Sometimes you're just really stressed. It's almost the end of the semester. You have work piling up all over the place. A fashion show in just one week. 50 flats to do. Two papers to write. Multiple presentations. Five different tests.
So you might be working on a group project with two gals. And you might be really tired and stressed and annoyed.
So sometimes you have to drop everything you're doing and put your hair up crazily. Take silly pictures. Dance around the dorm room. Whip your hair back and forth. Google yourself and your crushes. Watch how crazy cute Zac Efron and Taylor Swift are together on Youtube. Laugh so hard you fall to the floor.
Sometimes, you've just got to let go and enjoy life for once ♥
With much love, Lauren.
of such sweetness and fun! :)
You guys look like your having so much fun!
I am so happy for you Lauren. You truly deserve all this :)
Ha ha!!!! God be with you in all that work!x
HAHA! I needed this. Finals seriously are just crazy. I need to remember to just drop everything for little moments through out the day, and do something that makes me laugh.
These pictures are the memories of college that you will really remember! Good luck on your finals, hon! You can do it!
Aw cute! You should tell your friend on the left to cut her hair like it is in the first pic - it kind of looks like Miley Cyrus hair and it would really suit her haha :)
All you guys look so cute! :)
♥ The Niknok Style
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