a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Sunflower Dress, Steve Madden Heels, Straw Fedora,Silver Pendant, Tan Satchel: All Thrifted.

Hello everyone!
It was the perfect, perfect, perfect day to take pictures and not to mention I was excited to wear three new pieces that I thrifted yesterday; a sunflower 90's dress, steve madden heels (!), and a new satchel. All for $2.50! I've been searching for a sunflower dress forever now and was so excited to find one. I've been super into novelty prints as of late and it always thrills me to find something I'm into :)

Not to mention it was so beautiful out today. The perfect spring turning into summer day. I went to a secret place of the forest that I love and all sorts of stunning purple and white flowers were blooming. I don't care it they're probably weeds; they were gorgeous! The sunlight was beautifully glinting through the trees and I just felt so...happy. Something I don't really feel in my day to day life when I'm at school.

I do admit though with five days left I definitely am getting a little sad and nostalgic. Something I never though I'd be. Today was the senior talent show and I was so proud when I watched all of my classmates do performances on the stage. I suppose I have a love hate relationship with them. Sometimes I love to hate them and other times...? They're the people I've know for years and years. Sure they have faults and most of them annoy me to the core, but they will always be my classmates no matter what.

One thing I am not looking forward to in these closing days is finals. Ugh, we got a new principle and he's making seniors take finals this year. For the past 20 years seniors haven't had to take finals and it really sucks that I have to be the class to finally take them! I can honestly say that I have no will power left to do any school work and I really do need to get some...I certainly don't want to do bad on these tests even though they technically don't matter for me anymore ;)

Anywhoo, hope you all are doing swell!
With much love, Lauren.

P.S. Katie of Beautifully Pure just did an outfit post in a grey lace dress that I swapped with her! Here it is if you'd like to check it out.


Sampada said...

You thrifted all three for only $2.50? WOW. That is impressive!

You look fabulous as always, and good luck with finals.


Unknown said...

That dress is adorable and those shoes are very cool. My favorite picture is the one with the big grin :D--Best of luck with school!

Carlee, Little Sloth said...

All that for $2.50 wow. That is includable. I love the bag!


Teddi said...

lauren, your dress reminds me of the ashish spring rtw 2012. do you agree? check link below


Imaginary Confetti Club said...

Also, that last picture is perfection.

katie said...

Ooooh, you are wearing so many of my favorite things! A beautiful floral printed dress, (sunflowers no less, my very favorite!) an adorable hat and a saddle bag purse. So as you may have guessed, I really like this outfit!

Way to go on thrifting, it's so exciting to find fun treasures and like you, I'm wearing my thrifted steve madden shoes today. (I love Steve madden shoes, they last forever, look great and are comfy. They're one of the few brands that I will save up to buy brand new, just because they are worth it.) You always wear the cutest hats. :)

The Dragonfruit said...

Wow, as soon as I saw that dress I thought 'That has got to be the cutest thrifted item I've ever seen.' It fits like a dream too! Can't believe you thrifted this entire outfit. Those heels are just perfect <3
And I know how you feel about graduating...I'm getting my diploma on Monday and it feels unreal how quickly everything I've gotten used to is ending.
Just got to remember there's more exciting times ahead! :)

PS: Win a $50 voucher for Dark Horse Jewelry on my blog!
Trendy Teal

Kezzie said...

Very pretty! How come thrifting is so cheap in America! London is so expensive!

shay said...

What a beautiful dress, and for such a steal! I'm so jealous ;)
I know exactly what you mean about being sad and nostalgic. I'm graduating this year too, and despite my past "I'm not going to miss anyone" rants, I find myself slowly starting to panic as the day grows closer....

Fashion Lookbook said...

This dress is so adorable.

Jamie Rose said...

Ugh that sucks that you have to take finals. We had a system where you had to take them unless you had an overall "A" average from all your high school years. Or you could exempt specific classes if you had an A in that class. So I exempted mine and it was miraculous.

That sunflower dress you're wearing is so cute on you. I especially love the hat you paired with it. Such a summery, happy outfit!

Is It Secret, Is It Safe said...

What a perfect summer dress! You look lovely! And good luck on your finals! I'm sure you'll ace them! :)


Emily said...

Oh you lucky duck! I need to go shopping in Ohio obviously! You look absolutely beautiful, and I really like the last picture, the blurred out one, where your walking away.

And I cannot wait until summer! I'm practically counting down the hours! My big AP test is already finished, but I still have all my other finals, meh.


Anonymous said...

Video gaming has quickly overtaken the world. People everywhere find it enjoyable, relaxing, competitive and even educational! There is something for everyone in the world of online gaming. This article has some tips on how to get more out of your video games experience.

Any game you give your child should be age-appropriate. You can do this easily by checking the game's front packaging or cover for the age rating. Some video games focus on violence, which you should avoid.

Auctions on the Internet are a great place to buy games from. You can save a lot on video gaming by purchasing them on auction sites. Conduct some searches to fund the best possible deals. After that, just keep on bidding.

One question modern gamers must ask themselves is whether they want to be a computer gamer or a playstation gamer. Most games, these days, are available for either format so you need to find out which one is best for the type of games you want to play. Also, some games, such as flight simulators and real-time strategy games, are better suited to a specific type of hardware, so if you like a specific genre, plan your hardware purchases accordingly.

If you are viewing a how-to video online, make sure you thoroughly understand what you are doing. Avoid any deviation in technique, as the slightest difference can add up to disaster. A full screen view will help you to understand all of the details involved in the game.

When buying for children it is important to check ESRB ratings. Some games may look like they are aimed at children but have objectionable content that is not apparent from the box or other promotional materials. Check the rating and read some reviews to see what others say.

Post ads online in order to sell your older online games. Use auction sites like eBay as the last place to sell. Shipment and payment issues can make sites like those a real hassle. Try ads with Facebook and Craigslist first.

Start out with the easiest mode. If you discover a game is too easy, restart the game with a harder difficultly level. Once you have played on a beginner level for awhile, you will find it much easier to eventually play on a harder level.

Check out ratings when buying games for children. These games are rated for a reason. Any game with ratings like A or M are totally inappropriate for children. Check the website of the ESRB to learn more.

Check the Internet for suggestions and tricks for you favorite games. When you get stuck somewhere in a game, it can frustrate you and maybe even make you give up. Consulting a walkthrough or asking other gamers on a message board is the surest way to conquer that tough level and start enjoying the game again.

Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.

Video games is a part of our yesterday, our today and our tomorrow. It's amazing how fast they grow in complexity. You can only dream of where online gaming will go in the future. It will be interesting to see what types of gaming systems you will be enjoying in the future.

Anonymous said...

It can be quite dangerous to be involved in online gaming. There's a lot of danger and evil lurking in each and every corner. In this article, we will give you good advice on how to get the most out of the time you have for video gaming. We will also share some innovative ideas and tricks. Continue below.

Learn the Metacritic score of any gaming you're thinking about buying prior to purchasing it. Some games are not fun at all, therefore they are cheap. This means you've wasted your money in such a purchase. The game's score will help you make the right choice.

Instead of a computer, try a regular gaming wii system for your kids gaming pleasure. It is easier to control things like privacy and content on a system than it is on a PC. They may have a much more protected experience with a xbox.

Before you allow your children to play a video game, ensure you understand its rating. Some games have violent content and are meant for people that are over 18. Violence can give your children the wrong values, which may show later in life. Try to refrain from computer games that promote violence for your children's sake.

Should you have a xbox repaired or just get a new one? If you break your system, then you should consider upgrading, not repairing it. That's because the cost you will incur from the repair could exceed the cost of purchasing a brand new system. Consider upgrading your current system, or check out an all new gaming system. You're going to have to get a new one eventually. You might as well do it now.

When playing side-scrolling 2D games, always check to the left to see if there are any hidden items or passageways. Don't overlook high ledges or walls that may have invisible entry points, either. Never feel silly when you check out strange areas of the game, you just might find something valuable.

Never clean your system, no matter the age, with strong cleaners. Lightly blowing can help to remove dust, and this is often all it takes to get things up and running. You can destroy your console if you use harsh chemicals on it.

It may sound simple purchasing a new game; however, it can be quite a difficult decision. You can waste money on bad games if you don't do your research. Read reviews on the Internet to see how good a game is before you make a purchase.

The PS2 is 12 years old and kind of outdated, but the one thing it has going for it is that it is very cheap. The games for this system are about half the prices of Xbox and PS3 games. There are also many more games available.

Check the Internet for ideas and tricks for you favorite games. When you get stuck somewhere in a game, it can frustrate you and maybe even make you give up. Consulting a walkthrough or asking other gamers on a message board is the surest way to conquer that tough level and start enjoying the game again.

Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.

There are games in which you can shoot, solve puzzles, drive, fly, fight, etc, so keep reading to find out more! Online gaming allow us to take on a persona that we couldn't have in the real world so they're fun to play. Keep gaming!

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