a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Go-Go.

1960's Mini Skirt: Vintage
Red Sweater: Old Navy.
Pearls: Gift from my grandmother.
Blue Beret: Forever21.
Loafers: Vintage.
Lipstick in MAC's Russian Red.

Hi! ♥

One of my favorite questions to ask people is what their favorite season is. Whether I'm just meeting them for the first time, or it's one of my family member's I live with; I love hearing the different answers.

A favorite season says a lot about a person, more than you would think. There's always a reason behind that favoritism. Sweet childhood memories, a special life event, favorite activities that only apply to that time of the year. Each person has all of these individual reasons for why they love a season without even realizing. It doesn't just hit you at once, but it takes time to build up a love for a season throughout your life.

I used to know for sure what my favorite season was. Easy--fall. But as I've been blogging the past few years I've taken the time to intimately get to know each season and their quirks, perks, and irritants. Being immersed into nature where each season is at its purest, untouched form makes me feel such a connection to God. The little, tiny moments that let me know He's up there. Think about just how awesomely incredible snow is. The pure essence of it and the beauty of billions of flakes falling from the sky and each being different. Or flowers. Coming out of the ground? Like, how does this beautiful life grow from the unknown beneath us after months of death and cold? How can something have such an aroma, such a presence, change the mood of those around it? And summer. The heat and the strong, ferocious thunderstorms that barrel out of the sky. The fierce lighting that illuminates the amongst the darkness. How powerful, so mystic and absolutely breathtaking to watch. Then fall. How is it that the leaves on the millions of trees change into those spectacular, unearthly colors? How does each and every single one fall from its mother and slip safely into sleep onto the ground? It's just incredible. Incredible.

I don't know what my favorite season is anymore. I love each and every single one of them for different reasons that I've come to learn. That's why I love taking my own blog pictures. Not just because I'm self sufficient, but because it gives me the time to be alone with the earth, God, and all around me that I come from.

Cherish the beauty in every season before it disappears. 

With much love, Lauren.


Unknown said...

Oh my word, that skirt is just so perfect! I absolutely love the color!

Hmmm, I think that my favorite season is fall - new school supplies/clothes and the lovely weather. Just perfect.


Unknown said...

Such a lovely bit of writing, dear. Fully appreciating each of the seasons shows what an open, bright mind you have. Since you do not have to pick one, why not enjoy them all, right? :)

The outfit is tres adorable and pretty. You put colors together so well. And, in a funny, smart mirror to your essay, you have mixed July 4th colors with the white snow of winter. Love it :) Of course totally enjoy those cool and exciting tights on you, especially that last shot. So wow :) But I felt bad for you sitting in the snow. Hope you had a nice heating pad to sit on when you got back inside :)

Hannah Martin said...

Lauren what lovely words and message. I really love reading your blog not only for the outfit inspiration, but also to read your writing. You are very gifted. Love the holiday inspired outfits lately!
xx Hannah

Elliementary, My Dear said...

Great post :) I've definitely started to pay attention to seasonal change more now that I am older. Unfortunately, in SoCal the seasons don't change as drastically as they do in other states but there are subtle differences that make each one special.

Jamie Rose said...

This skirt is so awesome and such a gorgeous shade of blue. I have a beret my mom gave me from her 80s beret collection that's the same exact color as yours and I've yet to wear it. I always mean to try to style something around it but haven't gotten to it. I might have to pair it with red after seeing this post!

Unknown said...

You always write lovely thoughts that make me think about ..well make me think!

lovely color block outfit!

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Kezzie said...

WHat a lovely description dear! You write most beautifully! I'm not sure which is my favourite season- eithe Spring or Summer, probably Spring but I do appreciate aspects of every season!
I forgot to say, thanks for your recent comment. It was SO nice to get a comment from you- I always cherish them when you have time to visit, not only because you write such beautiful kind words but because they remind me of how much I loved reading your comments when I first discovered your blog!x

eleanor hope said...

Beautiful post.i also am not sure what my fave season is anymore either. I look forward to the dress changes and the weather changes. God's handiwork is AMAZING. I feel the same way you do.

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