Swiss Dot Dress: TJ Maxx.
Circle Skirt: Forever21.
Knee Highs: H&M.
Vintage Loafers: Gift.
Vintage Earrings: Gift.
Bow Belt: Aeropostale.
Lipstick in MAC's Myth.
Leave it to none other than me to compare my outfits to different foods, haha. Reaching into the bottom of the barrel for creating post titles. But I really do feel like this outfit has the resemblance of a chocolate chip cookie--do you all think I'm sweet enough to eat? (HAR HAR HAR) ;)
In other news, I'm mega excited to be going home this weekend...and not only that, but my friend Erin is coming with me! I love to bring friends to my home town and show them my favorite spots and places to hit up. Can't wait to introduce her down town, my coffee store, my thrift shop, and the nature center where I take all of my photos.
The reason for my going home is that it's my little sister's (and grandma's!) birthday on Sunday! ♥ ♥ ♥ I was just saying on twitter yesterday I cannot believe she's going to be ten. Breaks my heart. I want her to stay my little baby forever, she is my world. I have missed her so much this school year and am looking forward to picking her up and spinning her around in my arms. My little Lucy, how I love you.
With much love, Lauren.
I love your outfit, it is just like a chocolate chip cookie! Also I love your hair, very 60s! Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned with your friend :)
yes! very sweet!
The dotted dress is beautiful!
I love this so much!! You look adorable, and I love the brown and black together. And yay for home visits with friends! Have a wonderful time!!
xox Sammi
This outfit is just GORGEOUS!
Xo, Hannah
You look so cute ( and sweet ;) ) Is it still that warm in Ohio? 'cause here in Europe it is raining like crazy, real fall weather ;)
Happy birthday for your sis and grandmother!!!
x Audrey
Ah! One of my absolute favorite color combos. Love your hair like that.
Love this one Lauren! You look so sophisticated!! :-) Esp. with your hair done up like that - very you and very cute x
wow I am so much loving this outfit, Lauren! those colours definitely look flattering on you :)
Ester @ Drawing Dreaming
I am stalking your blog right now and I am just so inspired by your outfits. You take so many risks and you look amazing every time. I LOVE it!!!
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