a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Paper Hearts.

Polka Dot Shirt: Thrifted.
Infinity Scarf: Target.
Black Boots: H&M.
Lipstick in NYX's Sky Pink.

♥ (intro hearts are very appropriate for today's post, no?) ♥

School has been getting the best of me these past few weeks. I feel as if I'm running a marathon and just keep huffing and puffing with exhaustion until I'm walking mid way through the race. I never feel on top of my work or working hard enough. And it's not like I'm just saying I'm not working hard enough when really I'm breaking my back and being a perfectionist. No, I'm really not working hard enough.

It's been frustrating and bothering me to see my lack of motivation and desire to change my ways. I know that I fall asleep when studying in my room, so why do I keep doing it? I know that I get distracted when I'm near my computer, so why even have the temptation there? I decided that enough was enough though and that I'm going to be more proactive about my studying and homework habits.

Tonight is the first night perhaps all semester I actually feel good about the amount of work I put into school. I feel exhausted mentally, but that is such a satisfying feeling. Instead of feeling groggy and useless after napping all evening and mindlessly reading articles about Kim Kardashian, I feel fulfilled and like I made a positive impact on today. Looking forward to going to bed tonight with a reason to be tired.

I'm hoping that I can keep on keeping on with my school work. It's not even that I'm doing bad--my grades are all great. But the fact that I'm coasting through school and not putting the full effort into my classes that they (and I!) deserve makes me want to do better. Yeah productivity!

Hope you all are well, well, well. x

With much love, Lauren.


Jamie Rose said...

Keeping motivated when there's a ton of schoolwork to be done is tough. I feel you. Though I constantly put a lot of work into it, I never feel on top of things. That stress gets to be a lot. You can do it though! It always feels good when you've actually gotten things done!

Anyway, this outfit is super cute with your pretty green skirt and dotted top. I love those heart tights so much too!

Lauren said...

It's a great feeling when you've been productive... usually ends up leading to more productivity so I'm sure now you've taken the first step it'll be easier! I'm just so glad I've finished studying!
I love this outfit - so cute! You always put things together in such interesting ways that I would never think to...and they just work! :)

Lauren xx


Lauren said...

It's a great feeling when you've been productive... usually ends up leading to more productivity so I'm sure now you've taken the first step it'll be easier! I'm just so glad I've finished studying!
I love this outfit - so cute! You always put things together in such interesting ways that I would never think to...and they just work! :)

Lauren xx


Kezzie said...

Do you know what? I feel totally the same at the moment! I just can't seem to motivate myself when I get home! I am sooo exhausted when I get home, I just can't motivate myself to get things done. Then Monday night, I starting working when I got home, stayed up to really late writing up music scores for orchestra and I was really pleased and motivated by it! I then suffered the consequences of going to bed far too late by having a stonking headache the next day! But it was worth it to have that sense of achievement! Keep going girl, you can do it! And I will try too!x

Madison Martine said...

I'm totally obsessing over this outfit! It's so adorable!! Love those tights!

Madison Martine

Unknown said...

I love any fashion with hearts on it and I love tights so those heart tights make my heart light :) And they look so amazing on you! Also like that color skirt. You are such a fashion whiz and so lovely.


Sara, Swing The Day Away said...

I've been having the same troubles. I always feel like I'm behind or I'm dropping the ball on something. And I feel so exhausted all the time, so I feel like I don't have the energy to work on things and then I get behind and then I get stressed, which makes me more exhausted and wanting to avoid things. It can be a cycle. I have this big assignment due Sunday night and I only just started working on it last night. I've always been a procrastinator and I can't figure out why I can't just break away from that. It's sort of just how I am. I put things off until there's this enormous amount of stress and pressure on me to get it done. It's like I can't do it until I absolutely have to because I don't have that drive or motivation, or maybe even self-discipline. It's only with schoolwork, though.

Hattitude said...

Hattitude Style Blog

I sure don't miss studying! good luck finding a nice routine!

i love love love these heart tights lauren! you look great!!!

talk soon wild child
Hattitude Style Blog

Unknown said...

You look so adorable - I really love those tights and the boots are just great!

Isn't it just so hard to stay productive sometimes? Oh man, school. Can't live with it, can't live without it.


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