a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Listen For The Train.

Lace Pink Blouse, Pearl Bracelets.
Floral Skirt: Thrifted.
Bunny Flats: Le Bunny Bleu.

Hello you cuties!
Yesterday was a beyond lovely evening spent with Jessica of Midwest Muse who lives in Akron; so close to Kent! We've been planning a meet up for awhile now, and I was so glad I found a day finally to do so :)

We went to downtown Kent to take each others outfit pictures on an incredible train track. When I'm laying in bed every night I can hear the train and its whistle...it always carries me off into a dream land...that being said, it's not quite so serene during the day when you're on an active train track! But you all have no idea how much I miss going to different locations and exploring to take outfit pictures. It felt so wonderful to be able to do that again. It is definitely different having someone else take my pictures having taken all of my outfit pictures for the last (almost) three years. I quite like it though even if I am terribly (read terribly) awkward!

After photos we ventured off to get some coffee at a local place and while getting gas on the way there, we were hit on by a creepy man with no teeth. He asked us if we were going to the college...Yeah bub, with you, lolz. We sat and chatted for a few hours about anything and everything and I burnt my tongue on my tea- so typical. I find that meeting with other bloggers is the most surreal experience though; you have so much in common right off the bat and it feels like you can never run out of things to say. Maybe it's because you sort of already know that person because reading a blog is like reading a diary; you see the person's whole soul.

Jessica is honestly one of the most easy to talk to and fun people I've had the pleasure of meeting, and I'm so glad I'm up here at Kent where I have the ability to hang out with her and so many other bloggers. Greatly looking forward to what's to come!

Oh, and may I point out I'm wearing bunny shoes? Any of your arguments are invalid.

With much love, Lauren.

P.S. Here's Jessica's post on last night!


claire said...

your shoes are oh so perfect! xxx

Unknown said...

What a sweet outfit!
Toothless creeps are the worst kind of creeps.


Unknown said...

This is SUCH an adorable outfit! The train track pictures have just been so fabulous - I have been wanting to do that for awhile. I have a skirt that is SO similar to this that I just posted actually.


katie said...

I've been the worst comment-er lately, but I had to jump in just to say that I love your hair in your photos today, it looks just so stunning and adorable at the same time! (And the lace top is beautiful, I really like how it looks paired against the floral skirt.) Plus, these photos on the train tracks are fantastic, I was going to say you looked so relaxed and not awkward at all!

Katie Aman said...

That blouse is just about the prettiest thing I have ever seen! You are too beautiful. I love the lacy look with your floral skirt :)

Anonymous said...

you look gorgeous, your top is so pretty! i love your photos, they are always so interesting to look at.
X jane


TaNuja said...

I loved the lacy top, the skirt the bunny shoes....

You look awesome and nice that you are happy with your adventures :)




TaNuja said...

I loved the lacy top, the skirt the bunny shoes....

You look awesome and nice that you are happy with your adventures :)




Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had fun with Jessica. You both seem like really fun people to talk to. I recently met up with a blogging friend and it was so fun having so much in common and just talking about clothes and shopping. It's a treat for me because I don't have a lot of girlfriends and even fewer who like fashion. I bet it was a blast for you girls! :)

Love those adorable bunny shoes and and your lace top is so delicate and pretty. <3


OrigamiGirl said...

Just been on Jessica's blog! It's always funny to read both when you meet up and it's like 'Hah! I recognise those train tracks!' :P

You look great in these pictures and sounds like you had an awesome time.

Also really enjoyed your other pose about your studies. I don't know anyone who did fashion (wasn't a course at my university) so it's really interesting to hear about. Plus the American system is so totally different! We just specialise in one (maybe 2) things and go for it. Doing biology and fashion at once just wouldnt happen.

Sin12012 said...

Your flats are gorgeous ! *-*

(F/M Giveaway on my blog)

xo ,
Ana Catalarrana

Kristian said...

Sounds like such a good time.

Your shoes are the cutest thing ever!

Unknown said...

How lovely for you both to have met, it sounds like you had such a lovely day together! I love your blouse, and those bunny shoes are adorable.

louisejoyb x

Kezzie said...

Did you win them in Kate Gabrielle's Giveaway? The outfit is very pretty.

Camille said...

You are so lucky that you got to meet another blogger in real life! I would love to meet another girl like me. Oh, and I love your bunny flats. They are so adorable!


Katie Burry said...

Aw! So glad you had such a good time! I love your shoes! Super duper cute! <3

Jamie Rose said...

That's so fun that you got to hang out with Jessica! I wish more blogger people lived near me! I really love your adorable outfit too. The peter pan collar and lace blouse is the best thing ever.

The Big Princess said...

Love this look on you!!! Super feminine and sooo pretty!
The shoes and skirt are absolutely beautiful!!!

Love Max

Rachel said...

Jessica is great! I am so glad you're close to Akron now. We'll have to have another thrifting meet up soon :) Your shoes are amazing! So cute.

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