White Dancing Heels, Pearl Earrings: Thrifted.
I had a completely different song for this last outfit to be inspired by. I originally formulated which of some of my favorite songs I was going to pick to inspire outfits with Lulu*s back in Decemeber. And things have changed a lot since then and the song I picked to go with this outfit...doesn't feel right anymore. We love songs because we can relate to them. It's not just a steady beat, good vocals, and catchy lyics. Songs speak to us because they connect with our soul, our emotions, our thoughts. And up until a few days ago I was 100% sure of the song that inspired this outfit; but then it hit me. Things have changed. I have changed. This song didn't apply to my life anymore, my feelings. That it was time to let go and move on and there was a song that fit this outfit a million times better than the intentional one could have ever.
Yesterday I wrote a post about trying to be a better person. Improving myself and all of my faults, facing my wrongdoings right in the face because I have too many of them to even count. My heart has been so heavy the past few weeks as I come to the realization of just how many sins I have, how they've taken over the person I'm supposed to be. I carried around this extreme guilt and I still am carrying around so much guilt. But one song helped take away some of that guilt and see things differently.
The song I chose for this outfit is Times by Tenth Avenue North. It is a Christian song and definitely not what I had planned doing an outfit inspired by. I'm a relatively new Christian and I'm in that shy, somewhat 'I'm not going to admit I am a Christian because you'll think I'm crazy' phase. I think God is a really touchy subject for anyone and especially for a fashion blog. So I usually don't say anything about my journey and the struggles I go through with growing in my faith.
This song is about about giving to God all that you are. Placing all of your sins before Him and asking for forgiveness and help. I don't deserve forgiveness for the things I've done, but Christ died for me so that my soul could be white as snow. So that all of the blackness that should be there, all of the ugliness that I've caused, is wiped away and I am born again into this beautiful being that He wants and made me to be.
My outfit is entirely white to represent the forgiveness I've been given. My heart that is as white as snow. It's something that's so hard to grasp, but once you do it makes you cry with happiness and gratitude because it's the most beautiful gift anyone can give you. That all of this burden I've been carrying is gone, I am forgiven, and I don't have to wear my shame anymore. My outfit is ethereal to represent that I am God's beautiful and specially made daughter- just the way he sees me to be even though I might not see myself that way. My ring, I once picked for an enirely different reason for the original song now shows how broken my heart is, but with Christ it can be whole and healed. And it becomes just that every day I walk with Him.
Thank you so much everyone for reading this series and a huge thank you to Lulu*s for this awesomely fun opportunity. I appreciate everything all of you do for me! ♥
With much love, Lauren.
P.S. Here are the other three outfits in case you missed them:
The A Team by Ed Sheeran
Firework by Katy Perry
Drops of Jupiter by Train
I had a completely different song for this last outfit to be inspired by. I originally formulated which of some of my favorite songs I was going to pick to inspire outfits with Lulu*s back in Decemeber. And things have changed a lot since then and the song I picked to go with this outfit...doesn't feel right anymore. We love songs because we can relate to them. It's not just a steady beat, good vocals, and catchy lyics. Songs speak to us because they connect with our soul, our emotions, our thoughts. And up until a few days ago I was 100% sure of the song that inspired this outfit; but then it hit me. Things have changed. I have changed. This song didn't apply to my life anymore, my feelings. That it was time to let go and move on and there was a song that fit this outfit a million times better than the intentional one could have ever.
Yesterday I wrote a post about trying to be a better person. Improving myself and all of my faults, facing my wrongdoings right in the face because I have too many of them to even count. My heart has been so heavy the past few weeks as I come to the realization of just how many sins I have, how they've taken over the person I'm supposed to be. I carried around this extreme guilt and I still am carrying around so much guilt. But one song helped take away some of that guilt and see things differently.
The song I chose for this outfit is Times by Tenth Avenue North. It is a Christian song and definitely not what I had planned doing an outfit inspired by. I'm a relatively new Christian and I'm in that shy, somewhat 'I'm not going to admit I am a Christian because you'll think I'm crazy' phase. I think God is a really touchy subject for anyone and especially for a fashion blog. So I usually don't say anything about my journey and the struggles I go through with growing in my faith.
This song is about about giving to God all that you are. Placing all of your sins before Him and asking for forgiveness and help. I don't deserve forgiveness for the things I've done, but Christ died for me so that my soul could be white as snow. So that all of the blackness that should be there, all of the ugliness that I've caused, is wiped away and I am born again into this beautiful being that He wants and made me to be.
My outfit is entirely white to represent the forgiveness I've been given. My heart that is as white as snow. It's something that's so hard to grasp, but once you do it makes you cry with happiness and gratitude because it's the most beautiful gift anyone can give you. That all of this burden I've been carrying is gone, I am forgiven, and I don't have to wear my shame anymore. My outfit is ethereal to represent that I am God's beautiful and specially made daughter- just the way he sees me to be even though I might not see myself that way. My ring, I once picked for an enirely different reason for the original song now shows how broken my heart is, but with Christ it can be whole and healed. And it becomes just that every day I walk with Him.
Thank you so much everyone for reading this series and a huge thank you to Lulu*s for this awesomely fun opportunity. I appreciate everything all of you do for me! ♥
With much love, Lauren.
P.S. Here are the other three outfits in case you missed them:
The A Team by Ed Sheeran
Firework by Katy Perry
Drops of Jupiter by Train
Lovely outfit, and post Lauren. :)
I love that dress it's so full and poofy...and pretty!
Your outfit is so beautiful! I love the background too it works perfectly.
This is such a beautiful post by you Lauren! Not just the outfit, but the inspiring text as well. I love that you based this lovely white dress around a Christian song. You are so, so right too. Its hard to accept forgiveness when its given so freely - seems unreal, doesn't it?
I know Christianity is such a controversial subject in our postmodern society, so I'm glad to have come across your blog where you're willing to share this with us. I always try to add a subtle touch of my faith by ending each post with a small verse that's inspiring me.
Have a fantastic week you inspiring girl! :)
This is beautiful Lauren! Times is one of my favorite songs by Tenth Avenue North. Have you heard Beloved from the same album? It's incredible. It's actually the song I thought of when I saw your outfit! :) Gorgeous dress by the way!
Hi Lauren. :)
First of all, I've been reading your blog for a *long* time, but I'm one of those readers who never comments. :/
I've read your posts and almost feel like I've gone on the journey with you! I was heavy hearted when you were going through difficult times. BUT, then you posted about becoming a Christian. And I cannot tell you how HAPPY that made me! I remember reading it and thinking, "Thank you, Jesus!!!"
So, I just wanted to share a verse with you: Romans 1:16.."FOR I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile."
I know that sometimes it takes guts to stand up for the truth and let people know that you belong to the LORD when it might make you a few enemies. But as Christians, we have something so incredible to tell others about, we *can't* keep it to ourselves! We have to tell the world how wonderful it is to belong to Him! And that He is the ONLY thing that will give us real happiness and contentment.
God bless you, Lauren.
Your sister in Christ, ( isn't that awesome?? :))
Lovely outfit, Lauren! And an equally lovely post. I know the feeling of being shy about sharing my faith...I know I often stay silent about it when I have an opportunity to speak about it because I'm afraid of being judged or whatever, but as Camille pointed out, it's important to speak up--it's our faith that gives salvation, after all! And that's too wonderful a thing to keep secret.(:
Anyway, I love your new inspiration behind your outfit! The idea of being white as snow and having our hearts made whole because of salvation is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing that!
Decked Out in Ruffles
Oh la la this is so nice. Love it!
Hey Lauren!
I've been reading your blog for a while now, but I've only commented once for some reason. I love your outfit and I love Tenth Avenue north! I am a Catholic, and I believe you said were raised Catholic too. In that case, you've always been a Christian because Catholics are Christians too. One of the major parts of our Catholic Faith is the fact that Jesus died on the cross for us, for our sins, and opened the gates of heaven for us! I know that Catholicsm is a really controversial subject, because a lot of people believe that we're not Christians and really misunderstand the teachings of the Church. www.catholic.com is a GREAT website that answers so many questions!
I love this series that your doing! I'm also thinking about majoring in fashion design so I love hearing about your adventures with that. ;)
God Bless you!
~ Nuala
This outfit is SWOON-WORTHY!! Absolutely gorgeous!!!! Love love love, and I love the location for these photos, too!!
You look like an angel in this outfit, Lauren!
7% Solution
love the outfit! :)
Irene Wibowo
This is definitely my favorite out that I have seen you where. And the bookshelf monument? Awesome. I applaud your bravery at sharing your faith!
Sigh ... another "but THIS ONE! is my FAVORITE! Lauren OOTD!!!" - absolutely beautiful, BOTH all-white OOTD & writing!!!
This outfit is so dreamy! Love the reflective puddles, everything fits so nicely with your theme - awesome job!!
<3 Megan
GORGEOUS dress...very Lolita street-style!
You look amazing, my dear! So pure, and fresh!
I always enjoy reading your posts, because most of the time I feel I can relate to your feelings and emotions!
You are a beautiful person!
You look so pretty all dressed in white! I loved this little music and fashion series that you had going on in your blog and I will definitely miss it!
thanks so much for sharing your heart here! I'm a Christian as well, and I'd definitely agree that it can be a touchy subject. I love all of what you said... and the outfit reflects it so beautifully. xx
Tenth Ave is my favorite band, I love their music!! And share your new found faith all you want, you inspire and encourage me a lot. :)
bestia che trippa !!!!
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