a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Leather Heart Cut Out Dress (old): c/o Lulu*s.
Polka Dot Dot: Thrifted.
Beret: Target.
Flats: c/o Pink and Pepper.

When I first came into college a year and a half ago, I had my mind made up what I wanted to do as soon as I graduated. I wanted a certain job, with a certain company, in a certain city, and I would have a certain kind of life. But life never goes as planned and isn't as simple as the plans we have for ourselves.

Sure it's good to have dreams and goals that we want to accomplish, but I don't want to put myself into this box of where my life needs to be after I graduate. I realize that no matter what kind of job (fashion wise) I get after I graduate, I will be happy. Whether it's starting off just retail, higher up in management, or behind the scenes work that goes into the industry. Since becoming a Christian I realize it's God's plan--not mine. And I will be content with wherever He places me in life because I know it's where I am meant to be. To those of you thinking about studying fashion--there are so many options. Coming in I thought there were only a few routes I could take, but after taking courses and learning more about the industry I realize I can take my life anywhere, in any direction. Which is awesome, of course, but quite scary as well. 

For now, I'm not going to worry about it. I trust my future is in good hands.

With much love, Lauren.


Unknown said...

Indeed, your future is just fine, dear. So enjoy the moments you find yourself in right now and be present. Wonderful look. Such a cute cut-out heart in the front and those patterned tights look amazing on you. So miss the closeup of them but the shot of your feet in them was lovely too. And that face of yours is so stunning, those cheeks look so soft and lovely :) Gorgeous!

Tineke said...

Love this outfit, i think everything looks good on you!

Unknown said...

Great post Lauren! Life rarely works out in a straight line but the journey is always worth it :)
Love your outfit as well!

Sammi said...

Love this outfit! The layering is perfect. I think it's important to have an outline of goals and a plan, but at the same time, I think it's important to be able to roll with the punches and realize that nothing ever works out the way you planned. In my field, it's very difficult for me not to compare my path to those of the people I went to school with, but I've realized that I'm paving my own way and figuring things out for myself, and what I'm learning is imperative for me. You are a hardworking, caring, talented girl and no matter what you end up doing in your field, I know you will find success :)

xox Sammi

Allyssa said...

I just love these pictures that you post out in the snow. Really, really cute!

Jamie Rose said...

This outfit is awesome. I just love this dress and how you layered the polka dot top underneath. It looks great on you!

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