Purple Ruffle Dress, Nude brogues: Forever21.
Fedora Hat, Purse: Thrifted.
Hello there everyone!
Today I had my orientation at Cheddar's and it sure went swell! I'm a little bit scared because I've never had a 'real' job before that has entailed so much responsibility and work ,but I'm very excited at the same time. I don't think I can stop thanking God ever for this wonderful opportunity!
I actually start this week, which is much sooner than I expected. I'll be working Friday and Saturday! I have a really busy week coming up with my pictures on Thursday, working Friday and Saturday, my birthday party with my family on Sunday, and Monday is my 18th birthday!! For my birthday my parents are taking my to Columbus for an all day shopping trip. Gahh, so excited ❤
Hope you all are doing lovely!
With much love, Lauren.
I can't wait to hear tales of your job and Columbus shopping trip? AWESOME!
And I forgot...this color is awesome on you.
Woo! Happy birthday...almost! :)
Happy Early birthday and congrats on the new job. You look amazing in the outfit btw.
Sweet!!! What a better gift then to go out and shop on your birthday. Good luck on your first day at work.
wow, i love the color of your dress. you're beautiful! i hope your job goes well, as well as your 18th birthday! my 18th is coming up too..in september. :)
xx elanor
lovely outfit! the dress is darling! and I love your blog background! I'm a sucker for that soft, feminine floral that's so in right now!
happy sweet 17 for ya! :D
this year I am turning 20, horrible! :p
sorry, I meant happy sweet 18! :D
Yay! I'm so glad it went well! ;) Happy early birthday! Tho I know I'll tell you again. :) :) <3
oh i love Columbus, my husband is from there and we go there all the time to visit family and friends.
we met and went to Otterbein College in Westerville.
hope you have an amazing time shopping. that is the main thing i do when i go there. :P
you look beautiful in purple.
That is an ADORABLE dress, and a great color on you!
Stacey Kay
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My Vintage Handbag Line
Your outfit suits you so so much! I simply adore that colour! And the hat is the perfect touch <3
Lost in the Haze
Adorable dress and outfit, lovely! Sounds like you've got a change going on in your life, and for the better! xxx
super cute outfit, you look so pretty!
You look so sweet :) this dress is incredibily pretty and I love the nude accessories you added! I'm really happy for you! A new exciting job and a shopping trip? Fabulous :)
Also, happy birthday for next monday dear!!
This dress looks lovely on you! Good luck for your new job and have a great time shopping on your birthday!
Love your dress, beautiful color!
Thank you for your lovely comment, dear!
Happy almost 18th birthday!!!!!! What a milestone!!!!!
Great outfit, and I'm sure you'll rock your job at Cheddar's!!!
Shopping for your birthday?! That sounds like so much fun :) I have to say this color complements your slin tone very well, it looks great on you lauren! Thank you so so so much for the comment you left me, it made me feel so much better i know God has plans for me and i plan on doing whatever it takes to live for him!
Really cute outfit, you're pretty! <3
That's pretty exciting! Well done you!
i love your dress! shopping sounds fun! i hope you enjoy it lauren :) you deserve it!
I hope your birthday is marvellous. This colour is completely amazing on you and the cute ruffles are perfect xxx
This is a very cute outfit :) very laid back and sweet. Lovely blue colour too!
This is such a beautiful dress!!! You are always adorable.
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