a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Friday, April 4, 2014

Daisies in My Hair, Not a Care.

Denim Dress, Black Boots: Thrifted.
Daisy Hair Piece: Kristin Perry via Chictopia Shop.

It's been quite the exhausting/stressful week and it unfortunately had nothing to do with school work.

On Wednesday evening campus was on lock down because shots were fired by an on campus building and they couldn't find the shooter. Although I was in my dorm at the time, the incident happened at the building where NAVS is held; the place I was going to go to in just a half hour. Crazy to think about that I could have been there. We couldn't leave our dorms for three hours and they had all the police force here and in surrounding towns trying to find him. My roommate was out and at the building next to the place where it happened so I was really worried about her. Thankfully, they did find the man and what happened was he got in an argument with two girls and pulled out a gun and accidentally shot himself in the hand. I'm thankful no one was hurt and nothing worse happened. It was just a scary, somewhat surreal situation since the famous Kent State Massacre happened here in 1970,  forty some years later, I felt what those students also felt.

Then last night a blogging friend alerted me to the fact that someone had set up a fake lookbook.nu account of me and had been using my photos which just baffles me. I don't even understand why anyone would want to do that? For one, I'm not this huge, important person-- just a regular girl, so I don't understand why someone would steal my photos. Secondly, just....like, why? I'm more sad than anything because it's just terrible that you can no longer freely express yourself creatively without someone trying to steal who you are. I'll never get what goes through a person's mind when they take another's work. It makes me feel down and hopeless that everything I put on here will just be taken and used without my knowing, so why post anything anyways? It's also frustrating because the profile had just been set up that day and thankfully someone caught it...but it makes me think about, how many more things like this are going on without me knowing? I don't know, just leaves a bad taste in my mouth and a sad feeling in my heart.

Thankfully I got enough people to flag the user and the profile was taken down today. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all those who helped me out in doing so!

I'm ready for a relaxing day today...hopefully some tea in my new mug that says 'relax' on it will do the trick. Love you all

With much love, Lauren.



Miche said...

Yikes,lady! That's so scary, I'm glad to hear things didn't get out of control and that everyone was OK! As for the stealing of personal stuff, I don't get it either. It's not happened to me but I guess if you wanted to look at the bright side; imitation is the highest form of flattery? Still sucks though, glad you were able to get it taken down so quickly! Anyway, love the outfit as always - that headpiece is gorgeous!

Miche from Buttons and Birdcages

Sonshu said...

Love the daisies in your hair. So pretty! And the dress goes perfectly. Everything about this look is lovely.


Allyssa said...

I'm so sorry that happened to you, friend! What a terrible thing! People these days! man! You look awfully cute, though :) Please keep posting. I love seeing all your amazing outfits.

Lindsay said...

I was looking at the ModCloth Style Gallery and saw one of your pictures. I clicked on it because you looked familiar, and it had a link to this blog, and then saw that you went to Kent State, which is where I go to school! It is such a small world. I've been looking through your blog and you have absolutely beautiful clothes. I'm so jealous of your confidence to wear red lipstick, too! It looks gorgeous on you (:

Lorna said...

Oh my ! Thats really scary ...
Hopefully you're alright.
I love this little dress and daisies in your hair !
I wondered how you melt it in the Braid :)

Have a good weekend dear.


Kezzie said...

WOw, that's really scary that both those things happened. I'm glad the person was caught but what a rotter to be using your photos. How did you r friend find it? You're really lucky she alerted you so soon! I can understand that you feel violated. That's the one side of the internet that scares me a bit- what people can do with your stuff!x
P.S. Loving the gorgeous daisy thing!

Tineke said...

Lovely outfit, this dress is so cute!xx

Anonymous said...

HI Lauren,
Your are the ONLY person that I know who can wear ANY shade of lipstick! :-)Sooo cool! As for the peeps who stole your pictures...they are ignorant. Don't stop posting though please, I love reading your blog and seeing your outfits!
Kylelee K.

Unknown said...

stay safe! >< and those ppl who steal ur photo r well.___. just keep being you k? :) and btw you look adorable as always xo have a nice weekend!

Katie Selt said...

That dress looks phenomenal on you! It's beyond gorgeous. And, the daisy chain is a nice touch.

I'm glad that you're okay--lockdowns are never fun. In high school, we went on lockdown because of a bomb threat. Definitely not fun.

And, I hope that Lookbook ordeal is rectified soon. It's just so creepy that someone stole your photos and your words.


Unknown said...

Your outfit is so beautiful! I've always loved that denim dress (I think I've seen it a few times on the blog). Anyways, I'm so glad you're ok after the shooting! I saw someone post about it on FB and I was praying for you guys!!

Elliementary, My Dear said...

You look so lovely with your hair like that :) Both of these incidents sound like a bummer. I always feel weird putting pictures of myself on my blog because of the fact that anyone can download them. Glad you were able to get the fake profile taken down.

Anonymous said...

I love how simple and bohemian this is - the flowers in your hair are perfect for spring.

Ruby Sterland said...

Looking lovely as ever! Sorry to hear about the fake account, but at least you got it sorted! Always baffles me as to why people do these kinds of things :-( x


Unknown said...

eeeee - I'm glad to hear that you are okay. I would have been freaking out too!

I hope that things get less stressful for you soon - it is that time of the year, isn't it?

Also, this dress is gorgeous - what a babe! ;) Miss you!


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