a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, September 19, 2011


Just a poem I wrote for an English project the other day. I feel as though it's everything about me wrapped into one.

Daughter of parents who are too good for her
Sister to Chinese sister Gracie
Lover of old clothes that tell secret stories, kind gestures that are unexpected, and delicate roses that blossom beautifully
Who feels different than her peers, peaceful with her inner self, and hopeful for her future
Who needs for people to stop judging by appearance, for a friend to love her, and for someone not to let her down
Who gives God her soul, people second chances, and the past too much thought
Who fears going through life alone, making a bad impression, and losing who she is
Who sees life through a camera lens, people with naive eyes, and the beauty in everything
Who believes in never having too many dresses, in showing unending appreciation, and in miracles
Resident of a town with nothing left for her

I had the perfect outfit to take pictures of today but the incessant rain all day thwarted my plans. Even my back up plan of making a video blog was stopped dead in its tracks. I had it filmed and everything and then it refused to upload online. Oh Mondays...you exasperate me.
With much love, Lauren.


claire said...

lovely poem

Wild Flower said...

Lovely, I really enjoyed reading that :) You have a talent <3


EmilyCinnamon said...

That was beautiful. You have a way of expressing your feelings in such a delicate way, its amazing:) And I felt as if I could relate to a lot of your poem. And thank you so much for commenting on my blog! It makes my night when I check it again and I see a comment from "Someone Like You" :) <3

Ellie said...

Thank you for posting such a personal look into your life! I really feel I can relate to your poem. I just moved to a new area and have been feeling quite introverted and lonely lately. Your line "different than her peers, peaceful with her inner self, and hopeful for her future" sums up my recent feelings perfectly. I'm glad to see someone shares the same experience. Hope your weather improves and you can get some outfit shots again!

Vie said...


I can't tell you how much this post resounded with me, particularly the line: 'Who fears going through life alone, making a bad impression, and losing who she is' - my very worst fears! I have just started back at university after the summer break and so all my old worries of acceptance have came rushing back. But I also love the line 'different than her peers, peaceful with her inner self, and hopeful for her future' - it stabilizes my anxiety and gives me hope.

You are a true force of good in this world, and I'm thankful that there are people like you out there. x x x

Lauren Noelle Rice said...

such pretty words, ive been doing some poetry lately too. love the picture also. xoxo

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