1960's Blouse: Inherited.
White Lace Dress: Delia's.
Hinder Flats: c/o Pink and Pepper.
Lipstick in MAC's Chatterbox.
Believe it or not, it actually was comfortable to wear this outfit yesterday. The sun was shining, it was 58 degrees, and my legs saw daylight for the first time since October. And then today I got a snow day. So come to Ohio if you want weather whip lash.
On top of the strangely nice weather, that's not all that was odd about the day. I was to meet two of my freinds at the student center for breakfast in the morning, but as always I was running late. I skipped the makeup and just threw on this outfit, didn't even really brush my hair and flew out the door. We talked for a bit and then I got up to get something to eat and a red headed soldier in uniform pulled me aside and told me, " Excuse me miss, I just wanted to tell you how strikingly pretty you are." I was so taken aback by this; no makeup on, early in the morning, so out of the blue. I just stammered a thank you and was super flattered but embarrassed. I got back to my table with my friends and we were there awhile when I saw both of my friend's eyes gaze away from me and to somewhere behind me. The red headed solider came over to our table, got down on one knee to eye level with me and asked me on a date! I was incredibly shocked and overwhelmed--this guy had guts to go up to a girl and her TWO FRIENDS and ask her on a date.
I did end up saying yes, but it's strange because I just never do things like this. Stuff like this doesn't happen to me! I gave him my number and he's supposed to text me about the date, but we'll see. If he doesn't text me, I'll be okay with it. It was just romantic enough to be asked on a date like that in the middle of the student center by a stranger when I was looking pretty rough, he still thought I was beautiful.
Crazy stuff! x
With much love, Lauren.
Awwwwww, that is really sweet!!! Bless him! And bless pretty makeupless, gorgeous you!!!! Let us know how it goes!! X
Awww, that is sweet. What a day! I can't imagine anything like that happening in our student center. You look darling by the way. My legs got to see the light of day yesterday also! They are bit pale from being hidden all winter, but boy was it nice to set them free. ;)
I have the unfortunate circumstance of knowing exactly what you're talking about when it comes to the weather. Illinois is quite infamous for it as well.-_- On the bright side, congratulations! And a soldier, no less. My kudos. What's this about makeup?? Makeup doesn't make a girl! You shine your way through the critical clouds! As someone once famously said, "God don't make no mistakes!"
I just wanna say, here in Oklahoma we went from lower 80 degree weather one day to snow the next day. It. Was. Crazy.
And awww! That's so sweet(:
Oh this is the sweetest story, he's such a bold guy! I hope he texts you, this sounds like a dream :)
Such a lucky girl! I hope you have a wonderful time. The dress is lovely.
That's the cutest story!! I wish you lots of luck and I hope it goes well! That's so exciting!
I love the outfit too, so pretty!
Jess at http://theadorabledork.blogspot.co.uk xxx
So pretty and springy (and we had that same weather whiplash here!). And oh my goodness!! How sweet!! He's right, though -- you are strikingly pretty, both with and without makeup, my friend! I'm eager to see what comes of this! :)
xox Sammi
Aww!!! That is seriously the cutest thing ever! I would love for a handsome stranger to ask me on a date. I'm so happy for you!
There aren't guys like this anymore!
Aww, how sweet!
And you are very pretty, I've always thought you looked better without makeup, so I can understand his comment (just so you know, this is a sisterly compliment, not creepy in the least ;)
A modest fashion blog: www.natashaatkerson.blogspot.com
Aww that's adorable :)
danggg, i'm so swooning right now. a soldier, it's born to be right out of a novel.
and he better treat you right or else. ;)
How romantic!! It´s amazing when life throws at you such unexpected events! And it´s so nice when someone else sees the beauty in you, even without being with make-up =) I am really self aware when I go out with no make up, so I really understand your point!
You ARE strikingly pretty! That guy sounds brave and chivalrous. I hope it works out. What a sweet story :)
Such a sweet and lovely outfit, dear. You look amazing.
What a cute story :) And you look so lovely in this outfit. It's weird how guys tend to notice us girls more when our hair hasn't been done or we aren' wearing makeup but I guess that means they see our true beauty haha.
Aww that's the cutest story!!
Madison Martine
This is one of the cutest things I've heard. It sounds like something out of a movie! It reminds me of The Notebook. <3 He sounds like he may be a winner!
That's super sweet! You look so pretty! I hope you have a great time with him- when you mentioned red-headed soldier, for some reason I thought of Prince Harry, haha. :)
What a cute story! Sounds like something from a film to me :)
That is almost fairytale like!! I can imagine how flattering it must have been. Tell us how it goes :)
He got down on his knee to be eyelevel, what a gentleman :) Also I'm not surprised, a lot of guys love the natural look!
Congrats! I love men in uniform :) I hope it goes well
check my blog out,
Oh my gosh that is just the cutest/sweetest thing ever! I really hope he does call and is a lovely guy (not because I think you need a boyfriend just it would be nice)
Man! Dats so, Cute n Classic; must've been great!! Ryt omg u were looking nice n u don't need to coverup being d way dat u r is en-ou-gh! Okay I used a one direction song; lol just be happy sis muwax :) Ella.D
oh my gosh how flattering and sweet! Especially without makeup - just goes to show us that we really dont need it (even if it feels that way sometimes). Love this outfit too btw :)
Oh, how lovely. There was me thinking.. They don't make guys like that anymore! And you look delightful!
Love Vanessa xx
That is such a sweet story! He's right though, you do look strikingly pretty :)
That is so adorable Lauren. I must know how the date goes, keep us updated! And also, I agree with him, you definitely don't need make up to be gorgeous! You just are. :)
Uh, DUH! Of course you look gorgeous no matter what. Boy's got good taste. No matter where his offer leads (which I already saw the date pics on instagram.. blah blah blah) at least you got a really cool story out of it!
What a swoon-worthy event! :) haha. It's so sweet, really, and I think you look absolutely amazing with or without makeup.
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