a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Monday, January 5, 2015

Caramel Swirl.

Coat: Zara.
Cream Lace Blouse, Velvet Skirt: Thrifted.
Hat: c/o OASAP.
Boots: H&M.
Lipstick in MAC's Craving.

Hello there ♥

Brrr! Finally got a chance to break out my new winter coat I bought in Italy at Zara. I bought it the last week I was there and wore it a few times because I thought it was "cold." LOL. I forgot how cold it actually gets in Ohio! 50 degrees was not cold. One of the buttons had popped off and the rest were loose, so I had to get that fixed before I could wear it back here in the States. Finally got it done the other day and it feels so nice to wear a new coat out & about that I love. I just adore camel colored coats and have wanted one this style for years. Very mod, 1960's, classic. The big tortoise shell buttons and visible pockets won me over completely. 

Alright, time to talk coffee now. Since coming back to Ohio, I've actually really, really missed Italy's coffee. Never thought I would say that! All the regular drinks I used to get seem just so syrupy and artificial tasting now and I can hardly stomach them. I've been trying to find a new drink to work for me at Starbucks and was skeptical to try the cappuccino because I didn't think it could ever live up to the ones I had in Italy. But I got one for the first time today and it was pretty good! I would get it again. It's not 100% as good as the ones I used to have, but it just tastes so much better than the super sugary drinks. I also got a Keurig from my aunt and uncle for Christmas and am SUPER excited to bring that up with me to Kent in my new apartment. Ready for a coffee filled semester x

With much love, Lauren.


Katie Selt said...

That coat is gorgeous, Lauren!
Camel looks so good on you, your skin tone is perfection for it.

Katie | www.katielikeme.com

eleanormeleanor said...

I work at Starbucks! We're launching the Flat White soon. Try it out! It's an Australian drink made with ristretto shots and whole milk, and it's actually my new favorite thing there.

-Elle, a long time lurker and fellow coffee addict.

LaurenLovesLaughter said...

Stunning as always Lauren, and I absolutely love your coat - hopefully I can find a similar one once winter rolls around here! Yesterday it was 42degrees celsius though (I think that's around 108 Fahrenheit) so I don't think I'll be needing a coat anytime soon!

Lauren xx

Unknown said...

Love that coat! In fact your whole outfit is amazing! Obsessed with it <3

Ashley xx

Mariah Alysz said...

Gorgeous winter outfit! And Keurigs are amazing! I got one from my mom when she moved out of the state and it has saved my life on the morning I'm running late to class! Much faster than waiting in a Starbucks line! I love the chai latte pods you can buy for them, so good!
<3 Mariah Alysz
Rya Pie

Jamie Rose said...

This coat is perfect and so classic. I love how it looks with your cute little velvet skirt! Such a great look!

Jamie | PetitePanoply.com

Flóra said...

Your hair is so long and so beutiful! And the outfit is really classic, I love it :))

Hilary said...

Wow, I had heard that American coffees were more like sweet drinks before and now I believe it! :P Good that you found something else

Anneliese said...

Lauren, you look abso-bloomin'-lutely gorgeous. :D You have come so far!! I would never be able to pull off a mini skirt like that, I would be constantly tugging at it and being shy and awkward - but you look perfectly poised, elegant, and self-confident! You have my congratulations and envy. :)

Beautiful post... I have really been enjoying following your blog!

*Oh and by the way, in the title, I think you meant caramel, not carmel... two slightly different meanings ;)

Kailey said...

Laurennnn how and why are you so absolutely gorgeous? That Zara coat looks amazing on you <3

Unknown said...

Lovely coat, and your outfit is so cute! Hope you had a good Christmas! :)

Love Rosie xox

Unknown said...

Ahh I'm swooning over your coat! The colour and vintage vibe it has is beautiful. Such a classy, chic outfit and you look gorgeous x

Bridie | Upon My Sleeve

C R said...

Beautiful coat! My boyfriend looooves coffee but not the sugary American kind, so if you're really missing Italian coffee, I recommend you get a French press! It's a bit more effort than, say, a Keurig (you either have to buy grounds or grind your own beans, and also boil water for it--electric kettles are amazing!) but it makes for rich, incredibly delicious coffee.

Unknown said...

I think I absolutely love this outfit! The zara coat looks AMAZING on you!
x Angela // bouncingbrunette.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

Now what is ironic, and you notice it, too, of course, is the difference in your coffee tastes between when you arrived overseas, and today :) Maybe that will be a marker for other things to change in your life, too ...??? ... I especially favor this OOTD! ... And, as I especially favor coffee :), I need to ask ... does Ryan like coffee as much as you do??? I've dated non-coffee-rs, but the relationships were only successful if they understood ;)

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