Swiss Dot Sweet Heart Necklace Dress: TJ Maxx.
Cameo Ring: Target.
Red Heels: Blowfish.
Hello there ♥
So I haven't really said much actually about how my classes and such are going here yet! Typical me focusing on so many silly things rather than the important.
I can say with all honesty that studying fashion was the best choice/decision for me. I can't imagine doing anything else and being happier. I love my two fashion lectures and one fashion lab to pieces. I could sit listening all day, absorbing information and becoming inspired. My professors are so passionate; something I didn't really have much of in high school. You can just tell by the way they talk how excited they are about fashion and how excited they are for US to learn. It makes me so hungry for knowledge.
I think a lot of people write off fashion as being a silly major to study or pursue because it's non traditional, abstract, and has the stigmatization of being for air heads. It's anything but all of these things though. These classes are hard and a lot of work. I'm basically getting a business degree; just specializing in fashion. I want to prove people wrong and show people though that fashion is not for sissies (as Micheal Kors would say). It takes passion, dedication, hard work, and intelligence. I'm willing to work towards all of those to be the best I can be.
As for my other classes....not quite so passionate and excited about those, ha. I have to take a math course called Algebra for Calculus which is horrific because a first year graduate student is teaching it and has never taught a class before. He makes slope seem confusing-- if you get what I mean. I'm also taking Life On Planet Earth which is a biology class and Mitosis and Meiosis are already killing me. Ugh. Besides that I'm taking a course called First Year Experience (required for freshmen) and General Psychology which I love. Did I mention it's required of the course for me to be a test subject in studies? Too cool!
Anywho, hope you all are having a good week and doing what you love ♥
With much love, Lauren.
I'm loving this dress! A perfect little LBD.
I considered doing fashion for awhile too, but I listened to the too many of people who talked me out of it. I'm a social work major and they still try, but I don't care anymore. I can't imagine being taught by grad students - that concept is so foreign to me. That just doesn't happen at my school - we are too tiny! :) My advice, find a good tutor. They can be such a life-saver. And Psych 101 IS awesome, just because of the test subjects. :)
Honestly, there is nothing more frustrating and annoying than a professor who teaches with zero enthusiasm. That can be said about my music history teacher... Sure, she has degrees from Harvard and Columbia but it's so painfully obvious that she'd rather be somewhere else. Not to mention she gets angry when students ask her questions because they are curious! *sigh* Ivy degrees do not a good teacher make. End rant.
That black dress is so lovely on you. So elegant, along with the cameo ring.
Beautiful outfit! A girl can never have too many fabulous black dresses. :) It's great when your profs have obvious passion for what they are teaching. Don't let anyone tell you that your major is frivolous; if you love what you're doing you know you're doing something right!
I'm glad you're liking your courses. A lot of those general required-for-everybody ones can get boring. I had to be a test subject in studies when I took one of my psychology classes too! It was actually pretty fun to participate. As for your math class, I'm not sure it'd be too great no matter who was teaching it! haha
P.S. - I LOVE this outfit! That dress is just gorgeous on you and the red heels are fantastic.
Love the dress! I also have a couple of classes I have to take that are required, like a University 101 class for freshmen, and a human kinetics class, but I love my English class and intro to graphic design! I wish I could study fashion at my school, but a communications degree is good for me too! Thanks for the post. It's interesting hearing about your classes! :)
You look gorg!
Love the dress!
this is the cutest dress ive ever seen (:
Sigh, I miss uni so! It's so nice to hear you are happy with your choice!
Hey Lauren!
I ve been reading your blog for months now, and-since I decided to try it with my blog for a second time- I thought I should leave you a message!
I really really love your blog!
And, I really really like the way you handled the whole situation with your ex boyfriend.
I did the same mistake as I broke up with my ex- I wrote it on my blog!
Well, for me, it wasnt that bad, as I didnt realize that so many ppl are reading it!
But never mind, we need mistakes in life! You realized that it was a mistake- so it s a good thing!
You know what Paulo Coelho wrote?" Dont let your wounds to transform you into someone you re not!"
Stay as you are- cause you re a gorgeous girl!
Kisses from Berlin!
looking gorgeous in your little black dress lauren doll! i hope you share some of your fashion projects when you get to that point.
fashion does take passion and dedication and courage. not everybody will choose pain over comfort for fashion, but there is just something in there that makes us wanna ;)
I am glad you are enjoying it- it sounds interesting! USA degrees really confuse me- it sounds so different to the UK- I did music and everything I did was music, different aspects of it! I remember Mitosis and Miosis from my days of GCSE science,ooooooh about 15 years ago (heck, that makes me feel old).
I'm so glad that you are enjoying your fashion classes. I think it is SO COOL how you are pursuing your fashion dreams. I dream of a career in fashion. I want to be a fashion editor of a magazine (hopefully Seventeen magazine!). For the longest time, I have been debating whether or not I should major in fashion merchandising next year or doing something practical. I'm a senior in highschool and I know that majoring in fashion next year would make me so happy. You inspire me to major in fashion and do what makes me happy.
Thank you so much!
What a charming LBD! You go, girl!
I absolutely adore your is always a good idea!! :-)
Such an amazing dress and with those heel they really POP!
This is the perfect little black dress and you do it justice!!!!
Looking beautiful as usual!!!
Keep Posting!
Love Max
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