a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Sunday, April 7, 2013

January Outfits.

Hello everyone!
Here is my last 'outfit in review' post until the end of this month is up. I don't want to have to relive any more of this snow!

January was an inspiring month outfit wise for me. A new year, a new start, and new inspiration for outfits. I was home half of the month which gave me a lot of fun opportunities for locations around town and styling outfits around them. For a week I was in Nashville with Hannah and I love the outfits I perfectly planned out for my adventure.

I surprised myself with buying a leather jacket and loving it, and giving up my a-line skirts in lieu of a form fitting pencil skirt for once. I wish I would take more fashion risks! As you can see layering was super important and a big part of my style in January, as well. I think my outfits are much more dynamic and interesting in the winter months because I'm really pushed creatively with looking nice and staying warm! Also, can't you tell I quite love the 'tucking my hair behind my left ear pose? Sheesh, get a new one, Lauren ;)

Favorite Outfit: Creme Cup.
Least Favorite Outfit: Comfy Cozy.

What is your favorite outfit I wore in January?

With much love, Lauren.


Delaney Y said...

I really love the outfit with the taller boots, hat, and white shirt with the flowered skirt! also like the one in the very bottom row with the skirt, brown tights, brown scarf, and blue hat. Didn't know how else to describe them to pin point to which ones haha. They're all really pretty! :)

Hannah said...

Have to say I favor the ones from Nashville, but I'm a bit biased. :)

Melody said...

I like the top right photo. I think you look very mature. Not that you look immature in the others I just think its a different style for you. Awesome pics though, I wish I had more time to dress nice

Unknown said...

I love your favorite outfit and the one in the top right corner! I'm seriously jealous of how cute you look even in freezing January!


DemyP said...

I love them all and I love YOUUUU!! <3 You always look so flawless! No kidding, I can't choose favorite, they're all super gorgeous!!!! :*

Unknown said...


i liked all your looks but my favorite is Romance At Its Finest. 'cause i love that dress :)

x Audrey

leather jackets said...

It definitely looks good. I tried on a few leather jackets that were more expensive and didn't look as good. Get this from cwmalls.com, their leather jackets are made with good quality, I appreciate these.

christen said...

ha! we all have our "go to" poses. i think you look awesome in all of these outfits. def loving that camel colored skirt.


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