a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, September 12, 2011

Exciting Surprises.

Hello there everyone!
I've had some exciting things happen recently that I couldn't wait to share with you all, but I had to take care of yucky things like school and work first... The first surprise though that I have to share with you all is my beautiful, new, Canon camera!

I've actually had the little beauty since last Thursday but just now got the time today to do a little experimenting with it. I seriously could not be happier with the Canon Rebel EOS T3. It takes beautiful pictures just how I want them to be, and is fairly simple to use. I'm still getting familiarized with the camera though and it will probably take me a little while to get completely comfortable with shooting with it. I promise to take outfit pictures with it tomorrow though! Hooray for no more pixel-y, grainy, and bad quality photos! I've been dreaming of having a nice camera for about a year now and it seems so surreal that I finally have one all to myself... Not only that, but I'm so proud that I saved up for it all by myself and paid every single penny of the $760!

The other little exciting (I guess you could look at it as exciting) bit of news I have to share with you all is that I quit my job! Most of you are probably thinking now, "What! Why?!" Well, my parents actually forced me to quit, but for good reasons. I requested that my managers only schedule me two days a week at maximum because I'm still in high school and they seemed to be okay with that... However, obviously it wasn't crystal clear enough because I'm scheduled for five days this coming week and a total of 20 hours! It's just too hard to go to school and have this job...not to mention the people are just so awful and mean. Last night I came home crying (yet again) because of one of the mean spirited waitresses! I still have to work the five days this week, but thankfully after that I'll be free... Three cheers for more blogging! :)

Hope you all are doing lovely and so sorry that I've been so sporadic lately! Hopefully after this week my posting will be back to normal.

With much love, Lauren.


Shady Del Knight said...

That's wonderful, Lauren! I can't wait to see all of your new shots taken with that beautiful camera.

Maria Elyse said...

Aww, yaaaaay! I'm so excited for you and your beautiful new camera! :) Aaaahhh, seriously. SO. EXCITING. :D I can't wait to see some gorgeous new outfit photos with your amazing camera. :)

Maria Elyse

Sara said...

wow congrats! i cannot wait to see your outfit posts with your new camera! i am still looking for an slr camera myself. I want one so bad but i have to find a good one thats in my price range!


Bramblewood Fashion said...

Yaaaaay! You have your new camera! Your pictures look simply amazing! I'm dying to see outfit pictures with your new camera. : )


Anonymous said...

So happy you like it Lauren! If you need help, get ahold of me. I have conquered my T3 pretty well :)

April said...

Congrats on the camera!!
There's nothing better than the last day at a shitty job!

Stacey Kay said...

Yay! Congrats on the camera!

Goodwill Huntingg

Jul said...

Wow, these are great photos! So glad you finally bought the new camera you've dreaming of for such a long time!
For the job, you did well. Right now you should focus on school, not on a job :)


OrigamiGirl said...

Well this is going to sound really weird, but you were actually in my dream last night. You, me and my boyfriend were defeating some crazy wizard with an evil housekeeper and you had quit the waitressing job to help us... So I kind of predicted this. I also clearly spend too much time reading blogs when I dream about them!

Well done on the camera! It's great that you saved up and got it by yourself.

Anonymous said...

Hey, lucky you and your brand spanking new camera, enjoy it ! Really liking the choc chip cupcakes in the oven pic. ;)

Michelle's Style File said...

Great camera- you'll love it!


Margaret said...

There is nothing like the pride of saving up every single penny for something like this. Congrats! I hope to get a DSLR like this next year. Now the only challenges left are the lenses...and many of them cost twice as much as the camera itself :/

Kezzie said...

Nice photos! What a great camera!

Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

oh my, I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to see all the magic things your new camera can do! :) It's good you quit your job. Now you can search and find a new, and better one :) I quitted my old job too because I had too much trouble there. My new workplace is totally awesome though! Never an annoying client and cheery coworkers :) I hope you can find a new job that you can pair with highschool soon :) Loves, Nikki

EmilyCinnamon said...

Your camera looks very awesome! And if those pictures that were on there as well were taken by it, even better! I love the lighting and how clear the jewelry and the grass pictures look!

claire said...

you are gonna love your camera, i got my Nikon recently and absolutely love it. All i can say is...read the manual to get the full potential! oh and dont get me started on accessories....i'm saving for a new lense...x

Jenna said...

That camera looks AWESOME!!! The pictures you took came out amazing!!!
And three cheers for quitting your job!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Yay- your new camera is awesome. I want one soooo bad!!!

Midwest Muse said...

ALREADY your pictures are better!! LOVE IT! And congrats on quitting! You deserve to be super happy and especially during your senior year.

If you need a crash course in your camera, let me know. Maybe we can meet up sometime again!

Jamie Rose said...

Hooray for a new camera! I'm jealous! I'm hoping to get one as some sort of college graduation present, however that probably won't happen haha

Laura said...

I think that quitting a job where you are unhappy is the best feeling! At least it meant that you could get your pretty camera!


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