Polka Dot Blouse, Green Silk Blouse, Tan Shorts, Straw Clutch: Thrifted.
Weaved Wedges: Lulu's.
Floral Necklace: Forever21.
Spur of the moment I started creating outfits like a madwoman at 12 o'clock the other night and this was one that I came up with. It's not usually a color combination I would try, but it's something quirky and new nonetheless. It reminds me of a watermelon! Although I'm not sure I necessarily want to look like a watermelon...I hate the taste!
I leave at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning for my Kent State orientation and won't be back until Saturday afternoon. I'm super nervous with all of the people and the social activities I'll have to do. I'm going to take your advice though and try to just be myself and not worry so much; hopeful things turn out okay. I'm sad I won't be blogging tomorrow and who knows on Saturday... I hope you all have a beautiful weekend though and see you soon ♥
With much love, Lauren.
P.S. I've been adding a ton of new items to my 'shop my closet store' as of late including this clutch! Check it out if you so desire :)
i don't wear much jewellery myself but i love that necklace! it really brightens up the outfit and looks great against the green. :)
little henry lee
I really love the colors in this, they're gorgeous! Especially the necklace:) Have fun at orientation!
This outfit is so fun! I'm sure you are going to have a blast at orientation! Just have fun and don't stress about it too much.
This outfit is so fun! I'm sure you are going to have a blast at orientation! Just have fun and don't stress about it too much.
These colors are super fun together. They definitely remind me of watermelon. I'm loving how the collar peeks out from underneath your green blouse.
i'm in love with this cute, fresh outfit! and you having planned it out at 12 is better yet. ;) i adore the collar!
good luck and have fun at orientation! everything will be great! <3 tell us how it went!!
i adore that darling pink spotted peter pan collar peeking out from underneath. you look so so beautiful in this, i think you wear green really well. good luck for your orientation.
x jane
Good luck Lauren!
Beautiful! These colours really suit you :) I think the third picture down is my favourite, you have the most PERFECT eyebrows I have ever seen.
I wish you the best of luck on your orientation day. I'm sure everything will go fine, don't doubt yourself. You are more brilliant than you think!
xx Maria
Oh and Lauren! You were featured in this Teen Vogue slideshow! When I saw you in it I got super excited :) Congrats!
Have an amazing time! I'm wishing you all the best xo
oh my, this outfit is absolutely perfect, I love it! it fits you amazingly! :)
You do kind of look like a watermelon, but in a good way! I am in love with your floral necklace. I have been looking for a floral statement necklace for such a long time. Where do recommend I look for a good one?
Good luck with your orientation! Make sure to tell us how it goes! I'm sure you'll have fun and make some friends.
What beautiful colors! I love that collar and the necklace. You can pull off any color, you're so pretty.
I loooove this look! I agree, it also reminds me of a watermelon which is perfect for summer! have fun at your orientation! I remember when I went to my college orientation in 2009 and I found out Michael Jackson died while in a class. it was crazy!
daydream frenzy
Shabby Apple $50 Giveaway
Golly I haven't commented in so long! I have been so busy with exams, but I just wanted to let you know that I have read every single post of yours recently and have learnt about your graduation, your new job...and all the while I have been admiring your gorgeous outfits!
You are such an inspiration Lauren, I wish you the best of luck for orientation.
xx and lots of hugs
I love watermelons and your look too! the colors work really well and really suit you! fab :)
oh that necklace with the fun green top & your gorgeous hair! cutest watermelon ever. :)
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