a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, May 28, 2012

Summer Daze.

Floral Crown: Handmade.
Blue Floral Romper (for sale!), White Quilted Purse, Tan Clogs: Thrifted.
Pink Flower Ring: Giveaway Win from Ashlyn of Triple Thread.

Hello everyone!

I do have to apologize for the mini rant I went on yesterday. I was just so frustrated. So angry. I know I probably shouldn't write with that sort of angry passion here on the blog, but I never want to feel inhibited on what I can and cannot post. I want it to feel like a place of refuge, safety, and sanity. It's always been that and I never want to lose it. I know it probably scares you all (and frankly I scare myself) but that's who I am sometimes. I'm a real person with real feelings who really does get angry and upset. This is a place to show all that and it just so happens that my 'diary' is read by 563 people.

Anyways, today really was the perfect kick off to the summer. I went to the pool early this morning with my sister and just lazed around the pool side for a few hours in glorious relaxation. I caught up on some of my magazines, and some much needed sun. I'm definitely paying for it now because I've felt sick and dizzy all day; my body isn't used to being out in the 90+ degree heat! After the pool I came back and got dressed for these pictures which were so much fun to take. I'd forgotten what it feels like to take pictures when I'm not tired from being at school all day! They can actually be fun ;)

After pictures I went to Matt's house where we made peanut butter squares and played with his adorable little pup Bella...Such a relaxing, lovely day! I truly am looking forward to enjoying this summer and finding out more about myself before I go off to college. This will be a time of wonderous self discovery

Oh! And before I forget- this little romper is for sale in my online shop! Isn't it too cute? I bought it for the Goodwill Fashion Show but ended up going with a different theme for the collection and it didn't match in very well. I do love it, but I feel as though I already have too many just like it!

Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day and thank you for putting up with my craziness.
With much love, Lauren

P.S. If you haven't already, enter my lovely giveaway to win your choice of ANY piece from eShakti! They have the cutest retro dresses :)


Carlee, Little Sloth said...

Lovely post, I am glad you are enjoying your summer so far. It will only get better. I love the headband! You look gorgeous in these photos.


Anonymous said...

I love these pictures ever so much. And I do love that romper! The peanut butter squares sound so good. Wish it was summer here...

X Emily


L. said...

So pretty, as per usual! The colour of the dress suits your skin tone so nicely and the flower crown just makes it! Mental note: Need to learn how to make one of those. Keep it up my lovely lady!!

<3, L.

Sarah said...

I love the blue dress its gorgeous.
Love Sarah

aki! said...

One of the things that I enjoy about your blogs is your thoughts. It's different than what other blogs offer and it's very real and very personal.

Sarah Wiki said...


Hey, quick question... What do you do to your hair to make it so awesome?


niknok said...

lovely dress!

The Niknok Style

A Certain Vintage said...

Love the pattern and colour of this romper, you look so perfectly summery. Such a beautiful location for photos too, happy to find your blog - some great posts and lovely photography

Kezzie said...

Lauren, I love your handmade floral crowns, they are lovely! The romper is very cute and suits you! Hope that you are ok! Is whatever it was sorted now?

Emily said...

You really are the most beautiful girl I've seen (not really met, although I would love to meet you!). Thank you for proving to everyone that you really are real, often times I bottle up my feelings and don't spill them out like you did in your I Hate post. But you look absolutely gorgeous in this post, and I just love it so much:)

Leah said...

Your hair is beautiful and I just love those shoes!

Hanne said...

I really love those photos! The light and background, as well as your outfit :)

Jamie Rose said...

Aw you look so nice and summery in that little romper! The floral crown works perfectly with it.

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