking. You look stunning.

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