a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fresh Blooms.

Floral Peter Pan Collar Dress: Swapped with Katie of Beautifully Pure.
Pink Cardigan, Brown T-Strap Heels: Thrifted.
Teal Beret: Target.

Hello everyone!
Katie and I finished our first round of swapping about a few weeks ago and decided to do another! This time around I got this gorgeous floral dress she bought from Modcloth...sigh, it's right up my ally! I have another pretty floral dress she sent me to show you all soon so stay tuned! Oh, and once summer roles around Katie and I plan on adding a few more bloggers to the swap. Would any of you perhaps be interested?

And thank you all SO very much for all of the kind and encouraging words on my last post! Shucks, you all are the absolute sweetest and the best support system ❤

Tomorrow is a big day for me though. It's the long awaited Goodwill Style Fashion Show! Since December I've been putting together a collection of thrifted outfits from Goodwill to present at this fashion show tomorrow with two other bloggers and 50 design students from Ursuline college. The event is much bigger than I anticipated...hundreds and hundreds of people are going to be attending and I am emceeing my portion of the show. I've never talked in front of that many people before let alone in a microphone...not to mention I can hardly give a class presentation without hopelessly stuttering! Even though I'm incredibly nervous it's not to say I'm not excited, as well. It will be such a fun event and I'll try hard to have my parents take some pictures to show you all!

Take care,
With much love, Lauren.


claire said...

that would be so cool to be added to your lithe clothing swap thing, although i don't have as cool clothes as you do haahha. and omg super excited for tomorrow I'M SURE YOU'LL DO GREAT. xx

claire said...

*little oops!

Katie Burry said...

Good luck on your fashion show!! I can't wait to hear about when you get back! :D

I *love* the cardigan you paired with this dress! It matches so well and I just love pink. <3

Bramblewood Fashion said...

You look beautiful like always, Lauren. *smile*

I would be interested in doing your blogger swap! As it sounds like so much fun!

I'll be praying for you tomorrow that you don't get too nervous! I can't wait to hear all about the event!!

Unknown said...

I'm sure that tomorrow will go over soooo well for you! I wish I could be there oh so very much.

I would be interested in being a part of the swap, it sounds like so much fun, especially since your style is amazing! Like the dress you are wearing the post; it is adorable!


bridget anne said...

you are always, always stunning. modcloth + floral looks good on you. and i love the socks & shoes combo.

Ashlyn said...

The dress is great! Classic combination, too. I love some good t-strap heels. I'm so excited for your show! I know you'll do great and if I were closer, you know I'd be there to watch. Good luck and congrats on both this opportunity and being best dressed!

Triple Thread

Teddi said...

lauren, i have NO doubt, that you will do great at the fashion show! i'm sure you have practiced, & prepared to no end. i like your spring outfit swapped with katie. would the clothes swap be permanent or sent back? either way it sounds all kinds of fun. so YES! :)

Lauren said...

This dress is so cute! And I would love to be a part of the swap! I've always wanted to do something like that. :) You are awesome!

Britney @ Scout and Company said...

Oh good luck! You'll be awesome! And congrats on winning best dressed too.

Anni said...

your dress is so cute!
you look amazing!


Nerd Burger said...

I wish i looked like you when i wear a hat, but i new look as rad.:( Love the little pink cardigan.

Caroline said...

oh, your outfit is darling, dear.
can't wait to hear about tomorrow!!

Natasha Atkerson said...

I'd like more info on this blogger swap! I'm not sure if I can do it, I'm rather "large busted" (39"), would that work with anyone else? (I have no idea what size you are from pictures, but you look smaller than me).
A Modest Fashion Blog:

Elizabeth said...

Good luck! I can't wait to see what some pictures :) Your such a beautiful young lady with such a passion for fashion. I wish I could be as daring as you with my style. Wish I could see the show, you deserve to win!

Keep Shining, Lizzy <3

katie said...

First off, good luck on your fashion show, it sounds like so much fun! :)
This is such a cute outfit, it looks like you and Katie hyave been having so much fun with these clothing swap and it's fun to see how the two of you have been styling them. (You are so adorable, I love the little socks with your shoes!)
I'd love to jump in on these clothing swaps, but shipping to and from Alaska can be spendy and I have a feeling I'm a few sizes bigger than you two lovely ladies!
Once again, good luck with your fashion show, have fun!

Jamie Rose said...

This is so pretty. I love how your cardigan and beret take colors from the dress and play off the pattern. That dress was such a great piece to get in a swap!

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