a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, September 17, 2012

Apple Hill Orchard.

Apple Dress w/ Peter Pan Collar: Forever21.
Black T-Strap Heels: Thrifted.

Apple trees stretch as far as the eye can see. A sun lit orchard on top of the hill, where the sweet fruits of the earth grow bountifully for the unworthy human hands to pick. Row and row of tall saplings, stretching their arms up with perfectly round gifts to give. The cicadas no longer hum but the calming sounds of fall take the place of the rush, rush, rush of summer. Pumpkins line the wall of the ancient barn, paint peeling but still rustically majestic. It tells a story of time and age. The clouds float by aimlessly in the setting dusk; they seem to have no concept of time. Just how it should be. Dust flies all around as the creaking carts go back and forth, bringing those of all ages, with all different hopes and wishes. Through the branches sun flares fill the eyes of dreamers, hoping one day they don't have to come to this land of promise alone. A hand to hold, a pair of lips to kiss, a strong and willing arm to reach up to the highest branch and claim the prize mother nature has so generously given. A red flannel shirt, a comforting hug, and a smile that sparkles as much as your eyes do every year when you see the Apple Orchard.

Maybe someday. But for now? It's just you dancing amongst the apple trees, tears in your eyes blurring the beautiful vision that stretches as far as the eye can see. The plump red apples blur into bokeh, falling from the trees like shattering glass and shattered hopes. Maybe next autumn at the Apple Orchard will finally be the year your dreams will become your reality.

With much love, Lauren.


Sara said...

What lipstick are you wearing? it looks stunning on you! this post is so dreamy!


Unknown said...

I almost bought this dress. I love how you shot it in an orchard, and the layout of these photos is ridic. Love it!


Unknown said...

Such a cute apple dress, you look beautiful!

Shey said...

You look so beautiful when you smile. =)

marcia said...

oh the dress and you and are orchard are so lovely!

Unknown said...

Such a cute place to take pictures! I never would have thought about that. :)

Hope everything is going okay and that school is fabulous. <3


Willow said...

Such great photos, the dress is perfect for the apple orchid. I love the shoes, and that hairstyle suits you so much! Also, what lipstick are you wearing? It's such a perfect shade of red and looks so good on you!

Et tu, tutu? said...

This dress is so adorable, especially because you wore it to an apple orchard! Hoping your next visit to an orchard is much more enjoyable.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lauren! Great photos. Could you start laying them out how you used to though? The collaging is getting a little old :)

Anonymous said...

That dress looks amazing on you! I remember your post when you picked it out and I'm glad you're finally wearing it. The background at the orchard is so pretty too. Love your creative writing. It was very nice to read. :) <3


Laura said...

Pretty photos and such an adorable dress!


Alice, Pretty Confused said...

You always find the most amazing locations to take photos, Lauren! So beautiful! That dress is beautiful on you, such a lovely pattern xo

Kristian said...

This is the most darling, pretty photoshoot ever!

The Big Princess said...

You look so beautiful!!!
This dress is amazing!!!!

Love Max

Teddi said...

Lauren, your photos remind me of Snow White, & your words remind me of a L.M. Montgomery novel. i adore this! :)

Jodie said...

I love these, what a beautiful place! You look lovely :)

OrigamiGirl said...

Hey, I love your hair in these pictures! The photos look even better than usual. You had such great light. Also I'm really liking the new layout with photos side by side.

Kezzie said...

Aw, beautiful writing, if bittersweet. Time my dear, time.

Haa haa you look like one of the Von Trapp family with your hair like that! Hilariously brilliant!

Jamie Rose said...

I wish there was an apple orchard around here! They used to be all over the place when I was younger and lived in Virginia. Memories...
Anyway, you look adorable and so girly and sweet in this outfit. I love your hair like this too.

Charmaine said...

Your hair is too cute!

Anonymous said...

your hair in this post is just perfection, so so pretty!

Unknown said...

I had my senior portraits made in this exact dress!! We should do a post on how each of us style it differently!

James 4:8

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