a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Saturday, May 4, 2013

That Time I Fell Into The River (And Almost Drowned).

Dress: Aeropostale.
Hat, Shoes: Thrifted.

So, Erin and I have been making going down to the Kent park a weekly thing. It's fun, we both enjoy nature, exploring, and taking pictures. Two days ago we found a new little spot down by the river to take pictures. Everything went fine, and when we were getting ready to go back I said, "Wait! I want to get a picture of my hat." So, I hung my hat on a branch and the wind knocked it down in the water and since it is my favorite hat, I instinctively reached over to get it. Bad idea. I slipped bottom first into the river which was really strong that day and let me tell you, this isn't any little river. Before I knew it, the river current swept me away and under and started carrying me down...I was drowning. Something I never thought would happen to me because I was a competitive swimmer. I couldn't keep my head above the water and every time I tried to grab onto a passing rock, my hands slipped and I was carried away further. Erin was running down the side, screaming my name in sheer panic. Luckily, after being carried down a ways I managed to grab onto a rock. I had my camera in my hand (my head went under but I kept my arm straight up in the air to save my camera), and Erin asked me, "Do you want me to save you or the camera?" Lulz, of course I had her take my camera since I knew I was safe now and then she helped pull me out.

The whole thing was certainly scary and eye opening to how something can happen so quickly. I lost my shoes and my hat in during the whole thing and I'm quite upset over the hat. I wear that thing almost every other day! Hat or no hat though, I'm just thankful that I made it out without seriously getting hurt or something worse. It's funny for Erin and I to think back on now because we were just saying how unlucky I was, but definitely one of the scarier moments in my life.

Anyways, stay dry everyone and have a good weekend!

With much love, Lauren.


Nancy Wilde said...

Haha! Well, at least I'm not the only clumsy here :) You girls look so playful and cute, love the yellow dress xx


Et tu, tutu? said...

Glad you stayed safe, and glad your camera stayed safe too! At least you still looked cute as a button post-river. :)


Lauren said...

Hahaha no not the camera! ;) Glad you didn't die! That last picture is hilarious. :)

Sammi said...

First of all, love the dress... secondly, OH MY GOSH!!! I'm so glad you're okay!!! That sounds incredibly scary, and I'm so sorry you lost your hat :( I would have cried! But at least you saved your camera (and yourself!).

xox Sammi

Magical Daydream said...

Such a scary story! About a year ago I was in a situation that also could have been a lot worse; I was on a huge sailing boat with 12 others that sank in the middle of open water. Anyway.. I do love your dresses.. :)

Ashley said...

Oh my goodness, that would be so scary!! I'm so glad you and your camera are ok, Im sorry you lost your favorite hat though! :( You two look absolutely adorable pre-river experience, and afterwards is simply perfect :)

Miranda said...

Aww! I'm glad you're okay. At least you got some pictures first!

Unknown said...

So glad your ok! That would have been scary! I love that you were trying to keep the camera safe though :p and I totally understand trying to save the hat--it's so cute!

Vicki said...

I'm glad you're safe! And your camera too! It must be a huge relief that your camera's still alive.

I love your outfit as well! That dress is so pretty and summery!

Decked Out in Ruffles

Jana K said...

Oh my goodness, I'm glad you're okay! (and your camera too) That sounds terrifying!
Anyhow, I think you look like princess in your floral yellow dress. So adorable.

Celia said...

You both look stunning.

So glad you came out of the river unscathed. It's impressive that you didn't get your camera wet!

love, Celia

Camille said...

I'm so glad to hear that you and your camera are okay! I can't believe that you almost drowned. That is so scary!


Victoria Horea said...

Oh gosh. Glad you're safe!

Alexandra Marie said...

What a lovely photo spot!


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I'm so glad that you and your camera are okay, especially you! That is terrifying! I'm hope that you will find a similar hat one day too!


Jamie Rose said...

Oh no! Well you'll always have this story to tell! I would have been like you trying to save my camera. Luckily nothing happened to yours! It sucks that your adorable shoes and hat were lost though.

christen said...

oh geesh! that is scary! glad you made it out! i'm sad you lost your fav hat though. you look seriously adorable in these pics, love the dress!


Nerd Burger said...

Who knew fashion posts could be so dangerous. hehehe
I am glad you are ok. That must have been terrifying.

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