White 1950's Dress: Thrifted.
Red Gavina's: Blowfish.
Multi Strand Pearls: Forever21.
I spent yesterday evening at my grandmother and grandfather's house for a bit of a birthday party for me and my grandfather. He turned 76. I turned 19. Their property is so, so beautiful. The place I'd love to live when I'm older. It's surrounded by rolling hills and crops as far as the eye can see. The skyline is just beautiful. There's truly nothing like it when the sun is going down.
It was hot and humid taking these photos, even in an airy dress. I like them a lot though. The beauty of nature surrounding me. It really does have healing powers. I'm glad I picked a campus that is incredibly beautiful, picturesque, and nature filled. I don't think I'd be able to survive without it! I'm greatly looking forward to going exploring when I first arrive and finding new photo spots...I'm growing tired of the old and familiar ones here. I just know I'm going to get myself in trouble!
Thank you ever everything yesterday. I wasn't as scared to publish the post and write it because I knew you all would understand. You wouldn't ridicule me and question and all that. You'd be supportive and caring- just like true friends should be. And I've certainty found true friends in you all.
I'm still sad though. Sadder than I was yesterday, the reality of everything sinking in. How everything, even the simplest things, remind me of him. We are on good terms though and have talked quite a bit though. I bought my school laptop today and he was there coaching me through the whole process since he used to work at Best Buy. I think he's more upset than yesterday, too. It's hard telling with that kid.
Hope you all are well and see you tomorrow ♥
With much love, Lauren.
This is so cute! :)
you are so beautiful and brave Lauren, a true inspiration. you look amazing, this dress is pure prettiness.
X jane
What a gorgeous outfit + location!
I'm sorry for what you're going through. I know everything will work out, though. I'll be praying for you.
Also, do you want to video chat again tomorrow or Monday? I really want to talk again!! :D
You look so beautiful! And I am so sorry about your break-up. I know exactly how you feel. It is not easy but it will get easier with each passing day. You are lovely and so are these photos! Just beautiful.
YAY Lauren! You look stunning! Life will get amazing again :)
Hello there Lauren,
With time,everything gets easier. Reid and I dated "only" 3 years (in comparison to you and Matt that does seem small!), but we are on really good terms and we both knew it was for the best. I know we talked about it before on Skype, but it was pretty much for the exact same reasons as you guys that we broke up! Anyways, I definitely find that taking as many pictures as possible and diving into blogging wholeheartedly helps me so much. Obviously you've done that because these pictures and that outfit are just stunning. Stay strong, girl, I know you will :).
Triple Thread
Soon everything will be awesome again, and someday this will all be a distant memory. I know that doesn't help you feel better now, but at least you have hope that it will get better.
Love the dress too! :)
Et tu, tutu?
oh it is lovely there! it's okay for both of you to feel sad, & grieve the loss. in fact, it's expected.
You're too sweet to be sad, so don't be. I really understand what you are going through and i think you are really brave. You inspired me a lot.
jessie xx
You look beautiful and I can totally imagine you living in a little village.
So romantic ! :)
I love your blog !
I'm following you !
xo ,
Ana Catalarrana
LOVE these photos Lauren! Your outfit, your makeup... that beautiful field... everything! Perfect. :-)
You simply take my breath away!
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