a personal style blog by Lauren Pfieffer

Friday, March 7, 2014

Heart Attack.

Heart Sweater, Loafers: Thrifted.
Teal Dress Underneath: Modcloth.
Cat Ears Headband: Gift from Britney.
Lipstick in MAC'S Russian Red. 

Hi there

Apparently I was feeling real quirky the day I wore this. Not sure if I'm a college student some days or a little girl who likes to wear rainbow heart sweaters and cat ears, ha.

Life has just been absolutely wonderful lately. I'm not sure exactly why, but it's just been....nice. I feel like I'm at a place here in college where I feel very content with my life and am not pining for more friends, wishing I was 'living' more, or feel discontent with my studies. This semester has just been good for me. I haven't laughed this much or smiled as big in awhile. I'm not sure if it's the slowly appearing spring, or the awesome people in my life....but either way I'm thankful for it.

Also, I have to include this picture. This little path I take photos in is in-between two dorms with windows on both sides where everyone can see me (and creepily stare). I heard knocking through one of the windows and looked everywhere for where it was coming from, and saw that my friend Sky was in there! I love how the camera went off just as I saw her and the pure happiness on my face is so cute to see. 
Hope you all are well!

With much love, Lauren.


Emmy said...

It's great that you are happy where you are and what you're doing. I love this outfit! The sweater is so cute and that headband! Too cute. I love your look in that last picture. So lovely! :)

Unknown said...

Totally adorable outfit! The rainbow sweater is gorgeous and your kitty tiara is the bomb. Gorgeous legs in those tights and that electric, brilliant smile of such beauty. You amaze me, dear! So glad your mood is happy. That is wonderful news!

Jamie Rose said...

You're adorable. I love the quirky little headband. A great thing about college is that you can basically wear anything you want so you can really change things up! I love the way this sweater looks with your pretty teal dress.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to hear tha you're so happy and making dug great friends! I know exactly how you feel. I've been meaning to write a blog post about it for a while now. ;)

We really need to Skype soon. Love you lady! xo

Britney @ Scout and Company said...

Love these photos of you Lauren. You just look so happy and its sooooo great to see :) Brit

Sammi said...

You look super cute, and I looove that last photo! I'm so glad to hear how well you're doing! :)

xox Sammi

Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous that all your snow is gone! A state up, we've still got mountains of the stuff. ;)

I am very glad to see that you are happy!

Ellie Balangue said...

love the top! keep in touch!

Sky said...


Unknown said...

you are so adorable - I could never pull off cat ears like that, that is for sure, but you are certainly rocking it!

And that last picture is so perfect!

Can't wait to see you sooooo soon!


Mirela said...

Very cute outfit!

You have been fetured on
Hotsteez Community :)


ADesiPraheli said...

Your candid picture is better than the outfit itself! You've a beautiful smile Lauren :) And the cat ears are ADORABLE :P

Unknown said...

The last pic is so natural, love it!

Anonymous said...

Ahhww I've always lykd dat cat ears since I saw t-swift's 22
Gosh, its cute so happy u got a date n everything hope u had fun wear white!!!! If u hadn't u look gorge in IT; T.c! - Ella.D

Anonymous said...

Btw; IT was kinda my birthday so; IT makes dis my fav March Outfit :) Ella

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