Lace Dress, Cream Socks: Forever21.
Floral Scarf, Red Purse, Pearl Earrings: Thrifted.
Red Wedges: c/o OASAP.
Hello everyone!
My favorite color to wear is red and so I always somehow find an excuse to don it at least once a week. And I'm sure you all are tired of seeing this dress...gosh, I certainty am too! I wear it all the time but I just can't help's been such a vital remix piece in my wardrobe!
As if my obsession with the color red wasn't already prevalent, I broke down today and purchased a pair of red jeans. Wait, WHAT?! Lauren purchased pants..? I know, this should be a holiday! I haven't purchased a pair of jeans in years and years...but I've been on the hunt for quite sometime for a pair of colored skinnies. I think they'll be nice on casual days at Kent and who knows, maybe they'll open a gateway to me wearing pants more often. (it's okay, I don't think so either, hehe).
I received the sweetest graduation card in the mail today from my roommate! I was so surprised and appreciative of her kindness. She also included a gift card to Forever21- she knows me all too well already!
And finally- the beautiful Britney of Lemonwood and Honey did the most spectacular interview on me a few days ago. It was seriously one of cutest ones I've ever seen done! If you all would like, pop on over to her pretty little slice of internet and take a peek :)
Hope you all are doing swell!
With much love, Lauren.
P.S. Tomorrow is your LAST day to enter the Cutey Charm bracelet giveaway right here!
I love your dress, probably my favorite piece of clothing you wear! and red suits you so well (: and LAUREN BUYING PANTS?! didn't see that one coming haha, so proud. I'm sure you'll rock the red jeans! xx
You look fabulous in red. And I love love love lace dresses this one is so great!
I love red and lace. My lace skirt in my wardrobe has been continually worn since i got it. You look absolutely beautiful, love the headscarf.
x Jane
Oh I like all your outfits,your style is perfect :)
So I'm totes coming down there so steal that headscarf from you, it's so beautiful! And I can't wait to see you rocking those red pants! And I loved your interview, so heartful and sweet- I can't stand fellow bloggers who are so uptight and pretentious. And I love you. That's it.
<3, L.
Oh my!! I'm in the middle of an email headed toward you! But that head scarf is gorgeous!!! I love it! And red is my fav colour to wear too! I was actually wearing a red dress today :P.
Your roommate sounds like such a sweetie! How awesome and cute it that little pressie?!
Thanks so much for your sweet words about the interview! Thanks for being a wonderful wonderful interviewee!!!
-Britney of Lemonwood and Honey.
Super cute! I love the red and the lace!(:
Red detailes just make this outfit work and rock! ;) Love that headscarg and red lips!
I like you restyling your dress, it's lovely! (and it's being environmentally conscious reusing it lots! ;-) ) That's so sweet re the card! I also bought red pants which I wore in a post this week (it was also rare for me because I don't do tight trousers- I really don't!) Red is a wonderful colour!
Oh and I nominated you for a blog award! x
I love how you remix your looks, you always manage to find something interesting to do with the things is your wardrobe. I'm a big fan of jeans on a lazy day, so I'll be really interested to see how your incorporate them into your style.
Also, your new room mate sounds like an absolute sweetheart, it is so great you will have someone so nice to live with xo
I have almost everything in this picture that u wore :) Love it!
Stunning. I love the little socks + red shoes combo. :)
hello pretty lauren! i like how you paired the lace dress with the floral head scarf, very cute. :)
my favorite color is red too!! Seriously you look so darn cute! This outfit is perfection:)
This is so stinking adorable, Lauren! I especially love your hairstyle and the tied scarf. Gives it such a cute retro look! :-)
This is just one of my favorites, I love hair ties for all of their retro glory! This one looks so adorable on you and I love how you paired it with your lace dress. (Lace dresses are just so remix-able!) I also wanted to say that I loved your guest post on the contents of your closet, I agree my dress and skirts by color as well. ^_^ (however, your closet looks quite a bit neater than mine. Seeing that we have almost the same size of closet though, you inspired me to try more with mine to make it look cuter, even if it's small! Thanks hon!)
PS- So sorry about how awful I've been at commenting lately! I do check you page almost everyday, but I've been in such a hurry lately I just google over your lovely photographs and then have no time to comment! :P So sorry!
Oh dear, Ileft such a long post and then I forgot to comment on the pants! :P I can't wait to see how you style your new red pants, I always love your retro takes. (If you're looking for other great pants, American Eagle Outfitters actually has some great colored jeggings in! I lave a large behind and these just fit SO well, they don't look or feel cheap and they last for a long time. Plus, they have so many new colors in them now!)
This white and red themed outfit is wonderful. I love that lace dress and how nicely all the red accessories look with it. The headscarf is great too.
It seems like you and your room mate (or, as I like to say "flat mate") will get along well! I'm glad. I remember how nervous about it you were last year. ;D
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