Black + White Dress, Booties: H&M.
Tribal Kimono: Aeropostale.
Cameo Necklace: Gift from my grandmother.
Wide Brim Hat: c/o OASAP.
Lipstick in MAC's Diva.
Hi there! ♥
Welllll; welcome to my new apartment everyone! Last post I was worried because I was told I couldn't move in until Monday, but luckily things worked out and I was able to move in on Saturday as planned. Moving is never fun and I'm always a stressed out, grumpy cat but my family helped me and I'm so happy to be all settled in finally. I really, really like this place. It's a single apartment with a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedroom. I've lived with roommates all 5 semesters so far, so completely having this one to myself to decorate and live in is quite different. But a nice different, I think. The apartment is right next to campus but far from the fashion building where my classes are held. Thankfully for the first time, I have a car up here though so I can drive to class and such! Just have to make sure I don't get towed or a parking ticket though; true feats around these parts -__-
Anyways, as you can see I took these photos INSIDE. After five years of taking outfit photos outside in the brutal Ohio cold (we even had a half snow day today for the first day of classes), I've just kinda had it. It's my favorite environment to shoot and and where I get most inspired...but it's just so hard and painful sometimes to stand in negative degree weather, snow to your calves, and wind blowing to get decent photos. Taking blog photos shouldn't be painful and something I just want to get over with. So that's why I decided to leave a little space in my apartment open for taking blog photos!
The living room is big enough where I had plenty of open space for posing and setting up my tripod. It was also ideal for the nice, natural light that comes in through the floor length windows on the adjacent wall. I thought it would be a bit boring to have a plain wall to take photos next to, so I bought these wall decal stickers at TJ MAXX the other day for just $3 to add a little color + interest! I like them! I think they will match my outfits well and become a little signature part of my photos while I'm in this apartment for the next four months. Who knows if I'll keep them like this or change the background completely. We'll see how I feel! I may still take photos outside, too, weather depending because like I said-- it's still something I love, I just don't want to sacrifice my well being for it!
So happy and excited to kick off a new semester here back at Kent. Can't believe that technically "next year" I graduate. Didn't I just start!? x
With much love, Lauren.
Lauren, I've been wondering about decals for a while-do they come off easily? I've really wanted to try some recently as not really supposed to paint our walls etc but I did wonder if they are something I could use. These ones are utterly adorable. Good choice and I can see them forming a big part of your look. X
Those decals are ADORABLE. I love this dark lip color on you, too. I can't wait to have my own place (not just for personal space, but because I'd love a space of my own -- with my own aesthetic -- to take photos inside!).
xox Sammi
Moving is such a pain :( I'm glad it all worked out in the end! Those wall stickers are too cute, such a lovely place to set up for photos :)
Love the clashing prints and your lip colour is gorgeous on you!
Carmen Ri.
I love you new space! The wall decals are a perfect backdrop. I know what you mean about the cold. I live in a warmer climate, but when it's cold here, it's really hard to take pictures.
What a gorgeous set up! I love the wall decals :)
I'll always love your outdoor photos (it's so interesting to see the amazing locations you find and just get a little look into what the environment is like where you live), but I can definitely understand not wanting to always have to venture out into the cold!! It doesn't even get that cold where I live so I can't imagine what it must be like in the snow!
How exciting that you've got a little place of your own. I'm hoping that sometime this year I'll be able to have that too!
Lauren xx
You are so cute! Love your shawl. :)
It must be nice to be able to take your photos inside where it's warm! I like the setup for these, with the adorable decals!
Vicki Grace
Your outfit looks lovely with the makeup :) I love the lighting as well, it's very soft and pretty.
Congratulations!!! Will u do an apt tour?
Those brows are on point.
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