a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, August 13, 2012

Video Of Clothes I'm Taking To College!

Ahh, at long last a video and my voice! I thought it would be easier to show what I'm taking to Kent wardrobe wise rather than through pictures. So it's all ya'lls lucky day (actually unlucky day). You get to hear me say um and uh a million times and hear me call sweaters cardigans. Oops.

Let me know if you'd like a video showing my accessories/shoes/hats that I'm taking.

Also, I'd love to hear what you college gals think. Is this is too much or too little to bring? I'm going to probably guess the first suggestion ;)

With much love, Lauren.


Camille said...

I'm so glad that you made a video because I love your speaking voice! You're bringing some really cute items to college. This video is making me so excited to graduate high school so next year I can be backing my clothes up for college. Please make another video of your shoes, accessories, and jewelry!


Sara said...

Looks like a great selection! I would recommend bringing some lazy clothes - jeans, leggings, etc... college kids tend to dress like that, and while it may not be your style there may be days when you feel like being lazy :)

Angel said...

I love your voice, it's so cute and young.
I think I brought more clothes than what you showed in that video so, I think youre good. But I also brought more because I only went home on big holidays. But if you're planning on visiting home a lot I'm sure you'll be bringing things back and forth a lot.
I'd reccommend you bring some comfy/lazy clothes... for those late nights study sessions. Sweatpants are what I wore like the last 2 months of school in my final year.

Anne Reader said...

You know what? Read THIS.
First of all, you don't have the voice I imagined you had. It's sweet, it's... lighter, it's girlier. I kinda imagined you with a deeper voice -like meh!- but It's beautiful, you are, in so many ways.
I must tell you, maybe you don't exactly believe it, maybe it's kind of impossible or maybe you go throught comments like this every day or two but I'm your friend, however that's possible!
Good luck at college and how do you manage to wear skirts-dresses every single day? I know I can't!

Shey said...

You have such a sweet voice, this is the first time I comment, I just wanted to let you know that you are a beautiful girl and I love your style =) God Bless!

Conny said...

you are definitely bringing in a great amount of choices! i am a dress LOVER so i would say take more dresses ;)
P.S: LOVE your dress collection :)

Katie Selt said...

You sound just as lovely as I imagined!
I think you packed the right amount, actually. I'm sure you didn't show us your PJs (because who does?) so, I think you have those lazy days covered. It's good to not bring your entire wardrobe because you are going to a different school in a different city, where you'll probably shop and undoubtedly get tshirts from college.


Unknown said...

Great picks! I think that they will work so well together. I really like that bright blue top that is sleeveless! I like how you limited yourself, because I always pack WAY too much when I go to school and then have to listen to my parents complain as we carry it up the stairs. This year though, I really have to limit myself as I have a smaller room (the price I paid to be in the cozy dorm) so I think that it just depends on what your
room size is. And I'm sure that you will do some shopping too, when you are actually at Kent, so that helps. I would actually take a couple more comfy shirts, because when finals roll around, they are life savers!


Unknown said...

Great picks! I think that they will work so well together. I really like that bright blue top that is sleeveless! I like how you limited yourself, because I always pack WAY too much when I go to school and then have to listen to my parents complain as we carry it up the stairs. This year though, I really have to limit myself as I have a smaller room (the price I paid to be in the cozy dorm) so I think that it just depends on what your
room size is. And I'm sure that you will do some shopping too, when you are actually at Kent, so that helps. I would actually take a couple more comfy shirts, because when finals roll around, they are life savers!


Katie Burry said...

Lovely video! Looks like you're bringing a lot of great stuff!

Can't wait to skype with you on Wednesday! xo

RebeccaRosieEmily said...

You have such a classy voice! :D It's really sweet.

Unknown said...

I'm no collage girl so I can't give advice.. but love the clothes and I think they are wonderful choices! :-)

Anni said...

Don't worry about over packing - I don't know what the dress scene is like where you're heading, but I go to a art school and it's pretty experimental so nearly everything goes. For more "regular-styled" colleges, I'd always grab a couple of leggings + a pair of comfy jeans and if you have one, a really nice cardi that you can kind of roll out/into bed with that is not precious enough that you don't mind being a slob with it, but nice enough to wear outside.

Sides - you will probably come back with a lot of of other stuff, if you thought you thrifted a lot now....man, you will have a whole new closet by the time you're back. :)


Hanne said...

Oh, so many pretty clothes! :) A video of the accessories etc. you will be taking would be great :)

Georgia said...

You have such a sweet voice!! Nice video, would love to see another!!



Sian Thomas said...

Yay a video!! I don't usually watch all the way through people's videos because I'm lazy but I loved seeing all your clothes and watched the whole thing =D
You have planned so much better than me when I went off to uni!! I literally just grabbed my favourite things and went, then slowly moved more and more up there whenever I came home! I think I started off with about this amount, but ended up shopping loads because it was my first time living near 'real' shops so I couldn't help myself, so ended up with a lot more than I started!!
Excited to see a lot of these in outfit posts =)

Peacock's Hat said...

I took practically my entire wardrobe in first year and it was actually a really bad idea because it just means you end up with piles of washing. Take stuff you really love and wear and don't bother with much else! Especially since I know your university isn't that far away from home, I presume you'll be back and forth a lot, so you can take things back if you want. My uni was 7 hours away, so I felt the need to have all of it with me, but it was a bad decision in hindsight!

overthinker said...

what a lovely choices ! everything will be ok at university , i was also nervous and excited last year now im going to 2nd year and i think i feel the same .
I wish the best luck , have fun , study a lot,make friends and be happy above all.

By the way i just love your love you an amazing style that i totally love and you are really sweet :)

Im portuguese so if you want to visit my blog you can do it here :) I made a post with a few pictures of you as an inspiration a few days ago i hope you like a lot of readers loved it .


overthinker said...

By the way i just love your blog *

sorry for the mistake LOL

Megan Elizabeth said...

Ah! Your voice is adorably awesome! I think you're spot on with the the amount!

Mandy said...

This video was such a great idea. I'm jealous of how organized you are. I leave for college in two weeks and I haven't even started packing. I have no idea how I am going to scale down my wardrobe. I want to bring everything, but I know that is not realistic. I think you have the right amount of stuff. Dorm rooms are so small, I don't even know what I am going to do. Plus, I am only coming home once, so switching out my clothing won't really work. I hope you have a wonderful time at school! You are going to look so cute with this fantastic wardrobe.

Bramblewood Fashion said...

I love your voice, Lauren! You should definitely do another video. :D

~Ashley xxx

Chrissy88 said...

Well, I'm not a college girl anymore, but I once was, so I figured I'd put in my two cents. It all depends on how often you will be visiting home. Where I went to college, a large percent of people went home every weekend, but my parents lived about 2 1/2 hours away one way, so I went home about every 3 to 4 weeks. At first I had way too few clothes. I found that I had a few opportunities to go somewhere dressy and I had nothing! Also, where I live is very hot, but even here the weather can change suddenly and so you may want to take cold weather stuff (you will probably be out some of the evenings). Some people may feel your stuff is too dressy, but I am all for dressing up a bit and not looking sloppy just because "it's college." Finally, doing the laundry can be a real pain. I didn't have a car, which made it alot worse. I made sure I had enough underwear, pj's and outfits to last a month and I literally would save it all up and take it home so I could use the free laundry facilities there (laundry is really expensive to do at the laundromat and takes forever if you have alot.) Hope this helps. I would love to see the accessories!

Anonymous said...

It's so good to see that you are staying true to your personal style, and not falling into the lazy, sweatpants trap that most girls do in college :)

Sarah Beckett said...

I love your voice Lauren! This video was lovely hope to see more :)
Sarah xx

Between Sleep and Awake Blog said...

As a girl who packs for three weeks when I'll only be gone for one, I think you packed just enough! I would bring a pair of sweats/ thick leggings and just a plain tee shirt though, they will come in handy for long nights. Good luck at college!

Lauren said...

Yay! I leave on the 23rd too! Haha I'm super excited and nervous. And it's going to be sooo hot in Oregon ... I'm going to die. But anyways, I think it's a good amount. I started packing my clothes a couple days ago, and I'm bringing basically everything. The only things I'm not bringing are pieces I don't particularly like. The rest I'm stuffing in suitcases, hah. And I don't know if you know this, but I have found the best way to pack clothes is to roll them up. It saves a ton of room and I think I'll be able to get my whole wardrobe into one suitcase (you probably saw the photo I uploaded to instagram with my suitcase). So yeah. I'm super excited!!

inmypocket said...

Hahaha I don't know why but I also like Anne Reader expected your voice to be deeper (perhaps the voices of girls down under seem to be deeper...?) You have a very pretty light voice but still sound confident/sure of yourself.

I just had a month long holiday in Europe and I brought along 15 dresses, 3 skirts, 3 shorts, 10 tops and 2 pairs of pants? So I say you're a pretty light packer!

All the best for college!

Jamie Rose said...

Aww! You have a fantastic voice! I love being able to hear the voice behind the blogger. Yours is just so cute and so was this video.
I don't think you're taking too much if you're not planning on going home very often. I have a ridiculous amount of clothes at school. I live in an apartment now, but my closet isn't much bigger than my dorm one was. If you can go home in the middle of the semester sometimes it's a good idea to bring your warm-weather wardrobe to school first and them swap it out for a more wintery wardrobe when the weather starts getting cool. That might work better for me though because I'm in Georgia and it stays hot here for all eternity (and by that I mean until late October).

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