a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Last Minute Lauren.

Green Sweater, Boots: Thrifted.
Polka Dot Pinafore: Forever21.
Cat Tights: Delia's but gift from my aunt :)
Black Scarf: c/o OASAP.
Lipstick in MAC's Rebel.

Hello everyone!

I have a really bad problem about being last minute for everything I do, and that includes my clothing choices often times. I always do these last minute decisions about my outfit before I go out the door, and I always end up regretting them. Take this outfit for example. It was perfectly fine right before I was going to leave and then I felt like it was missing something, so I put a hat on which doesn't go with the style of this outfit at all. Then I thought I needed lipstick and picked out a deep purple and wasn't thinking that I was wearing green...so now I'm the colors of Barney the dinosaur? Wish I would have just listened to my gut instinct and left my outfit as it was and I would have liked it a lot better. Sigh, I'll learn someday I suppose.

With much love, Lauren.


Kezzie said...

Oh dear! My last minuteness equated to having to run for my train in the morning which is a mile away! I'm exhausted by the time I reach it and then have the whole day to go!! Oh and having to stay up late getting things done!
I think this outfit is cute!! Those tights!!! I almost bought some similar ones from asos but they were £8 and I worried I'd ladder them instantly- are they quite sheer above that cat? X

Allyssa said...

I LOVE those cat tights! I totally couldn't pull those off, but you rock them, girl!

Unknown said...

Haha Barney the dinosaur? I would never think of the 2 of you as similar is any way. Although you are obviously very sweet and loving so I guess you have that in common :)

Lovely color sweater and such a cute little hat. And cat tights!!! Yes, I do love me some cat tights. Especially displayed on those gorgeous, amazing legs of yours. So enjoyed that shot dear :)

As for last minute, whatever you are doing, whatever process you apply to fashion choices, it is very much working so keep it up :) Hope you are doing great! You rock!

Unknown said...

Hey. I really like this. I immediately thought how cozy and casual it looked. So jealous of your ability to style clothes. So, basically, stahp putting yourself down girl. Srsly. :)

Katie Selt said...

Lauren! You look so cute, don't be so hard on yourself. I like the beanie with the outfit, and the lips are gorgeous. It adds a tiny bit of edge to the look!


Emmy said...

This may be last minute, but it looks lovely! I don't think the hat is a problem at all, and the deep purple still looks beautiful! You remind me nothing of a dinosaur. ;)

Hope you are doing well and enjoy your weekend.

Unknown said...

I actually like this one, minus the cat tights lol. I love pairing purple with green (in certain ways of course), Barney knew what's up!

K. Martin said...

I LOVE this outfit. It's creative, unique in the best way. Classy yet playful, like something to wear for shopping & lunch in Manhattan. Just my opinion. =)

Jamie Rose said...

I definitely didn't get Barney from this outfit. This shade of lipstick looks awesome with green! I love how you wore that pinafore dress as a skirt here and those cat tights are the cutest ever.

Unknown said...

I actually LOVE this hat with this outfit - adds a hint of punk to it, which I like! And that skirt is also so adorable!


Anonymous said...

Little beautiful kittens. Three kittens...)

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