a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Someone Explain To Me...

Orange Lace Dress: Fig Leaf.
Mustard Beret: Target.
Brown Wedges: Thrifted.
Floral Necklace: Forever21.

...how is it 80 degrees in Ohio, in October?
...how am I wearing a sleeveless dress for outfit pictures?
...how can life be so beautiful?
...how, how, how?

With much love, Lauren.


Anonymous said...

Super Cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Super Cute!!!

Is It Secret, Is It Safe said...

Cute outfit! I love the dress! And I've been wondering that myself! I'm ready for fall to happen, though!


Jamie Rose said...

It was 80 degrees here too! But I'm in Georgia so that's normal! You look perfectly adorable in your warm fall outfit. These colors look fantastic together.

Teddi said...

beautiful autumn & you! it's been 80 degrees in texas too.

Charmaine said...

Lovely as always! I love your smile in that last photo, simply darling! It's great to hear you're feeling happy and healthy.

Carlee, Little Sloth said...

I can't believe it is 80 degrees there! So awesome. You look lovely that burnt orange dress is beautiful!
Almost Endearing

Anonymous said...

ffgjgahlwghvnkabertnr!!!! I'm speechless because of how stunning that outfit is, and how beautiful your smile is:)

Michaela said...

Mmmm, I love this outfit so much, Lauren! Gonna have to try mustard and orange together now. ADORBS.

Unknown said...

You have a really pretty face and the pictures are so nice too ;)


Anonymous said...

love your dress. :)
Irene Wibowo

zaza said...

hello dear, just discovered your blog and I think you have great sense of style :)
so I'm following you now via gfc and faned you on lookbook
and if you would like to follow me please be free :)



Unknown said...

Gorgeous dress! The colours are so perfect for Autumn, and it's so lovely to see you happy again Lauren :)

louisejoyb x

danielle p. said...

you are adorable! i love this color palette. and that necklace is too cute! i'm your newest follower!

Kezzie said...

That dress looks gorgeous on you! You are like a graduating autumn leaf!

Anonymous said...

Goodness these colors are amazing on you! Pretty!!!

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